Gaden Monastery was built by Dorje Shugden
A Brief History of Ganden Monastery Alexander Berzin, 1991 expanded with Tsenzhab Serkong Rinpoche II, September 2003 Original version published in “Gelug Monasteries.” Chö-Yang, Year of Tibet Edition (Dharamsala, India, 1991). The founding of Ganden Nampar-gyelway-ling Monastery (dGa’-ldan rnam-par rgyal-ba’i gling dGon-pa) by Jey Tsongkhapa Lozang-dragpa (rJe Tsong-kha-pa Blo-bzang grags-pa) (1357-1419) was prophesied by Buddha…

Wish Fulfilling Dorje Shugden Statue
For many decades this sacred large statue of Dorje Shugden was in Gaden Monastery housed in the Lachi or the large prayer hall. The Lachi has a protector chapel containing images of various Dharma protectors of the Gaden Lineage. In this sacred Chapel, this holy Dorje Shugden statue resided together with Mahakala, Kalarupa, Shidak Genye,…

Dalai Lama “Supporters” Violently Oppress Buddhist Monks in Mundgod, India
Stone-throwing in Mundgod – 3 cops, 30 others hurt DECCAN HERALD Monday, September 11, 2000 MUNDGOD (Karwar) Sept 10 (DHNS) Three police officers and more than 30 persons were injured in a stone pelting incident in Lama camp of Tibetan settlement, Mundgod on Sunday morning. More than 2000 Lamas, including 200 women, who are said…