A Guide to Spiritual Practice
Spiritual practice can be incorporated into our daily lives. Many of these practices are readily available and establishing a consistent routine of study and practice ensures our progress along the spiritual path…

Dalai Lama Says Directly – His Guru is Wrong?
The Heart of Buddhist practice is relying sincerely upon the Holy Spiritual Guide who reveals the path. For 2500 years, each disciple has been completely devoted to their root Guru, following their teachings to the letter.. Question to Dalai Lama : All the masters who have worshipped this deity for the past 300 years,…were they…

The Dalai Lama and Guru Devotion
View the video on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMaP94D7CmU The heart of Buddhist Practice is to rely sincerely on the Holy Spiritual Guide who reveals the Path. These are the Dalai Lama’s own comments on his Guru devotion. Watch the complete version of the Dalai Lama’s interview in the video View the video on YouTube: http://youtu.be/WdyIJwVaqZ8

Spirits in Dharamsala
As you can see this history of Pehar’s previous lives do not point to actions of higher level being. Part 2 of the video: According to Tibetan Buddhist myth, Gyalpo Pehar is a spirit belonging to the gyalpo class. When Padmasambhava arrived in Tibet in the eighth century, he subdued all gyalpo spirits and put…