Vegetarianism in Buddhism
Buddhism has three main schools of thought – Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana – and a superficial examination of these three schools (or vehicles) reveals what appears to be conflicting views on the practice of vegetarianism…

Escaped Unscathed
There must have been numerous times when the Protector has helped me without my knowledge. The fact that I am still on the Vajrayana path, when my delusions are so strong, is due to the help of my Protector, Lord Dorje Shugden. And this is the greatest help any one can get – to be…

A Teaching on Dharmapalas, from a Kagyu Perspective
by Choje Lama Namse Rinpoche Dharmapalas, Chos-skyong – “Protectors Lama Namse Rinpoche was born in Tsurphu, Tibet in 1930 and became a monk at the age of fifteen. He studied the Tibetan religious language, etymology, grammar, poetry, all major Hinayana and Mahayana texts and commentaries, as well as the philosophy of the various Buddhist schools…