Trehor Khangsar Rinpoche
During the time of the 13th Dalai Lama Thupten Gyatso, Trehor Khangsar Rinpoche was the Abbot of the Tantric College of Gyumey. Among his students were high lamas such as Jampa Chodak, who held the post of the 90th Gaden Tripa. Jampa Chodak was also the student who wrote a biography of Trehor Khangsar Rinpoche….

The Tradition of Oracles
In ancient times and throughout history, an oracle is a person or agency considered to be a source of wise counsel or prophetic opinion. It may also be a revealed prediction or precognition of the future from deities, that is spoken through another object or life-form (e.g.: augury and auspice). In the ancient world, many…

The Oracle Taking Trance of Dorje Shugden at the Official Opening of Shar Gaden Monastery in Oct 2009
The Oracle taking trance in full regalia of wrathful Dorje Shugden Grand Audience for the public with Dharmapala Setrap and Dorje Shugden (from Ratna Shugden in dorjeshugden.com forum) I have typed out Dorje Shugden’s prophecy to Shar Gaden Monastery as featured in the video, for the ease of reference for all who are here, enjoy!…