Ngawang Khedrup (1779-1838)
A very special boy was born in 1779 in Mongolia. The boy would come to be known as Ngawang Khedrup, one of the greatest Mongol teachers of the Gelug tradition. He received his novice vows in Urga (modern day Ulaan Bator) and was enrolled into Tashi Chophel Monastery. When he was old enough, he traveled…

Descended from Tushita
One of Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche’s Gurus, Mahasiddha Tagpu Pemavajra had the miraculous ability to astral travel to pure lands of the Buddhas, such as Tushita Heaven. On one occasion, Tagpu Pemavajra ‘travelled’ to Tushita and had an audience with Lama Tsongkhapa and his Eight Great Disciples. There, he specifically…

Enthronement of Dorje Shugden
As all rituals failed, the 5th Dalai Lama soon realised that Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was indeed not a spirit and had actually manifested as a Dharma Protector – Dorje Shugden. The Dalai Lama proceed to compose a praise in recognition of his awakened qualities. With this recognition by the Great Fifth, the calamities, dying of…

The Great Fifth Dalai Lama Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso (1617-1682)
In 1617, a promising boy amidst auspicious signs was born in Taktse in Southern Tibet to a family of Nyingmapa practitioners who were the descendants of the imperial line of the Yarlung Dynasty of kings. His father’s name was Miwang Dundul Rapten and his mother Kunga Lhadze. In 1622, the First Panchen Lama Lobsang Chokyi…

Morchen Kunga Lhundrub (1654-1728)
Morchen Kunga Lhundrub is the epitome of non-sectarianism, known to have upheld and respected many lineages equally and without any problems. As a highly influential master of the Sakya tradition, he was also revered by the Gelugpas as a lineage master of Naropa’s Vajrayogini. Within his own sect, Morchen was revered as a lineage holder…

Dorje Shugden Enthroned by Chinese Emperor & the Dalai Lama
Here is the direct quote which is quoted directly from Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s autobiagraphy on page 123-124:- Enthroned as guardian of the Yellow Hat Teachings, By the Chinese emperor, the Dalai Lama, and his regent ~ Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s autobiagraphy on page 123-124 As for this, during the first period of the time of the…

Dorje Shugden Chapel Trode Khangsar – Built By The Dalai Lama
If you enjoyed the video, you can download it here. Situated behind the main chapel of Jowo Buddha or the Jokhang Temple, south of the Barkhor area in Lhasa is Trode Khangsar, one of the most famous Dorje Shugden chapels in Tibet and in the world today. Built by the Great 5th Dalai Lama at…

Introduction to Dorje Shugden
A Dharma Protector is an emanation of a Buddha or a Bodhisattva whose main functions are to avert the inner and outer obstacles that prevent practitioners from gaining spiritual realizations, and to arrange all the necessary conditions for their practice. In Tibet, every monastery had its own Dharma Protector, but the tradition did not begin…