Dorje Shugden Initiation to Thousands at Markam, Chamdo, Tibet
Dorje Shugden initiation given by Geshe Wangchuk at Markam, Chamdo, Tibet In the video, you can see the Tormas (8:12) prepared for Dorje Shugden’s initiation. You can also see the thangka of Dorje Shugden (10:44)

Serpom Monastery
This is a collage of photos of Serpom Monastery – first, we see the altar which has a very grand Lama Tsongkhapa statue which is flanked by Shakyamuni Buddha and Medicine Buddha. There are beautifully made torma offerings in front. There are also beautiful scenic views of Serpom Monastery at dawn, at sunset and when…

The Maha Gutor Puja 2011 – (Last Day)
The Maha Gutor Puja was conducted in Shar Gaden by the monks there. Shar Gaden is one of the leading monasteries in South India that are supporting and spreading the Dorje Shugden practice. Taken from the dorjeshugden forum Wisdom Being (Forum Member) Many things happen during this religious event: On the 1st day, there will…

Offerings by Panchen Otrul Rinpoche
Offerings are the formal religious expression of the fundamental Buddhist virtue of giving. The perfection of giving, dana-paramita in Sanskrit, is first of the six or ten perfections. It encompasses every kind of generosity, whether it involves a gift to those higher than ourselves, such as deities in the merit field, or the poor or…

“Scholars and Yogis Please Check!”
The title of the blog (http://truthaboutshugden.wordpress.com) comes from the writings of the great Sakya master Sachen Kunga Lodro. In his wrathful torma ritual for Dorje Shugden, Sachen exhorted the Scholars and yogis of his day to examine the truth, to discover for themselves that Dorje Shugden is a Buddha. He wrote with such confidence and joy, I feel…