A Newborn with a New Outlook

Dear sir,
I wish to share with you a story about how your nation’s kind religion has helped me during my darkest days. Some of your deities have been particularly kind towards me, and I cannot thank you enough for your actions in promoting their name until their practices have reached the land I live, and brought me to the point I am today.

I came across this Protector some 10 years ago and was introduced to me by one of my good friends. At that time, I was going through hell in my life, my then husband cheated on me, cut me from all financial aids, and just left me literally empty and even attempted to kick me out of the house we once used to live in.

I was devastated and was willing to chant any mantra taught by my friend in the hope of overcoming this mid life crisis that stumbled out of nowhere in my life.

My mind was very confused and unstable, I was literally in a depression for months but with the blessing of the mantra, coupled with the “Black Tea” offering which I did every day, I slowly see my mind shifting from the miserable state of depression to a more fluid state, I somehow understood that this was my karma and that I needed to accept this and not to cling onto a state that would cause me continued suffering as I was attempting to win my husband back.

I certainly did not want to lose all the things that my husband and I have built up and established during our 14 years of marriage, even though I did not get much out of the court settlement, my mind was at peace and I literally did not feel any hostility towards him.

I counted this as one of the BIGGEST blessing from Dorje Shugden because I know most divorced couple have much bitterness against each others, especially when comes to separation of money, assets and for most cases, children’s custody. The ease of letting go and forgiving my husband were indeed something I could not have accomplished the journey without the blessing of Dorje Shugden.

Dorje Shugden’s blessing is like a candle in my dark room and my darkest state of mind, he made me see the reality that my husband had always been a womanizer and there was no way I could change him which I had tried for years. By accepting this fact, I felt a load of burden off my shoulder. I also could not believe that deep inside, I even wished him happiness with his new acquaintance.

I felt like a newborn with a new outlook the moment I decided that this man was not for me. This blessing of knowing when to “let go” and not clinging onto something that would give me prolonged sufferings has continued to help me with many areas in my life now.

I am grateful with the wisdom that Dorje Shugden has bestowed on the “ignorant” me.

With folded hands,
~ Debra Jones ~

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  1. This testimonial resonates with me as I have too gone through a divorce. The divorce was eventually amicable but to get to that state there was much emotional turmoil and mental anguish. It took two years to get to the place of amicable and in that two years if not for Dorje Shugden’s practice, I would have crumbled.

    What is shared here by Debra is very true. The practice of Dorje Shugden does not grant us selfish wishes but only that which is of kindness and compassion. I was praying hard for the divorce but my mind did not change. I harbored anger and resentment. I felt that life was just unfair, and this made me an impatient mother too. People around me did not have a good time as I was always bitter and complaining.

    As time went by and I realized that the divorce was not coming through on my terms, I started to reflect and my prayers were about self-reflection and contemplation of self-responsibility. I started to see how I was responsible for the deterioration of my marriage and started to accept I was wrong. With this realization, the divorce process started to come along. Eventually when I surrendered, started forgiving myself and my ex-husband, and letting go of the anger and resentment, the divorce proceedings started to move forward and eventually we had an amicable agreement.

    I do not say that DS gives us divorces but he makes sure we are at peace and that the decisions we make are not selfish and anger-filled. In letting go we have now a good friendship which has turned out good for the children who did not need to suffer our misery and fate.

  2. Dorje Shugden do help calm our mind and help us find peace. By helping you let go, you find peace and realize that maybe this man is not for you. In the ultimate sense, you only need to find the dharma to find real happiness. Without the attachment, you will be able to do a lot more for dharma.

    Rejoice that you can see past your crisis, tough as it may be at the time. May you always be blessed by the Three Jewels and be close to dharma.

  3. I am so glad that you had found your peace in realising that we are affected by our karma. The protector Dorje Shugden is always there to help us and gives us clarity to understand our conditions to let go. Sometimes we hang on to things or situations that are not favourable due to fear of not knowing. May you always be blessed by Dorje Shugden and thank you for sharing your story with us.

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.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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