I am New Here – A step by step starter kit (新人入门 )
Step 1: Background Dorje Shugden, the Indestructible power of the enlightened mind Who is Dorje Shugden? An emanation of Manjushri, the enlightened Buddha of Wisdom. He manifests as a Protector who removes obstacles, protects us and our loved ones and grants our wishes quickly. 背景 多杰雄登,具备证悟者的心识, 拥有坚不可摧的力量 谁是多杰雄登? 祂是文殊菩萨的化身,即是智慧佛。祂化现為护法以消除我们及我们至爱的人的障碍,并 以最快的速度达成我们的心愿。 His Lineage As a direct…