The Highest Protection

I was very fortunate to be introduced to Dorje Shugden by my Lama seven years ago. He advised me to chant the mantra as much as I could and told me that things would go smoothly. At that time, I had just got married and we were in the midst of applying for my visa to stay in my husband’s home country.

There were so many procedures and we had to submit many documents to different places in order to obtain the visa. Everything went smoothly and during our interview with the immigration officer, he suddenly offered me a multiple-entry visa so that I would be able to travel in and out of the country easily. My husband and I were very surprised; we never knew that there was even such a thing as a multiple-entry visa. We had expected to get only a single-entry visa.

This multiple-entry visa made things much more convenient because it enabled me to travel to other countries for work and to go home to my own country. I said a big thank you to my Lama for his love and care, and did a thanksgiving serkyem offering to thank Dorje Shugden for clearing all obstacles so that I could obtain my visa without any problems.

Throughout my first pregnancy, I was very worried and nervous about the delivery. Since I was very young, I have always been very scared of pain; I would even avoid an injection if I could! Giving birth to a baby – be it by natural childbirth or by Caesarian – is a very big thing and I was very scared.

My Lama again kindly advised me to chant Dorje Shugden’s mantra daily and blow onto my stomach after I finished chanting for the benefit of the baby. I did this everyday, and during my pregnancy, the usual migraines I suffered disappeared and I suffered no sickness, headaches, flu or fever (which I usually get once every few months). I only had a little vomiting after meals, which is normal during pregnancies.

My Lama also gave me advice on what to do during my labor and the visualizations I should do. He told me to not worry, not to be scared of the delivery, and that everything would be fine.

On the day of the delivery, I went through all the procedures without any problem. Even as the baby was moving down, which caused pain in my back, it was still at a level of pain I could bear. I followed what my Lama had advised me: I thought about my Lama and Dorje Shugden as one and chanted Dorje Shugden’s mantra. I visualized that any pain experienced by the people I knew would come to me and that I could absorb their pain so that they may be free of suffering. I thought about this again and again, starting with the people who are close to me, and moving on to include strangers.

Finally, the baby moved down and came out by natural delivery. I was conscious throughout the birth and knew everything that happened. I just felt very weak (as I was not allowed to eat for a whole day in case there was an emergency and I needed to go for an operation.)

My baby was born healthy and well. I chanted Manjushri’s mantras and blew on her mouth and ears right after she was born, as advised by my Lama. I stayed at the hospital overnight and was allowed to go home the very next day with my baby. My baby was easy to take care of throughout her infancy and hardly ever cried unless she was hungry. She was blessed by Dorje Shugden.

I’m very grateful to my Lama and my Protector. They have protected me and my family, and have helped me during difficult times, to make sure everything went smoothly. Their love and care towards us are unending and they really benefit all beings.

~ Winnie Wong ~

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  1. Thank you Winnie for sharing your testimonial. It’s very encouraging.

    Dorje Shugden is an Enlightened Being, He is alive….when we need help, He will be there to assist us. And wonderful news is that, he never ask for the returns….

  2. That was a very nice sharing by you , Winnie. How blessed you are to have met a high Lama who propitiates the practices of Protector Dorje Shugden. It is amazing how Dorje Shugden protects and helps us in our difficult moments when we have great faith in him. They say natural child birth is one of the most painful and yet you were able to bear the pain to enjoy your baby afters is definitely help from the enlightened Protector. May you and your family be blessed by Dorje Shugden always.

  3. I can understand your fears. It may seem like nothing much to some people, but for those who has an unnatural fear of pain, it can be incapacitating. But, I’m glad to see that you found the strength from you faith in your Protector and lama for a natural birth.

    That is the wonder of complete faith in an enlightened being.

    May your baby be always blessed by your Protector and lama.

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.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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