Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden’s Two Functions
The function of a Dharma protector is to arrange all outer and inner conditions so that everything that happens to us is perfect for our swiftest possible enlightenment. But Dorje Shugden is more than just a Dharma protector, he is also a wisdom Buddha. It is not enough to just know that the outer and…

Thangkas That Include Dorje Shugden
From http://www.dorjeshugdenimagelibrary.wordpress.com Thangkas of various Buddhas, Protector Deities, and Tibetan Lamas that include an image of the Wisdom Buddha and Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden.

Dorje Shugden Thangkas
From http://www.dorjeshugdenimagelibrary.wordpress.com Some beautiful thangkas of the Dharma Protector and Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden for you to enjoy.

Dorje Shugden Images
From http://www.dorjeshugdenimagelibrary.wordpress.com Some beautiful images of the Dharma Protector and Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden for you to enjoy

Dorje Shugden Statues
From http://www.dorjeshugdenimagelibrary.wordpress.com Some beautiful images of the Dharma Protector and Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden for you to enjoy

Homage to All Protector Deities
The Dalai Lama accuses Dorje Shugden practitioners of being sectarian and damaging other Buddhist Traditions. However, all four Tibetan traditions rely upon protector deities who are similar in nature and aspect to Dorje Shugden.

Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden is the Dharma Protector of Je Tsongkhapa’s teachings. Enjoy these images of Dorje Shugden.

Segregation Wall in Ganden Monastery
As a practical means to follow the Tibetan governments directive, Ganden Monastery has erected a wall to separate Wisdom Buddha Dorje Shugden Monks from the other monks in the monastery. Previously the monks have lived in harmony.