Dagri Rinpoche Thupten Lundrup Tenpey Gyaltsen a.k.a. Thupten Jangchup, who works in the Dalai Lama’s Office and is closely associated with Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) and Sera Jey Monastery, is now in police custody after being accused of assaulting a woman on a Delhi-Dharamsala flight. According to sources, this is not the first time he has done this but the previous incidents were hushed up.
The opinion piece below was sent to dorjeshugden.com for publication. We accept submissions from the public, please send in your articles to [email protected]. 点击此阅读中文: http://www.dorjeshugden.com/?p=71482
“People who commit sexual abuse don’t care about the Buddha’s teaching. Make it public through media, though they may not pay heed to Buddhist teachings on ethical behaviour, they will likely take notice if their face appears in the media.” ~ H.H. the Dalai Lama (Ladakh, 2017)
By: Kay Beswick
Indian media has exploded with the recent news of a Tibetan monk-official, Dagri Rinpoche, who is in police custody after being accused of molesting a woman. According to the reports, 65-year-old Dagri Rinpoche, also known as Thupten Lundrup Tenpey Gyaltsen a.k.a. Thupten Jangchup, is a resident of Bylakuppe and works in the Dalai Lama’s Office in Dharamsala. His accuser lodged a complaint at Gaggal police station, alleging that the assault took place on a flight between Delhi and Gaggal Airportin Kangra. Gaggal Airport is the closest airport to serve Dharamsala, where the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA; Tibetan leadership) is based. Everyone also knows that the Indian police are chronically understaffed and overworked, so they will not simply arrest someone based on a flimsy allegation. They must have done preliminary investigations and found something to convince them he is worthy of arrest. It is already well-known in the Tibetan circles that he has been grabbing at women for years now. A few points from this incident are extremely troubling:
- The word used by Indian media to refer to this incident is not merely that Dagri Rinpoche groped the woman through her clothes. It strongly implies that he actively tried to violate her and get his hands under her clothing.
- No one is surprised Dagri Rinpoche was detained for his behavior. The fact he was caught harassing a lady from Kinnaur, a region in India where Tibetan Buddhism is strong and people have a blind faith towards Tibetan monks and lamas, only confirms the news.
- Dagri Rinpoche is not the first person close to the Dalai Lama who has been accused of sexual harassment. Most recently, the Karmapa Ogyen Trinley who is endorsed by the Dalai Lama, has been accused of pursuing women in Taiwan. Similarly, Sogyal Rinpoche, Sakyong Mipham and Tenzin Dhonden (amongst many, many others) were accused of sexual abuse. All of them were heavily endorsed and promoted by the Dalai Lama.
- When questioned, Dagri Rinpoche gave his address as the Dalai Lama’s Office. It was a blatant attempt to absolve himself, and to intimidate the Indian police that they should not pursue the matter any further because he is associated with the Dalai Lama.

The Tibetan caption says he works in the Dalai Lama’s Office and his name is Geshe Dagri Rinpoche. Click to enlarge.
This, quite frankly, is disgusting because rather than thinking about the trauma experienced by the victim, Dagri Rinpoche’s first act was to try and protect himself and his reputation, by drawing on his association with the Dalai Lama. The fact Dagri Rinpoche used his closeness with the Dalai Lama to protect himself is precisely the problem. People like Sogyal Rinpoche and Sakyong Mipham were able to abuse women for decades because they felt invincible and entitled to behave however they like, due to their association with the Dalai Lama. Are Dagri Rinpoche’s actions excusable because he is associated with the Dalai Lama? No, because if a crime has been committed and a woman has been harassed, then there must be consequences according to Indian law. In the real world, the trauma experienced by the women victimized by these Dalai Lama-endorsed teachers is very, very real. It does not matter how close these teachers are to the Dalai Lama, because that knowledge does not take away the pain and sense of violation these women feel. Dagri Rinpoche is an incumbent lama of Sera Jey Monasterywhere he was educated for many years and received his Geshe Lharampa degree. Evidently, receiving a Geshe Lharampa degree did not imbue him with a sense of responsibility to protect the public’s view of Buddhism, given that he is dressed in monk’s robes and now accused of molesting a woman in public. A Geshe Lharampa is supposed to be very learned in Buddhism and we assumed he is practicing what he has learned. The crux of the practice is: renunciation, compassion and right view. Obviously his degree has become something of a passport to money and self-benefit, and not so much inner contemplation and transformation.

FPMT often promotes Dagri Rinpoche and he is frequently pictured together with the head of the organization, Lama Zopa. Now that Dagri Rinpoche has been arrested for sexual assault, will FPMT remain silent or will they continue to promote him as a valid source for teachings?
In recent years, Dagri Rinpoche has also been closely associated with Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) who have heavily promoted him as a credible teacher on Buddhism. He is, for example, due to embark on a teaching tour and headline Wesak Day events in South East Asia. He is often invited to FPMT to give teachings in their centres throughout the world. All of these students who have received teachings, commentaries and tantric initiations are now going to be in a very difficult situation, and perhaps lose faith, feel disgust and feel cheated. Do Dagri Rinpoche and FPMT have any consideration for the damage they have done to these students, and consideration for their feelings? And will Sera Jey Monastery and FPMT now denounce Dagri Rinpoche’s actions, or will they continue to promote him as a valid source for teachings because it is financially lucrative to continue flogging a teacher who is associated with the Dalai Lama? There can be no other reason than that, because it certainly will not be spiritual. It is impossible that blessings can come from someone who has been caught violating women in this way. Of course, both FPMT and Sera Jey Monastery have also been very active in the anti-Dorje Shugden campaign to discriminate against Dorje Shugden practitioners. FPMT for example, renounced the practice to appear ‘clean’ and obedient to the Dalai Lama, and therefore worthy of receiving donations, funding and support. They renounced the practice although their founder, Lama Yeshe was very devoted to the deity. Now for you the reader, think for yourself – who goes to a deeper hell in their afterlife, someone who molests women or someone who practices Dorje Shugden?You think.

Sera Jey Monastery has been very active in suppressing Dorje Shugden practitioners. Now that one of their lamas is in police custody for sexually assaulting a woman, will they be as equally vocal about condemning his actions? Sexual assault is actually illegal in the eyes of Indian law, whereas Dorje Shugden practice is permitted due to Indian laws on religious freedom. Will Sera Jey Monastery uphold Indian law, or will they protect a sexual abuser?
Similarly, Sera Jey most recently implemented a badge campaign. Their aim was to segregate people who rely on Dorje Shugden, so a badge was given to non-Dorje Shugden practitioners to easily identify them as ‘clean’. Again, their campaign to uphold religious apartheid was to get in the Dalai Lama’s good books, to show everyone they are worthy of support. The irony throughout all of this is that Dagri Rinpoche’s previous life was well-known to be a very devoted practitioner of Dorje Shugden and propagated the practice to many people. In this life however, to be politically-correct, he has abandoned the practice. But according to the Tibetan leadership, if you practice Dorje Shugden, practitioners will take automatic rebirth in the Three Lower Realms so how come Dagri Rinpoche was able to reincarnate back into his current body? The world now waits to see what the Dalai Lama, Sera Jey and FPMT will do. Some people might even say that he was framed but the question is, what would he be framed for? And why him? In FPMT, he may be some superstar but out in the real world, he is a nobody. No doubt attempts will be made to get the police to drop the charges, in sheer disregard for the victim’s experience. In Tibetan society, especially if you are connected to the Dalai Lama, the policy is to protect the abuser and let the victim suffer. Sadly, it is also the case in Tibetan society where you can hold your vows, be kind and be an unblemished representative of the Buddha’s teachings…but if you practice Dorje Shugden, then you are instantly an anti-Dalai Lama traitor. However, if you are connected to the Dalai Lama, and you do not practice Dorje Shugden, then you can do whatever you like. But what is more anti-Dalai Lama, practicing Dorje Shugden or giving the Dalai Lama a bad name by abusing women and then trying to protect yourself by showing how close you are to him? In their rush to defend themselves, people like Dagri Rinpoche do not think how their defence may impact the Dalai Lama. They do not see that the public are also starting to question why the Dalai Lama endorses this type of behavior. Is this what the Dalai Lama stands for? Unless the Dalai Lama breaks his silence, then the answer to that question is ‘yes’. It is time for the Dalai Lama to come out to strongly denouncethese people. It is time for him to actively investigate everyone in his office and government, and remove people who have abused their power.

All of these teachers, endorsed by the Dalai Lama, have either been accused of or admitted to sexual abuse. This now includes Dagri Rinpoche who was recently arrested by Indian police. All of these lamas also do not practice Dorje Shugden and hence whatever they do is excusable, as long as they remain financially lucrative for the Tibetan leadership. (Top row L-R: Sogyal Rinpoche, Sakyong Mipham, Gangten Tulku. Bottom row L-R: Lama Norlha, Lama Choedak Rinpoche, Tenzin Dhonden).
Especially for Dagri Rinpoche who works in the Tibetan government’s office and with the Dalai Lama, not only should he be ousted from his position but some sort of repercussion or punishment is also due in accordance with the law. For someone who actually works in the Tibetan government and represents the Dalai Lama, when he commits crimes like this, what kind of example does it set if he is exonerated? Instead of teaching Tibetans to obey the law, people like Dagri Rinpoche show that with power and position, you can behave however you like with no repercussions. Is that the lesson a supposed Geshe Lharampa should be teaching? What teachers like Sogyal Rinpoche, Sakyong Mipham, Tenzin Dhonden and now Dagri Rinpoche have done to these women is highly reprehensible and deserving of the strongest condemnation. It goes against the fundamental tenets of Buddhism which is to do no harm to others and to cause no suffering to them. But Dagri Rinpoche’s victim, who now feels violated, will never look at the monk’s robes in the same way again. Fear, paranoia and trauma are the emotions that she will associate with the robes. This type of damage to Buddhismis palpable, and it is people like Dagri Rinpoche who are responsible, and no one else.
[DAMAN KRANTI] दिल्ली: दिल्ली से कांगड़ा आ रहे विमान में महिला से छेड़छाड़, आरोपित तिब्बती गिरफ्तार Tibetan man accused of molesting a woman in a plane coming from Kangra from Delhi
Or watch on server | download video (right click & save file)
Approximate translation:
Watch a news report of a man accused of assaulting a woman on a flight from Delhi to Kangra who has been taken into custody. On a flight arriving at Kangra airport from Delhi, a man molested a woman sitting on the plane. Upon reaching the airport the woman filed a report with the police. The report was lodged in Gaggal. The authorities have arrested the accused and taken him into police custody. The accused is a resident of Bylakuppe but for some time has been working in Mcleod Ganj at the Dalai Lama’s Office. The woman, a resident from Kinnaur, told police in her sworn statement that the 65-year-old Dagri Rinpoche Thubten Jangchub, a resident of Bylakuppe, molested her on the plane.
[NEWS18] दिल्ली से कांगड़ा आ रहे विमान में महिला से छेड़छाड़, 65 साल का बुजुर्ग गिरफ्तार Elderly arrested for molesting woman in Delhi, Kangra from Delhi

Click to enlarge (Source: https://hindi.news18.com/news/himachal-pradesh/dharamsala-women-molested-in-delhi-to-kangra-filght-old-men-arrested-hpvk-1953835.html)
[JAGRAN] दिल्ली से कांगड़ा आ रहे विमान में महिला से छेड़छाड़, आरोपित तिब्बती गिरफ्तार Tibetan arrested for molesting woman in Delhi, Kangra coming from Delhi

Click to enlarge (Source: https://www.jagran.com/himachal-pradesh/kangra-tibbati-man-tease-with-women-in-delhi-kangra-plane-19191754.html)
[RAFTAAR] दिल्ली से कांगड़ा आ रहे विमान में महिला से छेड़छाड़, आरोपित तिब्बती गिरफ्तार Tibetan arrested for molesting woman in Delhi, Kangra coming from Delhi

Click to enlarge (Source: https://news.raftaar.in/kangra-crime-news-state-tibbati-tease-with-women-teasing-plane-%E0%A4%A6%E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%B2%E0%A5%8D%E2%80%8D%E0%A4%B2%E0%A5%80-%E0%A4%95%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%82%E0%A4%97%E0%A4%A1%E0%A4%BC%E0%A4%BE-%E0%A4%86-%E0%A4%AE%E0%A4%B9%E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%B2%E0%A4%BE-%E0%A4%9B%E0%A5%87%E0%A4%A1%E0%A4%BC%E0%A4%9B%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%A1%E0%A4%BC/detail/ec9e4e49c2ba67cd2459f42005974c12)
[AMAR UJALA] दिल्ली से कांगड़ा आ रहे विमान में महिला यात्री से छेड़छाड़, आरोपी गिरफ्तार Female traveler from Delhi, Kangra coming from Delhi, man arrested

Click to enlarge (Source: https://www.amarujala.com/shimla/crime/molestation-with-female-passenger-in-delhi-kangra-flight)
[DAINIK BHASKAR] हिमाचल / 65 साल के तिब्बती मूल के व्यक्ति द्वारा 30 साल की महिला से फ्लाइट में छेड़छाड़ का आरोप A 30-year-old woman accused of molesting the flight by a person of Himachal / 65 year old Tibetan origin

Click to enlarge (Source: https://www.bhaskar.com/himachal-chandigarh/shimla/news/30-year-old-woman-accused-65-year-old-man-for-molesting-her-in-air-india-flight-01537189.html)
[HIMACHAL ABHI ABHI] डागरी रिनपोछे बोले, मैंने नहीं किया यौन उत्पीड़न तो शर्म कैसी Dagri Rinpoche Denies Sexual Assaults Allegations

Click to enlarge (Source: https://himachalabhiabhi.com/latest-news/dagri-rinpoche-denies-sexual-assaults-allegations.html)

Tibetans on social media are furious that another of the Dalai Lama’s associates is in police custody accused of sexually harassing women. This person explains the accused is Dagri Rinpoche Thupten Jangchub who is a Geshe Lharampa from Sera Jey Monastery and works for the Dalai Lama’s Office in Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh. He was travelling from Delhi to Gaggal Airport when he allegedly assaulted a woman from Kinnaur, a region in India where Tibetan Buddhism is strong and people have a blind faith towards Tibetan monks and lamas. (Source: https://www.facebook.com/palden.gyalpo.5/posts/680924665671499)

This Indian newspaper explains that Dagri Rinpoche is a member of the Dalai Lama’s Office and has been accused of assaulting a woman on a flight from Delhi to Gaggal Airport.

This explains that the accused is Dagri Rinpoche Thupten Jangchub who is a Geshe Lharampa from Sera Jey Monastery and works for the Dalai Lama’s Office in Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh. He was travelling from Delhi to Gaggal Airport when he allegedly assaulted a woman from Kinnaur.
[THE TRIBUNE] Tibetan monk in eye of ‘MeToo’ storm

Click to enlarge (Source:https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/himachal/tibetan-monk-in-eye-of-metoo-storm/770574.html)
[THE TIBET EXPRESS] Second woman alleges molestation by Dagri Rinpoche

Click to enlarge (Source: http://tibetexpress.net/10307/second-woman-alleges-molestation-by-dagri-rinpoche/)
[TIBETAN JOURNAL] Senior Tibetan Lama Faces Allegations of Sexual Assault

Click to enlarge (Source: http://www.tibetanjournal.com/senior-tibetan-lama-faces-allegations-of-sexual-assault/)
[TRICYCLE] Tibetan Lama Dagri Rinpoche Faces Second Accusal of Molestation
[TIMES ASIAN] Tibetan buddhist teacher Dagri Rinpoche facing molestation charge
[TIMES ASIAN] Spanish woman alleged Dagri Rinpoche had molested her ten years ago
[LION'S ROAR] Prominent Tibetan lama accused of molestation by two women

Click to enlarge (Source: https://www.lionsroar.com/prominent-tibetan-lama-accused-of-molestation-by-two-women/)
[LION'S ROAR] UPDATED: Prominent Tibetan lama accused of molestation by two women

Click to enlarge (Source: https://www.lionsroar.com/prominent-tibetan-lama-accused-of-molestation-by-two-women/)
[PHAYUL] Ranking Tibetan monk denies molestation charges
[BUDDHIST DOOR GLOBAL] Tibetan Lama Dagri Rinpoche Suspended from Teaching after Molestation Allegations

Click to enlarge (Source: https://www.buddhistdoor.net/news/tibetan-lama-dagri-rinpoche-suspended-from-teaching-after-molestation-allegations)
[THE TIBET TIMES] Prominent Tibetan lama accused of molestation by three women

Click to enlarge (Source: https://www.tibetwebsite.com/prominent-tibetan-lama-accused-of-molestation-by-three-women/)
[LION'S ROAR] Prominent Buddhist nuns urge investigation of Dagri Rinpoche

Click to enlarge (Source: https://www.lionsroar.com/prominent-buddhist-nuns-urge-investigation-of-dagri-rinpoche/)
[TIBET STAR] BREAKING NEWS: Is Dagri Rinpoche guilty?

Click to enlarge (Source: https://thetibetstar.com/2019/05/13/breaking-news-is-dagri-rinpoche-guilty/)
Or watch on server | download video (right click & save file)
[BANGCHEN.NET] བྲག་རི་རིན་པོ་ཆེར་བུད་མེད་གཞན་ཞིག་གིས་ཉེས་འཛུགས་བྱས་འདུག
[BOEDDHISTISCH DAGBLAD] Boeddhistische nonnen eisen onderzoek naar beschuldigingen seksueel wangedrag Dagri rinpoche

Click to enlarge (Source: https://boeddhistischdagblad.nl/nieuws/127650-boeddhistische-nonnen-eisen-onderzoek-naar-beschuldigingen-seksueel-wangedrag-dagri-rinpoche/)
[hyunbulnews] 티베트 고위승려 부끄러운 성추문

Jaki, another one of Dagri Rinpoche’s victims. Jaki has published a video (see below) detailing the sexual assault she suffered at the hands of Dagri Rinpoche.
A video of another one of Dagri Rinpoche’s victims has just been released. Featuring a former nun Jaki (also known as Kunsang), she exposes Dagri Rinpoche as a serial sexual abuser who has been assaulting women for many years. Significantly, Ms. Jaki’s video is accompanied by the statutory declaration that she lodged with Kangra Police Station at the time. Ms. Jaki’s statutory declaration, which is explicit and goes into a lot of details, is notarized as genuine and real. In her video, a distraught Ms. Jaki says that after Dagri Rinpoche abused her, she approached Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) and the Dalai Lama’s Office for assistance. Instead of doing something about it, they called a meeting with her and tried to downplay the incident. Typical of those who blame victims of sexual abuse, they portrayed her as a liar and an attention-seeker, and as someone who is overreacting. Not only were they dismissive of her experience but later, Dagri Rinpoche even lied about the meeting, saying that Ms. Jaki had apologized for her behavior and begged for his forgiveness. That is, Dagri Rinpoche portrayed her as a lying troublemaker who is not to be trusted. The Dalai Lama preaches compassion but where was his Office’s compassion for her?No consideration whatsoever was given to the suffering she experienced and there was a total lack of sensitivity in how they dealt with a tramuatized person. Imagine a victim of abuse, already scared, already living in a foreign land, being confronted by a group of men, all of whom come with the intention of protecting the abuser.

Jaki’s friend, Celia corroborates her friend’s account, saying that many others were similarly abused by Dagri Rinpoche.
The betrayal is evident in Ms. Jaki’s voice, a clear reflection of the pain she has carried with her for over a decade. What appears to disturb her the most is the fact Dagri Rinpoche has been ordaining people for decades, and continues to do so with FPMT’s encouragement although they are aware of his abuse. Ms. Jaki questions the basis of those ordinations – is Dagri Rinpoche still a monk when he has been abusing women and breaking his celibacy vows for decades? Dagri Rinpoche cannot give monks’ vows to anyone, if he himself does not have the vows to give. Where then, does that leave his students? Given his abusive ways, how valid or intact are the vows he is supposedly transmitting, how many people has he ordained and are they really monks and nuns? Ordaining others into being a monk or nun is one issue; the other issue is the faith he has destroyed in people and the spiritual blackhole he has pushed them into. Who are these people to trust now? How many hundreds of students has Dagri Rinpoche given initiation, teachings, commentaries, oral transmissions and advice to? How will all of these people feel now and how should they see him? Is he their lama or do they give up Buddhism and their practice? How are they to view him? In light of these exposés, it is very disturbing that FPMT actually encourages people to form a connection with the abusive Dagri Rinpoche. Their attitude towards victims of abuse is deplorable, and demeans those who enter spirituality seeking salvation but are instead met with misogynists and abuser-enablers. There is no doubt FPMT has enabled Dagri Rinpoche to continue his pattern of abuse; it is clear from Ms. Jaki’s video that for years, FPMT have received reports of Dagri Rinpoche’s abuse but they continued to heavily promote him. Instead of taking a firm stance to protect their members, they continued to invite him to teach in various Dharma centers and there can be only one reason why FPMT did this – as a worker in the Dalai Lama’s Office, Dagri Rinpoche is a lucrative source of income and donations, and hence that makes it worthwhile for them to promote a fake monk. What also becomes clear is Ms. Jaki did not plan to film this spontaneously-shot video but the cover-up of Dagri Rinpoche’s abuse is becoming too much for her to bear. She was compelled to speak up against the cover-up that has continued with the direct involvement of FPMT’s senior members, employing one of their favorite tactics to downplay their organization’s wrongdoings – blame any ensuing uproar on Dorje Shugden practitioners.

Former monk and senior FPMT student Fabrizio Pallotti was one of the first to dismiss the latest exposé on Dagri Rinpoche, and direct unfounded accusations against Dorje Shugden practitioners. Is this how a senior FPMT student behaves, making accusations against people without any evidence? Now that Jaki’s video is public, what will Mr. Pallotti say about her allegations given it is becoming more and more evident Dagri Rinpoche has a history of abusing women? Does FPMT condone the behavior of its senior students like Mr. Pallotti who demean and deny the experiences of female victims of sexual abuse?
This is not a Dorje Shugden issue but FPMT often likes to accuse people of relying on Dorje Shugden in order to denigrate them and their organization. Why do they comment on the affairs of other organizations? It is not for FPMT to be the spiritual police of Buddhism, accusing people of this and that, as they do within the Dorje Shugden issue. Hence instead of actually addressing their wrongdoings, they like to claim that Dorje Shugden practitioners are lying. It is nothing more than a blatant attempt to scapegoat innocent parties, and distract the public. Denying the truth, what a strange attitude for an organization that claims to be Buddhist. In this case, FPMT people close to the Dalai Lama have come forward to say that Indian news reports about Dagri Rinpoche are fake, and people who talk about Dagri Rinpoche’s abusive actions are liars. These people have claimed that this was all orchestrated by Dorje Shugden practitioners. That is, instead of sanctioning an abuser, they choose instead to continuing demonizing a group of people for their religious beliefs. Is there any surprise then, that Ms. Jaki had such an awful and difficult experience approaching the FPMT management for help with her experience of abuse? Instead of taking away her pain, they added to the trauma. And what is worse, praying to something which the Tibetan leadership cannot prove is evil, or being proven as an organization that aids, abets and protects a person in robes who has sexually molested people for decades? Which one is the more evil sinner? Someone who has molested countless women who deserve respect because they came to you for spirituality, or people who practice Dorje Shugden? FPMT should not sweep this under the rug like they do with everything else, using elaborate explanations and eloquent words. They often make spurious accusations about other people being Chinese spies, but it looks like the karma has come back to them. The tide has turned as this is an issue can become massive and so how can FPMT bear a holier-than-thou attitude now? They, along with Sera Jey Monastery in South India where Dagri Rinpoche hails from, have to speak up. If they remain silent, their silence indicates their complicity in the abuse, and this will anger more people into escalating the matter. The damage Dagri Rinpoche inflicted on his victims is immense and the ones who have spoken up are brave. And it is thanks Ms. Jaki’s bravery to come forward and speak up that there is now clear proof that FPMT and the Dalai Lama’s Office are directly involved in the cover-up of a sexual abuser. This totally obliterates any denials that FPMT students and management continue to issue regarding Dagri Rinpoche’s innocence. What will FPMT do now, dismiss Ms. Jaki once again? FPMT should realize that women like Ms. Jaki and Dagri Rinpoche’s plane victim have suffered enough, without needing to have their experiences condescendingly dismissed as the so-called orchestrations of Shugden practitioners. We hope more victims will speak up and help put an end to the destruction of Buddhism arising in the form of teachers such as Dagri Rinpoche. FPMT, the Tibetan leaders, Sera Jey Monastery should not be concerned about protecting their own faces in order that the donations do not stop, but they should be concerned about protecting Buddhism and preventing further damage to it. This should be the priority. FPMT and the Dalai Lama’s Office have been hiding and covering for a fake monk who has been molesting and harassing women for decades. Ms. Jaki, as well as other people on Facebook, have stated clearly that there are many more victims of Dagri Rinpoche’s abuse. It is time they stop blaming everyone else for the rot in their organization. And it is time they make huge amends for the trauma they caused to Ms. Jaki and so many other victims. Throughout history, women have been suppressed, abused and marginalized. For FPMT and the Dalai Lama’s Office to be party in this, is disturbing, disappointing and disgusting. It is time they come clean about what else they have been doing before it is too late. The world is watching – what will FPMT do now?
Dagri Rinpoche is indeed a serial molester
Or to watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T05xLBZ_1WU
TRANSCRIPT (click to expand)
Jaki’s Statutory Declaration
Click HERE to download the PDF (with copiable text).

Page 1 of Ms. Jaki’s statutory declaration, lodged at Kangra Police Station and notarized in Dharamsala. Click to enlarge or click HERE to download the PDF.

Page 2 of Ms. Jaki’s statutory declaration, lodged at Kangra Police Station and notarized in Dharamsala. Click to enlarge or click HERE to download the PDF.

Page 3 of Ms. Jaki’s statutory declaration, lodged at Kangra Police Station and notarized in Dharamsala. Click to enlarge or click HERE to download the PDF.

Page 4 of Ms. Jaki’s statutory declaration, lodged at Kangra Police Station and notarized in Dharamsala. Click to enlarge or click HERE to download the PDF.
This is very sad news. Ms. Adelaide Foster says:
“I was told by LZR * to not talk about it ten years ago. I asked him to make sure he was always monitored and not left alone with other women. Unfortunately, he did it again on an airplane last week, and the indian medias have mentioned he was detained. Tibetans, and fpmt are silent.” * Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Some FPMT centers actually have the courage to say ‘no’ and disinvite Dagri Rinpoche from their events.
Some of Jakaira’s friends have published their own eyewitness accounts detailing what took place after Jakaira first spoke up about the assault she suffered under the hands of Dagri Rinpoche. Their accounts corroborate with hers and describe the distress she felt after the assault. They also describe the subsequent abuse she received from people who did not believe what she said. So not only was she suffering from the trauma of being sexually assaulted by a “Rinpoche” but she also had to suffer the indignity and wearisome exercise of trying to convince people she was telling the truth. In one of the accounts, Tenzin Taklha (the Dalai Lama’s private secretary) is named as the official from the Dalai Lama’s Office who attended the meeting that Jakaira had in Namgyal Monastery, Dharamsala. The eyewitness accounts also reveal that Dagri Rinpoche assaulted an American nun who is as yet unnamed and unidentified. They clearly state that at the time, Jakaira received support from nuns like Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo. From their statements, it is evident that Dagri Rinpoche is guilty, that Jakaira was assaulted, that the Dalai Lama and FPMT did nothing about it and, much worse than that, covered it up and never brought sanctions against Dagri Rinpoche. The fact they knew and did nothing, gave Dagri Rinpoche another 10 more years to assault countless more victims.
Nun Thubten Chodron Speaks Out Against Dagri Rinpoche
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Western Buddhist teacher Thubten Chodron talks about Dagri Rinpoche in her 15-minute video. She mentions at 01:52-05:06 that she has heard of the allegations against him. Dagri Rinpoche was one of Sravasti Abbey’s spiritual advisors and also gave talks at their Dharma center. Over the last couple of days, they have removed his videos from their site. They have also removed mention of him being one of their advisors. The video was published on 10th May 2019.
Transcript (01:52 – 05:06)
“I had heard other allegations, you know a couple of years ago, about the same teacher but at that time I was only hearing a second hand [account] here, a second hand [account] there. The people who were making the allegations weren’t identified, I wasn’t told their names, I could not go talk to them, I couldn’t ask them questions. There was no investigation with a published report and so based on just that, a lack of information, there was no way I could say, yeah, you know, make a conclusion about the whole thing. I just had to leave it very open. So now, I’m really hoping that… I’m sure the police will do something but I think more than that, [it] is necessary that the one Dharma group where he [teaches], the big Dharma organization (FPMT) where he teaches a lot, I think they should do an independent investigation because for these kinds of things if you just kind of sit back and wait, then the air doesn’t get cleared up and nobody knows for sure what happened. And I think it’s better, you know, have a party that isn’t involved in this at all do an investigation and talk to the various people. And I think the women who you know have been molested should come forth, if there’s an investigation like this, and talk to the people. Maybe they don’t want to be identified by their name but they should at least speak to the investigators if there is an investigation which I sure hope there is because in these kinds of things I think you have to get reliable information because it also has happened, I think it was a couple of years ago or maybe one year ago when this whole thing exploded about another lama. I gave a whole series of talks…”
Adelaide Foster speaks up for her friend Jaki – Tibetan
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Adelaide Foster is speaking in Tibetan and saying that Dagri Rinpoche is not telling the truth.
Adelaide Foster speaks up for her friend Jaki – French
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Adelaide Foster speaks up for her friend Jaki – English
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TRANSCRIPT (click to expand)
On 14th May 2019, a Korean lady by the name of Young Sun Shin went public with her experience with Dagri Rinpoche. She said she asked His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Ling Rinpoche for help. From the Dalai Lama’s Office, she was told that the Dalai Lama is very busy. From Ling Rinpoche, he commented on the incident, saying that it was very bad but no action was taken. She lived in India between 2005 and 2009 but after this incident, she returned to Korea because no one spoke up and protected her. Just like FPMT, the Dalai Lama’s Office and Ling Rinpoche chose to sweep this abuse under the rug. How many more women will Dagri Rinpoche molest and abuse before there are consequences?
After Ms. Shin went public with her account of being molested by Dagri Rinpoche, Tsawa Khangtsen’s predictable first reaction was to blame Dorje Shugden practitioners. This angered Ms. Shin who is not associated with practitioners of Dorje Shugden and in fact, does not even identify with the Gelug tradition. Ms. Shin responded by posting photographs of herself with Dagri Rinpoche and other documents proving that she does not practice Dorje Shugden, that she knew Dagri Rinpoche and that the details of her account are accurate i.e. she was where she said she would be when the molestation happened. That Dorje Shugden practitioners are responsible for all of this is downright illogical. The Indian woman who lodged a complaint in Gaggal Police Station is not a Dorje Shugden practitioner; Ms. Jaki and Ms. Shin are both not practitioners, and neither is the abuser Dagri Rinpoche. Neither are the Indian media who have been publicizing this case all over the globe; are they all under the so-called “unholy influence of Mara’s forces”, in Tsawa Khangtsen’s words? How insulting of Tsawa Khangtsen to assume that the Indian media are unable to fulfill their journalistic duty to report accurately and objectively. And exactly how is it relevant if someone practices Dorje Shugden or not, so as long as they are suffering the trauma of being assaulted? Tsawa Khangtsen’s blaming Dorje Shugden practitioners, instead of offering to assist the victims, is an insult to all victims of sexual abuse. It belittles their trauma, dismissing their experiences as the machinations of an unrelated group. Is this how monks behave, prioritizing their reputation and sources of income before thinking about how to alleviate the suffering of sentient beings?Instead of taking responsibility, instead of apologizing, Tsawa Khangtsen sought to shift the blame elsewhere. Ms. Shin and other victims have every right to be upset.

Tsawa Khangtsen tried to shift the blame for this incident onto practitioners of Dorje Shugden, when it is not relevant. Their accusation has only served to upset Ms. Shin who responded below. (Source: https://www.facebook.com/serajetsawa.khamtsen/posts/2266101596815643)

Dagri Rinpoche meets Ms. Shin whom he later molested (Source: https://www.facebook.com/yeongseons/posts/10157138344324598)

Dagri Rinpoche meets Ms. Shin whom he later molested (Source: https://www.facebook.com/yeongseons/posts/10157138344324598)

Ms. Shin’s documents showing she really was in India at the time of the assault (Source: https://www.facebook.com/yeongseons/posts/10157138344324598)

Ms. Shin’s documents showing she really was in India at the time of the assault (Source: https://www.facebook.com/yeongseons/posts/10157138344324598)
Nearly a week after Dagri Rinpoche was arrested for molesting an Indian lady on a Delhi-Dharamsala flight, FPMT International finally released an official statement announcing that they have suspended Dagri Rinpoche from their list of official teachers. This means that Dagri Rinpoche will no longer be allowed to teach in or visit any FPMT centres. The suspension shows that FPMT believe the allegations of the women who are speaking up against Dagri Rinpoche.

Click to enlarge (Source: https://fpmt.org/fpmt-community-news/unpublished/update-regarding-dagri-rinpoche/)
In the statement, FPMT admitted to having prior knowledge of the serious allegations against Dagri Rinpoche as far back as 2011, that the Dalai Lama’s Office were fully aware of Dagri Rinpoche’s sexual abuse, and that Dagri Rinpoche had been sternly warned to avoid similar situations in the future. FPMT also claims to have warned FPMT centres of the potential dangers of inviting Dagri Rinpoche (i.e. the dangers of Dagri Rinpoche making sexual advances on their female members and students). Given that FPMT had such foreknowledge, the big question is, why did FPMT remain quiet for so long after news of the Indian lady being molested was announced? Why didn’t FPMT give more stringent warnings to all their international members when complaints about Dagri Rinpoche began circulating again a year ago? Why was FPMT so irresponsible to not remove Dagri Rinpoche from their approved teachers list a year ago, or eight years ago? Why did FPMT try to cover up the situation for so long until now when all hell has broken loose? Shame on you FPMT for being another religious organisation that covers up sexual scandals and allows your members to be exposed to abuse by sexual predators in positions of power. FPMT will now and forever be seen as an organisation that knowingly harbours sexual predators and does nothing about it. It is unbelievably sad that so many nuns and women needed to be accosted by Dagri Rinpoche before FPMT finally decided to break their silence. FPMT should have suspended and disqualified Dagri Rinpoche a long time ago instead of sending him all over the world and allowing many more women to become victims. Dagri Rinpoche is a sexual predator of the highest degree. Now, victims and their friends are speaking up and even more victims will emerge from the woodwork. They are no longer keeping quiet. FPMT’s lame suspension of Dagri Rinpoche will not placate the public. The Dagri Rinpoche issue will not simply go away but will continue to grow and keep coming back to haunt FPMT again and again. Strong actions are what is needed now to show that FPMT are sincere and serious about making up for their mistakes. For their part in covering up Dagri Rinpoche’s sexual abuse, FPMT must issue a public apology. What Dagri Rinpoche did is a crime punishable under the law with jail time. It is high time that FPMT stop sitting on the fence to protect themselves but actively support the police investigations into Dagri Rinpoche and cooperate to the fullest extent in order to not lose even more credibility.
Weeks after the FPMT’s silence on Dagri Rinpoche’s molestation charges, Lama Zopa Rinpoche finally addressed the issue, in what became a ‘teaching’. In fact, Lama Zopa only touched lightly on the Dagri issue before his talk meandered to other topics inviting listeners to forget about Dagri Rinpoche’s offences. Essentially, Lama Zopa’s explanation is that the women who were abused by Dagri Rinpoche should view him as a deity because Dagri had a couple of dreams that he went to Gaden Heaven and was in fact an extraordinary being. No, you didn’t hear it wrong. To be sure, Lama Zopa advised that because Dagri Rinpoche had dreams that he, Dagri, was extraordinary, the women should just let him do whatever he likes to them. If Lama Zopa’s view is to be accepted, then we can all do away with the law, monastic rules, vows and everything that has kept the practice of Buddhism on the straight and narrow. Everyone who commits a crime should not be required to be brought to justice, provided the perpetrator has had a couple of dreams of being a deity. According to Lama Zopa, Dagri Rinpoche’s victims are to accept this explanation and deal with the crime inflicted upon them happily. This is precisely the kind of medieval thinking, used to justify slavery and serfdom. Having said all that, this explanation is convenient because if all Dagri Rinpoche’s victims were to behold him in this ‘pure view,’ then Lama Zopa and the FPMT would have no need to deal with a very thorny issue and the inconvenient fact that they have been caught covering up for him. On his part, Dagri Rinpoche would be completely unshackled and it is frightening to think what he would do with this unrestricted immunity.

Click to enlarge (Source: https://fpmt.org/lama-zopa-rinpoche-news-and-advice/advice-from-lama-zopa-rinpoche/lama-zopa-rinpoches-advice-to-students-of-dagri-rinpoche/)
Lama Zopa had a choice, to take the bull by the horns and deal with a dangerous predator’s exploits in a logical and conventional way so that everyone can see that the FPMT does not condone misconducts by members of it’s teaching fraternity, or throw the burden back on the victims and ask them to deal with it. If indeed Dagri Rinpoche is special and extraordinary it would have been easier for him to act responsibly and lead more people to the dharma and to increase the faith of Buddhist aspirants. Why ask ordinary people to think in extraordinary ways when supposedly extraordinary lamas cannot abide by even common codes of decency? However special the explanation sounds, the fact remains that the victims are human beings and experience sufferings as ordinary people do. To throw the burden back to them is to add to their suffering. If we are to accept Lama Zopa’s reasoning, then we should now inform all future victims of Dagri Rinpoche to start seeing him as an extraordinary being and to welcome being molested and touched inappropriately. Everyone, and there will be a lot of them, should be informed ahead of time, that they should just expect Dagri to sexually assault them, use them however he likes and it is their responsibility to deal with this attack and feel “blessed”.Victims of Dagri Rinpoche’s offences should be told now not to waste time and emotional energy trying to get justice in future. Imagine if we apply this explanation to all aspects of life, there would be no need for anyone to behave at all and all we would need as we like is to have dreams.
Not everyone is as enamored with Lama Zopa’s statement as FPMT would have you believe. Members of the public have already gone onto his Facebook Fanpage to voice their disagreement and disapproval. Most of them find the statement to be totally out of touch, disregarding the victims’ experiences and trying to whitewash the situation. They can see beyond the nice Dharma words, that Lama Zopa is trying to distract the public from the real issue – that his organization, FPMT, is complicit in the cover-up of Dagri Rinpoche’s sexual abuse. The result? The statement ends up excusing Dagri Rinpoche’s behavior, and telling the victims that it is their fault they do not have ‘pure view’. But the question is, if there was nothing to be guilty of, why even provide advice to anyone on how to maintain faith in Dagri Rinpoche? He has to provide advice because there are people to provide advice to, and those people are his victims.

Matthew Remski’s powerful posting analyzing the shortcomings of Lama Zopa’s statement, elicited responses from his friends that were overwhelmingly negative and critical of Lama Zopa’s reaction (Source: https://www.facebook.com/matthew.remski/posts/10161853555645602)

Pam Rubin’s powerful posting analyzing the shortcomings of Tsawa Khangtsen and Dagri Rinpoche’s statements, elicited responses from her friends that were overwhelmingly negative and critical of their reaction (Source: https://www.facebook.com/pam.rubin.7/posts/10161729794825511)

Pema Sarah Cash makes it clear that FPMT has been covering up sexual molestation and abuse since the 1980s (Source: https://www.facebook.com/sean.jones.54772/posts/10216392866347252)
[TRICYCLE] Nuns Push for Investigation into Molestation Allegations against Teacher Dagri Rinpoche
This is the first time Tricycle, a prominent Buddhist publication, has published criticism of Lama Zopa. The first criticism came in the form of a powerful letter written by a group of prominent nuns addressed directly to FPMT and calling for an independent investigation. This letter is significant not only because of the nuns’ reputations but because it mentions there are more women who were molested by Dagri Rinpoche who are still anonymous. Being that these nuns already dare to speak up, if an independent investigation begins, it is likely that they will encourage the anonymous victims to come forward and aid in the investigation. The reality is that these nuns would not compose an open letter to FPMT if they were not absolutely surethat Dagri Rinpoche is guilty of his crimes; they would not lend their names to a campaign or movement that they did not have evidence or a basis for. They also would not call for an independent investigation if they were not already sure of the outcome.
Tricycle also received a statement from Jakaira Perez Valdivia which they published. In her scathing reply, she systematically refutes and criticizes Dagri Rinpoche’s statement, FPMT’s statement and Lama Zopa’s response. In particular, she says that Lama Zopa’s response is an attempt to use karma and religion to excuse Dagri Rinpoche’s crimes. Elsewhere, Lama Zopa’s response has also been met with widespread derision for being tone deaf, out of touch and lacking in compassion or sympathy for the victims. It is time for FPMT to do more, and to agree to an independent investigation or it will appear as though they are once again attempting to conceal the truth and deceive the public. Unless FPMT comes clean and are honest with what really happened, the Dagri molestation case will forever be a stain on Lama Zopa’s and FPMT’s reputations since they have spent the past decade covering it up.
BURNING NEWS: How to protect yourself from lama murta?
Ordinary Tibetans are now coming forward to offer advice to non-Tibetans on how they can protect themselves against sexual abuse and how they can prevent it from happening. This is unlike Lama Zopa and FPMT who expose vulnerable students to abusive characters like Dagri Rinpoche, by continuing to promote them as a valid source of teachings. Furthermore, FPMT and Lama Zopa have also chosen to sweep the issue of sexual abuse under the rug, and advise victims how to view the abuse AFTER they have experienced it. Clearly ordinary Tibetans like Mila Rangzen understand that prevention better than cure. It is precisely because of organizations like the FPMT that these days, students have to be warned against abusive lamas. It is precisely because of organizations like FPMT that these days, students have to be taught how to force their teachers to tell the truth. If FPMT had a culture of transparency, teachers like Dagri Rinpoche would not be allowed to get away with their abuse.
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TRANSCRIPT (click to expand)
The FPMT’s second statement on Dagri Rinpoche’s exposé shows bad intent
Just over a week after the FPMT’s initial statement regarding Dagri Rinpoche’s molestation charges, the FPMT has come up with a second statement. Firstly, it should be noted that this second FPMT statement would not have been necessary if the FPMT had been sincere in addressing the Dagri problem from the start. Clearly, the FPMT tried to sidestep taking responsibility for its senior teacher’s abuses of innocent victims, and that sparked a huge public outcry making this second statement necessary. In its first statement, the FPMT did not even acknowledge the pain and sufferings of Dagri’s victims, which it now does after considerable arm-twisting and pressure from the public. If anyone is wondering if the FPMT is sincere about finding a proper remedy for Dagri’s victims, they should have the answer now. The FPMT now claims that it understands how difficult it has been for the victims to speak out publicly. Again if this were true, the FPMT would have provided a safe platform for Dagri’s victims to surface confidentlyand facilitated investigations by now. This was in fact what senior nuns like Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo called for, but to date apart from lip service, this has not happened.

Click to enlarge (Source: https://fpmt.org/fpmt-community-news/statement/further-update-regarding-dagri-rinpoche/)
After a casual and almost perfunctory mention of the feelings of Dagri’s victims, the FPMT spends the bulk of its second statement explaining its Ethical Policy as if to say that its commitment ends there and beyond that, it does not owe a duty of care to anyonewho comes to the FPMT for the dharma, nor is it truly interested in preserving the Mahayana tradition. A number of points need to be highlighted. This is the FPMT in the raw. Have a good look.
POINTS (click to expand)
- The FPMT acknowledged that the Office of the Dalai Lama notified it of Dagri’s sexual assault against Jakaira Perez Valdivia in 2011. The fact the Jakaira Perez had to lodge a complaint with the Dalai Lama’s office is proof that she could not get anyone in FPMT to take her seriously and therefore had to resort to seeking help elsewhere. This culture remains seeing how weeks after news of Dagri’s sexual abuses broke, the FPMT is still dodging blame and toying with semantics.
- The FPMT had the audacity to state that the assault on Jakaira Perez did not take place at an FPMT centre, and it implies that because of that, they do not have to take any responsibility. This is a shocking statement because it reveals the FPMT’s true character, not whether the organization and its people are doing the right thing but how it can escape liability. The fact that the assault was conducted by one of its senior teaching staff did not matter to the FPMT. In other words, it doesn’t matter what Dagri does and who he harms. The FPMT is prepared to ignore all that so long as it can escape liability and this is supposed to a centre that preserves the teachings of the Buddha? This is not an organization that is socially responsible, and its behaviour is more akin to the mafia than an organization that claims to uphold the Buddha’s teachings.
- In the FPMT’s second statement, it also acknowledged that it was quite happy to shrug responsibility of its staff and expect someone else (in this case, the Dalai Lama’s office) to clean up after it. Presumably the weight of the Dalai Lama’s office come in handy to sweep the issue under the rug. What is critical is the FPMT’s acknowledgement that it did not conduct its own investigation into complaints against Dagri. This is important to note because it goes to show that the FPMT is not seeking for truth and facts to be revealed. It is not interested in protecting victims. It is not interested in rectifying flaws in its system and to make sure that further damage to innocent people are avoided and those who have been harmed receive the help they need.
- We can also safely gather that the FPMT knew about Dagri’s predatorial ways, but continued to let him be on the prowl. The FPMT shows that it is not truly interested in what Dagri does, nor is it truly interested in the wellbeing of its regional centres. All it is interested in is to protect itself and hence all the FPMT did was to ‘remind’ its regional and national coordinators of complaints against Dagri but at the same time, promoting him as a credible teacher. We also see how Lama Zopa refers to Dagri as a holy being. Therefore the FPMT’s warnings are hollow and put in place for exactly situations like this so they can avoid culpability. In the FPMT’s second statement, it also confirmed that Jakaira Perez’s matter was still not dealt with adequately in 2012. A number of things become clear – the FPMT had no intentions of getting to the bottom of the Jakaira Perez incident. It is also clear that the FPMT must have continued to receive complaints about Dagri, which is why it became necessary to issue reminders to its regional and national coordinators in 2018. Why this 2018 reminder was necessary is suspicious. The pattern of serial sex offenders is almost all similar. They are habitual offenders and will continue to assault women so long as they are shielded and protected like the FPMT has been protecting Dagri. We know for sure that Dagri abused Jajaira Perez in 2011. We know of a 2013 case, and we know that FPMT felt it necessary to remind its regional and national coordinators about Dagri in 2018 and we know that Dagri molested a woman on a plane in 2019. The way Dagri brazenly attacked a woman on a plane in public indicates that he is unafraid and already out of control, thanks to the FPMT’s protection all these years that have emboldened him.
- The FPMT’s second statement also makes it very clear that they will not allow an independent investigation. The FPMT is awaiting results of the Indian investigation. In other words, the FPMT is waiting to see if they can get away with liability. The investigation by the Indian police will not cover Jakaira Perez’s case or any cases of Dagri’s abuses in the past. For all intents and purposes, this is history to the FPMT and something they have managed to get away with. As to the “professional assistance” the FPMT alluded to, it will not be a stretch to guess that experts have been engaged to spin the FPMT’s reputation out of the dirt and also the lawyers are ready to defend FPMT. Never mind if people continue to be hurt.
Lama Zopa’s attempts to wriggle the FPMT out of the Dagri mess is nothing but a cheap trick
In an orchestrated move, Lama Zopa the head of the organization issued a second statement on the Dagri Rinpoche scandal. This took place on the same day as the FPMT’s second statement on the same issue. Characteristic of spin doctors at work Lama Zopa’s first statement was, in essence, telling Dagri’s victims to rejoice that they were sexually abused by a ‘holy being’ by virtue of Dagri’s self-declaration and Lama Zopa’s endorsement. It would have been difficult for Lama Zopa to change his story after such a bold claim and so in his second statement, Lama Zopa launched into a series of stories, which infer Dagri to be on par with the Buddha Shakyamuni, the Mahasiddha Asanga and the great Getsul Tsembulwa. This itself is designed to silence Dagri’s critics and victims by continuing to imply that they are persecuting a holy being. But in his second statement Lama Zopa goes further and now directly tells victims and Dagri’s accusers that they have to subdue their own mind. Basically, it is repeat of Lama Zopa’s first statement that is, Dagri is holy being and although he has harmed innocent women, it is the victims who have to subdue their own minds rather than point out the crime and the criminal. Lama Zopa preaches monastic practices that forbid anyone from retaliating to harm inflicted upon them but as to why he would ask lay people to follow monastic rules when monks like Dagri do not have to abide by his vows, is a complete mystery. If anything this reeks of trickery.

Click to enlarge (Source: https://fpmt.org/lama-zopa-rinpoche-news-and-advice/advice-from-lama-zopa-rinpoche/lama-zopa-rinpoches-additional-advice-to-students-of-dagri-rinpoche-2/)
To insult victims and Dagri’s critics, Lama Zopa insists that because Dagri’s victims and critics are not enlightened, they are not entitled to investigate Dagri. According to Lama Zopa, Dagri is enlightened and therefore he is exempted from having to obey the laws of the land and observe common standards of ethics. Lama Zopa doesn’t spell it out but the assumption is that he is also enlightened and therefore he knows better about Dagri than anyone else. In Lama Zopa’s world so long as one declares himself to be an enlightened being, he is above the law. In what is no longer a surprise, Lama Zopa then brought in the Dorje Shugden issue with his own version of Tibetan Buddhist history. Over the past weeks as news of Dagri’s sexual exploits became public, FPMT personnel have attempted to blame Dorje Shugden for the mess the FPMT has dug itself into, but many people saw through the ruse. But right here, we see how mundane a trick Lama Zopa has had to resort to, attempting such a cheap sleight of hand more expected of suburban circus acts than of a supposed high lama, which is to distract attention away from Dagri’s crimes and the FPMT’s complicity by reigniting an old debate about the Dalai Lama’s Dorje Shugden controversy. It would have been easy enough for Lama Zopa to instruct for an independent investigation to be commissioned. That would have shown good faith and integrity. But instead, Lama Zopa launches into a malformation of facts and issues that basically says that Dagri’s victims have no rights because Dagri is a Buddha and can do as he pleases and Lama Zopa another Buddha endorses his crimes. In Lama Zopa’s world, there is no need to obey laws. When in trouble, blame a deity. Interestingly Lama Zopa fails to explain how a ‘common ghost’ that Dorje Shugden is supposed to be, managed to get Dagri supposedly a Buddha to commit depraved sexual acts on victims, none of whom have any connection with Dorje Shugden. Both Lama Zopa and the FPMT have now had weeks to take proper remedial actions regarding the Dagri scandal. But with this second statement, it is clear the truth is not going to see the light of day if the FPMT and Lama Zopa can help it. And yet they say Dorje Shugden is destroying the dharma.
Dagri Rinpoche is charged!
The State of Himachal Pradesh will be prosecuting Dagri Rinpoche (Dhagri Rinpoche Thuptein Jungchup). They have named him as a defendant, charging him under Indian Penal Code Section 354A for Sexual Harassment and Punishment for Sexual Harassment. The offences are listed as follows:
- Sexual harassment of the nature of unwelcome physical contact and advances or a demand or request for sexual favours or showing pornography which is punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years, or with fine, or with both.
- Sexual harassment of the nature of making sexually coloured remark which is punishable by imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both.
The first hearing was on 23 May and the next hearing is scheduled for 12 June. The case details can be viewed by the public via India’s ecourt services (https://services.ecourts.gov.in/ecourtindia_v6/) by searching for the case or CNR number (HPKA120015502019).

Dagri Rinpoche’s criminal case details can be accessed by the public via India’s ecourt services. Click to enlarge.

On social media, news that Dagri Rinpoche is being charged with sexual offences has been met with positive response. FPMT should take heed that strong, decisive action against sexual offenders is always well-received by the public, and covering up (as they are doing now) is not only deeply unpopular but morally and ethically wrong. Click to enlarge.

Details regarding Dagri Rinpoche’s charge. He is being charged under Indian Penal Code Section 354A for Sexual Harassment and Punishment for Sexual Harassment.
Update on Dagri’s Case
Dagri Rinpoche’s matter is up for hearing on 12th June 2019 (tuesday). This is following the Indian Police laying formal charges on Dagri under the Indian Penal Code 354A. It was learned that Dagri’s lawyers sought leave of the court to conduct the hearing ‘in camera’ meaning to say that the hearing would not be open to the public. Obviously Dagri and the FPMT are trying to minimize publicity surrounding the case and hearing.Dagri’s case has been classified a high profile case due to his connection to the Office of the Dalai Lama and Indian news media are keeping a close watch on proceedings.
Dagri Rinpoche stalls court hearing, case adjourned
Dagri Rinpoche’s case was heard in court today (12th June 2019). The hearing, which was scheduled for 10am (North Indian time), was delayed until later in the day. Dagri Rinpoche has been charged by the Indian Police under the Indian Penal Code 354A for Sexual Harassment and Punishment for Sexual Harassment after he was arrested on 3rd May 2019 for molesting a woman on board an Air India flight from Delhi. The delay in the court hearing was due to Dagri’s transparent attempts to stall.Amongst other spurious reasons, Dagri insisted that he should have his own Hindi translator, stating that it was necessary for him to defend himself adequately.

Dagri Rinpoche’s next hearing is scheduled for 18th July 2019, over one month away. That should give him enough time to prepare for such a serious hearing.
Evidently, that was a ploy to delay the proceedings as Dagri is well-known to be fluent in Hindi, having lived in India for decades. Dagri could also have prepared for the case beforehand, either informing the court ahead of time or bringing his own translator. After all, it is not like the hearing was scheduled at the last minute, with no time for him to prepare beforehand. The fact Dagri did not take the court seriously and adequately prepare for his hearing by bringing his own translator, was nothing more than a boldfaced attempt at manipulating the Indian courts. Dagri Rinpoche clearly disrespects the Indian justice system, alongside his total lack of respect for women’s rights. His are not the actions of someone who would be able to prove their innocence in court, where he would be able to get the charges against him dismissed. At the end of the day’s shenanigans, Dagri Rinpoche’s case had to be adjourned, with the next hearing scheduled for 18th July 2019. Over one month away, that should give Dagri enough time to prepare his own translator. Dagri Rinpoche has tried very hard to keep the public out of his court hearing, presumably to keep the media away from reporting more news of his crime but it has failed. There are many interested parties, from women’s equality groups to monastic communities and Tibetans-in-exile around the world. Everyone is now watching Dagri Rinpoche’s case to see that justice is served.
Mila Rangzen released his video on Dagri case
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Well-known Tibetan activist and commentator Mila Rangzen, who is based in New York City, USA recently published this video updating Tibetans on the latest news related to Dagri Rinpoche’s court hearing. It is a strong indication that Tibetans remain very interested in the case and will continue to observe its proceedings, outcome and FPMT’s reaction. FPMT should have monitored Dagri Rinpoche when they first learned about it over a decade ago, and they should have immediately stopped promoting him once allegatons of sexual abuse came to light. If they were the responsible organization that they pretend to be, they would have distanced themselves and disassociated from him, and advised their students not to go for teachings with him or create a connection with him. Instead, FPMT did none of that, thereby exposing potentially hundreds of womento this sexual predator. The truth is that FPMT harbored and promoted a sexual predator for over a decade and now everybody knows.
Dagri Victim Jakaira’s exclusive exposé to Tibet Star
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Recently, Tibetan alternative news media contacted Jakaira Perez Valdivia, the sexual assault victim of Dagri Rinpoche and in a tell-all letter, she exposes the emotional difficulties that she has suffered as a result from her standing up to the sexual abuse from Dagri Rinpoche. Jakaira, who signed off as Jaki, gives an emotional account of how she lost everything, with all her years spent studying to be proficient in the Tibetan language wasted when she got blacklisted by the FPMT, thus losing her career as a translator. She also lost her position in the nunnery, her teachers, friends and worst, her self-esteem. The letter also repeats her earlier accounts of her knowing of other sexual assault victims and that the FPMT has been continuosly covering up for Dagri Rinpoche.
Transcript of Jakaira’s letter
Nuns send second appeal letter urging FPMT to conduct an investigation
In an update posted on Change.org’s petition Call for investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct by Dagri Rinpoche, a second letter was sent to FMPT’s CEO Ven. Roger Kunsang and the FPMT board calling the FPMT to open an impartial investigation of sexual abuse by Dagri Rinpoche in FPMT centers.
The senior nuns who started the petition wrote in the update that they “have heard of other women with stories to report, so it is clear that there is a need for third-party professional persons who are experienced in such procedures, and with whom these women can share their experiences anonymously.” The letter to the FPMT’s CEO and board was ended with them saying, “the Buddhist sangha is entrusted by the Buddha to safeguard the Dharma, and we would be remiss in our duty if we did not continue to call on the FPMT board to take immediate steps to protect the Dharma, restore people’s trust in Tibetan Buddhism, and behave with the compassion and ethical integritythat the world expects of the Buddhadharma. Nothing short of an independent investigation will be sufficient to do that at this point.” The petition has nearly 3,000 signatures, but since the FPMT’s second update on Dagri Rinpoche on 24th May, there is no news or action announced by the FPMT on what they will do to protect the safety and dignity of women.
Dagri stalls court proceedings again today by asking for another adjournment
Dagri Rinpoche appeared in the Kangra Court No. 2 again today (18th July 2019) supposedly to defend himself against Indian Police’s charges for Sexual Harassment and Punishment for Sexual Harassment (Indian Penal Code 354A).
This case was first listed to be heard on 12th June 2019 and then again on 18th July 2019 after Dagri feigned not to understand Hindi and English and begged to have a translator. Clearly that was just a ruse because for years the FPMT has facilitated Dagri’s travels to FPMT centres worldwide to teach in English. He is also well known in Dharamsala to be able to converse in Hindi. Today, Dagri’s court hearing was stalled again when it became a problem that the Prosecutor did not bring along a translator. The case was made that both parties – Dagri’s side and the Prosecutor’s side – should each have a translator to avoid any mistranslation. Why this was not raised previously is dubious. In any case, Dagri’s lawyer Mr Neraj Mehra was instructed to agree to the postponement. The next hearing is now set for 26th August 2019. This itself shows that Dagri is not confident of his own innocence.More information will be posted here in due course so stay tuned.
FPMT Board says YES to third party investigation into sex harassment allegations, Lama Zopa (still) says NO
Inside sources within FPMT have revealed that the FPMT board at their recent Board meeting had resolved in favor of conducting independent third party investigations into Dagri Rinpoche’s sexual abuse allegations. Insiders also say that FPMT’s CEO Ven. Roger Kunsang defied the FPMT’s Board resolution and approached Lama Zopa, who is the organization’s spiritual head, for a mo(dice) divination.
Lama Zopa’s mo divination showed that the third party investigation would be “VERY BAD” for FPMT and because of it, the FPMT CEO defied the Board’s decision and vetoed the investigation. What it really means by Lama Zopa’s mo divination is that Dagri Rinpoche IS guilty of sexual harassment which the third party investigation would reveal and confirm, and that is why the investigation would be very bad for FPMT. As a leading Buddhist organization with centers around the world, FPMT has a moral responsibility to keep the public and their members safe and therefore FPMT should not continue to cover up cases of sexual harassment and protect FPMT teachers who abuse their positions. FPMT CEO and Lama Zopa’s decision to withhold a third party investigation is a decision that will allow FPMT teachers who are sex predators to continue, putting FPMT’s female members and the public in danger of more sexual harassment.
May 14, 2019
More victims and witnesses are speaking up against Dagri Rinpoche. Attached here are two more testimonies in support of Jakaila (Kunzang), the Spanish lady whom Dagri Rinpoche molested years ago.
May 14, 2019
FPMT’s Head Office has finally caved in to public pressure and issued a statement, which is very interesting because it shows clearly that Jakaira Perez Valdiva (a.k.a Kunsang) of Spain was correct. She filed a report with the Dalai Lama’s Private Office and they held a meeting to mediate between her and Dagri Rinpoche (a.k.a Thupten Lhundrup Tenpai Gyaltsen / Thupten Jangchup). So, Jakaira Perez Valdiva was molested by Dagri Rinpoche and both the FPMT and Dalai Lama’s Private Office knew about it and they hushed it up.
Nearly a week after Dagri Rinpoche was arrested for molesting another woman, an Indian lady on a Delhi-Dharamsala flight, the statement was released announcing that they have suspended Dagri Rinpoche from their list of official teachers. This means that Dagri Rinpoche will no longer be allowed to teach in or visit any FPMT centres. The suspension shows that FPMT believe the allegations of the women who are speaking up against Dagri Rinpoche.
1. It is one thing to know about it, but it is another thing to hush it up and keep it quiet. The horrible thing about this whole issue is that the FPMT, instead of eliminating him from their list of teachers at an earlier time, continues to send him all over the world, allowing many more women to become his unsuspecting victims. For this, FPMT is wrong and they should issue a public apology and own up. In the truest sense of the word, what they are doing is a crime, punishable by law and in some countries punishable by sentencing to jail.
Because it was in India and they know that India is somewhat corrupt, they were able to pay off certain authorise and keep it quiet, after all Ms. Jakaira did report it to the police. Now that everyone is back in their respective countries and there is the power of social media, FPMT has been shamed into acknowledging everything they knew happened. But they continue to send him on their teaching rounds at their centres.
2. FPMT should have long ago suspended and disqualified Dagri Rinpoche from teaching, which they did not. And it is surprising that they would allow their own members around the world to be subjected to this type of blatant sexual abuse. It was reported in Dharamsala that many western nuns were molested and accosted by Dagri Rinpoche, but the FPMT and Dalai Lama’s Private Office kept quiet about it. Now more women, victims and friends are speaking up and not keeping quiet anymore. It is extremely bad news for FPMT and is something that will not go away in the near future but continue to grow. FPMT from now on will be seen as an organisation that harbours sex predators and does nothing about it, but covers it up and keeps it hush-hush.
3. The very fact that FPMT Head Office has suspended Dagri Rinpoche from their list of teachers, it shows they believe the allegations made by these women who are speaking up against Dagri Rinpoche. Although FPMT said they temporarily suspended him, it has to be a permeant suspension instead. And FPMT better go to the respective countries that the offenses were made in and make official reports with the authorities there, if they want to save themselves. If FPMT continues to do nothing to placate the public they will lose even more credibility. So far FPMT have already lost a lot of credibility, I wonder if they risk losing more? Dagri Rinpoche is a sexual predator of the highest degree and more victims are going to speak out if the FPMT sits on the fence or tries to protect themselves. It will all be revealed. FPMT better take harsh measures to show they have done something and perhaps when the victims hear this, the healing process may begin.
May 14, 2019
Two more close friends of Jakaira Perez Valdiva (a.k.a Kunsang) have come out in support of her and have decided to speak up. Ms. Jakaira, a woman of Spanish descent, recently published a tell-all expose of her abuse at the hands of Dagri Rinpoche (a.k.a Thupten Lhundrup Tenpai Gyaltsen / Thupten Jangchup) over 10 years ago in Dharamsala, when she was a nun.
These two friends are credible witnesses and they were present when Ms. Jakaira spoke with the Dalai Lama’s Private Office, FPMT and Dagri Rinpoche. This shows that Ms. Jakaira, when she was a nun, was really accosted, molested, and sexually manhandled by Dagri Rinpoche. These two women have come out to stand for their friend’s rights, and to speak about a crime. This proves that Ms. Jakaira did indeed tell the truth.
The FPMT and Lama Zopa covered all this up, along with the Dalai Lama’s Private Office and this is quite despicable. The Dalai Lama’s Private Office and FPMT rely heavily on western donations to survive and pay their bill all these years. Western donations allow FPMT to live in the lap of luxury and have their big temples and golden statues. Yet, when one of their registered teachers abuses a westerner, instead of paying back the kindness of westerners by terminating Dagri Rinpoche and ensure that he is taken to the law, they hide it. Lama Zopa is coming out with advice for Dagri Rinpoche’s students outside of the monastery on how to view him now, amidst the revelation of the scandal. Why would Lama Zopa teach people how to view Dagri Rinpoche if Dagri Rinpoche was not guilty? You can see that Lama Zopa believes that Dagri Rinpoche is guilty. More witnesses will come out of the woodwork to further the truth which has been revealed and it will only get bigger.
May 14, 2019
It has been a few days since Dagri Rinpoche’s news on sexual harassment has surfaced. So far, the CTA and FPMT have not made any statement or announcement to clarify the issue or simply, to pacify people’s mind. This is very typical of Tibetan establishment, keeping quiet.
By keeping quiet, the hope that people will forget about it and they can get away with it. It worked for many times in the past but not anymore. I think more and more women will come forward to report the misconduct of Dagri Rinpoche. I must say these women are brave because it is not easy to talk about it as they are reminded of the bad and disgusting experience again.
Dagri Rinpoche knew no one in the Tibetan community will say anything about it, not even FPMT, the Dalai Lama’s office or the CTA. Therefore, he continues to molest women in the organisation. Now that Ms. Jaikira has revealed what Dagri Rinpoche has done, he has no choice but to send a notice to the public.
May 15, 2019
You can run but you cannot hide. This is the reality. Dagri Rinpoche thinks he can get away and he can lie about what he has done but too bad, more people are coming forward to expose the crimes he had committed. Even Jetsun Tenzin Palmo knew about it!
Obviously, Ms. Jaikira did not lie about what she said, she has people who can be the witness to prove that she had indeed gone to the Dalai Lama office to lodge a complaint. She did have a session with Dagri Rinpoche with regards to the sexual abuse. What else does Dagri Rinpoche want to say? He cannot deny it anymore and think everyone is stupid. The fact that many big media of different languages are reporting this news shows that this is not just a rumour, they must have reliable sources and proof too.
This is the problem with some of the ill-intended Vajrayana teachers, they misuse their role as the teacher to sexually abuse the students. They claim they are using the tantric practice to help the students to heal or progress in their spiritual practice. These teachers know they will be backed up by others because of their title and because students are supposed to obey the teachers. Dagri Rinpoche thinks he can still get away with it but this is no longer true.
May 15, 2019
Third victim of Dagri Rinpoche to come forward, Ms. Shin Young Sun, refutes Sera Je Monastery’s Tsawa Khangtsen ridiculous statement falsely accusing her of spreading lies about Dagri Rinpoche’s sexual exploits. Sera Je Monastery goes on to further accuse the people sharing this news of being prejudiced against Dagri Rinpoche. https://bre.is/7jNfD5VC1
Amber Sonam
May 15, 2019
If Lama Zopa Rinpoche did not believe that Dagri Rinpoche was guilty of sexually abusing his students, why did he then issue a statement of advice to all his students on how to view the offender?
In response to a swell of complaints about Dagri Rinpoche’s molestation charges and the FPMT’s cover-up, Lama Zopa dictated an eloquent Dharma talk.
But if you listen to it very carefully, after a few lines, Lama Zopa is already distracting you away from the real issue, which is the fact that Dagri Rinpoche has been exposed for molesting and abusing women for a long time.
Lama Zopa wants us to view Dagri Rinpoche as an extraordinary being and close our mind to what really happened. However, if we viewed all sexual predators as extraordinary beings and keep up that faith, then we don’t need the law at all. Everyone who commits a crime is henceforth to be regarded as being ‘extraordinary’ and we are just simply to hold them with a good view. Then people like Dagri Rinpoche can continue to commit more crimes without any limits or restrictions.
But the truth of the matter is, whether Dagri Rinpoche is an extraordinary being or an ordinary being, is not the issue. The issue is that he inflicted criminal acts upon ordinary beings who only have ordinary views and, as a result, suffer very much like all ordinary people do when they are harmed. How can you tell ordinary people to have extraordinary views about a sex crime that has hurt them and shames their family?
So Lama Zopa should address the actual problem and “call a spade a spade”. And he must address the issue at hand directly, that is, Dagri Rinpoche is dangerous and he has harmed many people. Lama Zopa should advise his students and all victims to speak up and report what has been done to them. Lama Zopa should create a compassionate environment for the victims to speak up and receive support at a difficult time. Victims should not be told to view Dagri Rinpoche’s actions as extraordinary and just forget the whole thing because this will allow Dagri Rinpoche to continue doing what he has been doing and harm more women. I shudder at that thought of Dagri Rinpoche having complete immunity for all the things he could do to female students and nuns.
Shall we now apply the logic in Lama Zopa’s speech to all future victims of Dagri Rinpoche’s exploits that he will commit eventually and say, “Hey, when he molests you, you just think about it this way, okay?” “You just view him as an extraordinary and allow him to abuse you because he had two dreams about himself going to Gaden heaven and being some deity.” “Because of these dreams, he is an extraordinary being and whatever sexual molestation that he inflicts on you should be taken happily.” Shall we say this to all future victims of Dagri Rinpoche to pre-empt them?
If so why not send this letter to all future victims of Dagri Rinpoche, because there is going to be a lot more of them?
Why not send this letter to every female Buddhist aspirant who will become Dagri Rinpoche’s student through FPMT, and tell them that when they get molested next time, to just think about his sexual assault in this way and not get angry. Don’t report him. Just keep offering yourself up to Dagri Rinpoche because whatever he’s doing to your body is beneficial to you! Shall we say this to all future female students of Dagri Rinpoche? No, we should not. Lama Zopa’s advice to students is not appropriate towards the victims and their families. The onus of responsibility should be on lamas to behave properly, not to harm their students physically and spiritually. It should not be on new and aspiring Buddhists to accept being abused and then told to maintain a pure view of their abuser.
Steve C
May 15, 2019
More people who don’t agree with Lama Zopa’s statement to Dagri Rinpoche’s victims. Dagri Rinpoche’s victims suffered so much and some are speaking out. The fact that Lama Zopa speaks out at all shows Lama Zopa knows that Dagri Rinpoche is guilty.👎
Palden Tsering
May 16, 2019
Facebook Users Reacted to Dagri Rinpoche’s Sexual Harassment Allegations
Since Dagri Rinpoche was reported to the Indian police earlier this month for molesting an Indian lady, two other victims have decided to speak up. Dagri Rinpoche’s history of sexually harassing women has attracted many negative comments from social media users such as Facebook. Not only they condemn Dagri Rinpoche’s inappropriate conduct, but also FPMT cover-up of the issue.
Palden Tsering
May 16, 2019
Is Lama Zopa’s Response to Dagri Rinpoche’s Sexual Misconduct Allegations Acceptable?
Lama Zopa’s response to Dagri Rinpoche sexual misconduct allegations disappointed many. Instead of consoling the victims and addressing the confusion, chaos, and heartache caused by Dagri Rinpoche’s inappropriate behavior, Lama Zopa discussed Dagri Rinpoche’s spiritual attainments. Please find below the reaction to Lama Zopa’s advice on the matter.
May 16, 2019
(Part 1)
Alison Ong originally posted this comment below to the Facebook fanpage of the Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia (VBCM). They purport to be the council of Malaysia for all Vajrayanists but very few people in Malaysia believe in them, and even fewer support them.
Alison’s comment was in response to Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s statement which used the Dharma to whitewash and cover up sexual abuses committed by Dagri Rinpoche, a registered teacher in his organization Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT).
VBCM have traditionally been extremely discriminatory towards others but in this Dagri incident where he has been found to sexually assault women, VBCM have been silent. They have not spoken up against Dagri Rinpoche or the FPMT who covered it up for 10 years.
The original comment exchange may be found on VBCM’s Facebook Fanpage but be warned, VBCM has a history of deleting or hiding posts because they do not believe in speaking the truth: https://www.facebook.com/ONEvbcm/posts/10156597455989335
If Lama Zopa Rinpoche did not believe that Dagri Rinpoche was guilty of sexually abusing his students, why did he then issue a statement of advice to all his students on how to view the offender?
In response to a swell of complaints about Dagri Rinpoche’s molestation charges and the FPMT’s cover up, Lama Zopa dictated an eloquent Dharma talk.
But if you listen to it very carefully, after a few lines, Lama Zopa is already distracting you away from the real issue, which is the fact that Dagri Rinpoche has been exposed for molesting and abusing women for a long time.
Lama Zopa wants us to view Dagri Rinpoche as an extraordinary being and close our mind to what really happened. However, if we viewed all sexual predators as extraordinary beings and keep up that faith, then we don’t need the law at all. Everyone who commits a crime is henceforth to be regarded as being ‘extraordinary’ and we are just simply to hold them with a good view. Then people like Dagri Rinpoche can continue to commit more crimes without any limits or restrictions.
But the truth of the matter is, whether Dagri Rinpoche is an extraordinary being or an ordinary being, is not the issue. The issue is that he inflicted criminal acts upon ordinary beings who only have ordinary views and, as a result, suffer very much like all ordinary people do when they are harmed. How can you tell ordinary people to have extraordinary views about a sex crime that has hurt them and shames their family?
So Lama Zopa should address the actual problem and “call a spade a spade”. And he must address the issue at hand directly, that is, Dagri Rinpoche is dangerous and he has harmed many people. Lama Zopa should advise his students and all victims to speak up and report what has been done to them. Lama Zopa should create a compassionate environment for the victims to speak up and receive support at a difficult time. Victims should not be told to view Dagri Rinpoche’s actions as extraordinary and just forget the whole thing because this will allow Dagri Rinpoche to continue doing what he has been doing and harm more women. I shudder at that thought of Dagri Rinpoche having complete immunity for all the things he could do to female students and nuns.
Shall we now apply the logic in Lama Zopa’s speech to all future victims of Dagri Rinpoche’s exploits that he will commit eventually and say, “Hey, when he molests you, you just think about it this way, okay?” “You just view him as an extraordinary and allow him to abuse you because he had two dreams about himself going to Gaden heaven and being some deity.” “Because of these dreams, he is an extraordinary being and whatever sexual molestation that he inflicts on you should be taken happily.” Shall we say this to all future victims of Dagri Rinpoche to pre-empt them?
If so why not send this letter to all future victims of Dagri Rinpoche, because there is going to be a lot more of them?
Why not send this letter to every female Buddhist aspirant who will become Dagri Rinpoche’s student though FPMT, and tell them that when they get molested next time, to just think about his sexual assault in this way and not get angry. Don’t report him. Just keep offering yourself up to Dagri Rinpoche because whatever he’s doing to your body is beneficial to you! Shall we say this to all future female students of Dagri Rinpoche? No we should not. Lama Zopa’s advice to students is not appropriate towards the victims and their families. The onus of responsibility should be on lamas to behave properly, not to harm their students physically and spiritually. It should not be on new and aspiring Buddhists to accept being abused and then told to maintain a pure view of their abuser. http://tiny.cc/werr6y
May 16, 2019
(Part 2)
In response to Alison Ong’s comment above, Nicole Sia Mei Yee, one of VBCM’s members and supporters posted this comment below.
If you think you are so smart, reveal yourself. Don’t create phantom profiles ( 1 person create multiple profiles on social media ) with the intention to insult. This is the attitude of a coward. Characteristics of coward people,
1) Create phantom profile with a Lama picture or some bombastic Tibetan name.
2) Used an innocent person’s picture as profile picture
3) Raised concern over certain issue. Pretending to be civic minded but with bad intention in their cow brain
4) Attention seeker. Always strive to be in the limelight
5) Dare not show themselves in public or be brave to comment fearing they will be hit or cannot bear the humiliation
its obvious you have low self esteem.
You this kind of people, you forget the root teachings of Buddhism but try to claim like you are very concerned over social moral crimes. Internally you know nuts. In your heart, when you see innocent lives being claim by ISIS, you think
- oh my! i wonder where they will be reborn next life
- why don’t they have dharma inside them
- i wish i can help the innocent victims
but you fail to understand, you yourself is planting the seed of hatred. You yourself is planting negative imprint in people. You think you are doing a great job alerting the public but have you analyse yourself what you see and read on social media, it it verified? Have you think from all directions? Is the news real or just false claim?
Buddhist organisations and women leaders all over the world like Tzu Chi, Fo Guang, Haitao Life, Tenzin Palmo, Plum Village, Srawasti Abbey and many more are striving to inspire and educate young adults to ease their mind. Alleviating the burden in their heads. Help them from depression, suicide, family issue via their programs and social work. And here you are waking up every morning checking out whats the best way to inflict hurtful comments and finds it amusing. Think about your actions and look at yourself in the mirror. Compare your face with people from the positive side.
People like you, when you can’t achieve what you want, when your actions goes out hand and you land yourself in deep trouble, you think “aisk…i think Buddhism is not the suitable religion for me, the centre is not suitable for me to practice, Nobody help me when i am in trouble. So corrupted and unfair. Not only that, my boss and colleague in office also abuse me. Why am i suffering all this? I think i better switch to another religion and start all over again.”
Trust me, people like you will never find happiness in any religion you embrace as long as you have a negative intention inside you. Besides that, you wont even find happiness in your love relationship or smooth undertaking in your career or business. Think about it.
Lastly, to be fair. VBCM is a non profit organisation run by volunteers. They don’t receive any form of salary and also like any lay person have a family and career to look after. VBCM don’t receive any strong support from government like Fo Guang Shan or Maha Vihara. Don’t expect them to take lead in whatsoever moral issues and act like an activist. If they run into sticky situations, are you there to help? You ask yourself personally, are you a good leader yourself in your personal life, as a partner, as a parent and career before you insult organisations for their poor leadership. VBCM is just a representative of a small Buddhist minority group within Malaysia with His Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama and many more leaders from the 4 traditions as their guide.
May 16, 2019
(Part 3)
Alison penned the comments below in response to Nicole Sia Mei Yee’s attempt to protect the VBCM’s refusal to speak up against Dagri Rinpoche although the Indian police arrested him for sexual assault. VBCM and their co-conspirator Losang Dragpa Center have traditionally been extremely discriminatory towards others but in this Dagri incident where he has been found to sexually assault women, they have been silent. They have not spoken up against Dagri Rinpoche or the FPMT who covered it up for 10 years.
The original comment exchange may be found on VBCM’s Facebook Fanpage but be warned, VBCM has a history of deleting or hiding posts because they do not believe in speaking the truth: https://www.facebook.com/ONEvbcm/posts/10156597455989335
To Nicole,
I am a real person. Whether you know me or not doesn’t matter. What matters is what I have to say, which is of value, to protect our sisters and daughters from bad people regardless of what their titles are.
Things have happened to me before in Dharma centers but when we speak up, they silence you. You tell me to reveal myself but I am not the one hiding. Why don’t you reveal more about yourself on your Facebook account? Why not? Why can’t everyone see your profile or any details about you?
But most importantly, and let’s not distract from the issue at hand, but this is not about me. The issue is about the Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia (VBCM) and why it failed to do the right thing, and why the VBCM promoted a sex offender and could not tell a proper monk from a sex offender. THAT’S the issue.
You are right, VBCM is only a very small group. The VBCM is a group of lay people who have very little real knowledge of the Dharma. They have no spiritual qualifications and no training and background whatsoever to be deserving of being a “Buddhist council”. And yet, the VBCM does not behave humbly or beneficially but instead has a history of having a big mouth, poking into the business of other centers and hurting many people in the past. Why is the VBCM even trying to control Tibetan Buddhism in Malaysia when it has no right and no qualifications to do so? No one is asking VBCM to regulate, watch over, mediate, police, comment, update and govern on Tibetan Buddhism in Malaysia. No one asked them to do it and they are just doing it on their own. Anyways, they are not even doing a good job because they are not qualified. There is no need for VBCM in Malaysia whatsoever. People do not even have enough time to run their own centers, find donations to pay bills, upkeep and so forth, so why should they donate manpower to VBCM? They already have enough to do in their own centers.
The VBCM committee is always the same, with the same people voting each other into the committee all the time and this has been witnessed firsthand, that is why VBCM never grows. VBCM’s current committee wants to hold on to their damaging policies and the way they are now, and never allow change or growth. Hence they keep the committee members rotating just among themselves. This is how they conspire with one another to hang on to what little “power” they wish to exercise. Don’t forget Losang Dragpa Center’s (LDC) Pek Chee Hen is also involved with VBCM and LDC. Of course you only promote each other.
You are also wrong to say they are volunteers. People like Ms. Tee have been paid a high salary by the Kuan Yin Contemplative Order (KYCO)/Tony Wong for many decades now, including travel expenses. So in fact, none of them are working for free unless they have some way of making money fall out of the sky for them. And what do they do to earn this money? What do they do to deserve being a “Buddhist council”? Absolutely nothing except to cover up for sex monks, discriminate against teachers, centers and practices.
VBCM covered up the sex monk Shi Zhao Liang who was proven to be guilty of his sexual assaults on young boys. The VBCM did nothing and said nothing. First, they said Shi Zhao Liang is not a Vajrayana monk so it’s not their business. But protecting young and innocent children should be EVERYONE’S business so that was just a lame excuse. Now they also do not say anything about the Dagri ‘Rinpoche’ sex scandal. Isn’t Dagri ‘Rinpoche’ a Vajrayana monk? So how come the VBCM is still quiet? How come the VBCM did not hesitate to promote a sex offender on their Facebook page and when the person they promoted was exposed for his sexual offences, VBCM just remained quiet and hid? Why didn’t the VBCM take responsibility for promoting the wrong person? Why do they not apologize? Look how little ‘likes’ and comments they get on their Facebook page and their name is the VAJRAYANA BUDDHIST COUNCIL of ALL Malaysia? Why is that? Because they have not been doing a good job and people see through that and do not support. We see that and we do not support, and we save everything they do and watch them carefully.
You say so much and yet clearly the intention is to deflect attention from the fact that Dagri ‘Rinpoche’ is a confirmed molester of women. Three female victims have come out. They and their witnesses have all spoken publicly and are confident enough to show their faces to back up their testimonies. If what they said were untrue, would they have shown their faces and opened themselves up to be sued? FPMT is rich and a big organization and can sue easily so this is not something made up or imagined. Lama Zopa and the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) knew about all the many reports regarding Dagri and kept it quiet for many years. Lama Zopa even told people not to talk about it. Dagri has given initiations, teachings, commentaries and transmissions and so many people are now lost and don’t know what do. They have lost faith in Dagri because they trusted him, took refuge with him, donated to him, donated to his monastery and his khamtsen (Tsawa Khamtsen) and now they are lost. Think of them. There are many more victims in the spiritual sense besides the three women who have come out. All these invitations, empowerments and teachings carry no blessings because Dagri broke his vows and so everything he has given is void and invalid. Dagri is simply not trustworthy. So the issue here is Dagri and why FPMT, LDC and VBCM covered for him. Just to let you know, there are other monk teachers in FPMT organization that have had inappropriate relationships with female students and touched female members, that have been hushed up. FPMT Amitabha Buddhist Center (ABC) in Singapore has had many students leave due to this happening with their resident teacher and it was hushed up. Many of them are very angry and now looking for ways to make this public.
So you should not be asking me why I am speaking up. You should be asking VBCM and LDC why they wanted to bring this type of monster into our country to molest our sisters and daughters. Are you agreeable to sex predators coming to our country and assaulting our sisters and daughters? Is that what you want? Of course we dare to speak up. And it does not matter if how we speak up is agreeable to you or not. In this Internet age, everything we say can be easily verified if you do some light research. Lama Zopa even came up with a statement of how to ‘view’ Dagri’s offences in the last few days. Why? Because Dagri is guilty and Lama Zopa knows that. But to avoid liability in spiritual, legal and reputational terms, Lama Zopa has to advise victims and concerned people how to conveniently ‘view’ the situations or it will become a massive PR disaster for FPMT and LDC. He has to advise people in a way to placate their anger, hurt and loss of faith. It is not working though. Many are speaking up against Lama Zopa unfortunately. Just go to his Facebook page and read the comments, if they have not been deleted by now.
May 16, 2019
(Part 4)
Alison penned the comments below in response to Nicole Sia Mei Yee’s attempt to protect the VBCM’s refusal to speak up against Dagri Rinpoche although the Indian police arrested him for sexual assault. VBCM and their co-conspirator Losang Dragpa Center have traditionally been extremely discriminatory towards others but in this Dagri incident where he has been found to sexually assault women, they have been silent. They have not spoken up against Dagri Rinpoche or the FPMT who covered it up for 10 years.
The original comment exchange may be found on VBCM’s Facebook Fanpage but be warned, VBCM has a history of deleting or hiding posts because they do not believe in speaking the truth: https://www.facebook.com/ONEvbcm/posts/10156597455989335
[[Continuation of Alison Ong's reply]]
On the Dagri scandal and on promoting a sex predator, VBCM is as quiet as mouse. But in the past, they tried to act like ‘authorities’ of Tibetan Buddhism. What gives the VBCM the right to say who is good and who is not good, and which center and teacher is genuine or not genuine? Which practice is blessed or not? What is the VBCM’s so-called authority or expertise based on? Just because they have attended a few teachings and taken a few pictures with the Dalai Lama does not give them the right to do anything in Malaysia. Many people take pictures with the Dalai Lama but that does not mean they immediately become qualified authorities in Tibetan Buddhism. The Dalai Lama has taken pictures with mass murderers like Shoko Asahara who is also a cult leader. The Dalai Lama has also taken pictures with Keith Raniere, another cult leader. Both are now in jail. As I said, just because you take photos with Dalai Lama does not authorize you to govern the Tibetan Buddhist followers in Malaysia. It also does not give you instant wisdom. You make mistakes too. VBCM likes to splash their pictures taken with the Dalai Lama all over their unsteady website (sometimes it exists and sometimes it’s gone) and Facebook pages. They do this all the time to fool the Malaysian public into thinking that they are so holy, so learned and have the Dalai Lama’s backing. Well they are not holy, not learned and the Dalai Lama will take pictures with everyone, even his security guards. Splashing their pictures all over the place on social media does not convince the public that VBCM has any authority to judge and sanction any teacher, tradition, center, temple, practice and tradition. VBCM committee are just ordinary lay persons who are not Dharma teachers and not knowledgable. It will do them well to remain silent and just practice the Dharma they claim to protect. Even the great monks of Brickfields who are learned masters from Sri Lanka meet all monks of all traditions, peoples, centers, traditions and do not discriminate nor do they criticize, and they are real sangha and learned. If they do not discriminate, who are VBCM to do so? Ms. Tee Siew Seet, Mr. Pek Chee Hen and so forth are the core of VBCM and Ms. Tee likes to hide behind other committee members of VBCM to do the dirty works for her so she does not get into trouble and make her Sifu Tony Wong look bad.
VBCM has no knowledge, learning and authority to be the VAJRAYANA BUDDHIST COUNCIL OF MALAYSIA. You are right, they are not backed by any of our Government Departments because they are not qualified to be backed up. The VBCM is not backed up by anything and even you can see that it is nothing but a shell. Many of us will not keep silent about VBCM because they have no authority to judge other teachers, centers and lineages in Malaysia. They have no right to say who is bad and who is good. I have as much right as the VBCM but I don’t interfere in matters that do not concern me. The VBCM has in the past opposed centers inside and outside Malaysia and have tried to sabotage teachers trying to come into Malaysia or within Malaysia. What gives them that right? If they have the right because they are a member of the public, then so do I. I don’t need a ‘big’ name and big banner to say what is right and wrong. I only need to speak the truth and without fear. Anyway, on what basis does the VBCM decide which lama is good or bad? On what grounds and guidelines? And with what qualifications do they judge by? Just a few committee members ‘certifying’ and ‘authorizing’ which lama and center is good or bad in Malaysia? That’s absurd and fake. And we are supposed to follow what these unqualified fellows dictate and ignore our rights as citizens of our free nation? But when a lama is found out to be sexually molesting women and VBCM has promoted these lamas past and present, they remain quiet. Cowards that they are.
The people behind VBCM only dare to say things anonymously on Facebook. They only post as VBCM and do not reveal who is doing the postings. This is why none of the committee post the same things on their own Facebook pages. And why is there no transparency? Which of the committee have been deleting critical comments, which one of them have been hiding comments they don’t like? Which one of them deleted comments that shared facts that the VBCM doesn’t want the public to know? Which one of the committee is promoting this lama or that center? No one knows which person from within VBCM is doing this on their Facebook page, so they are anonymous and act while hiding behind anonymity. They should identify themselves at the end of each post and state who they are and take responsibility and be ready to be held accountable. So they are the ones that are anonymous and they have a banner of being a council? How can council members hide?
VBCM acts like a commercial marketing company and all they do is promote lamas on their Facebook pages without any care or screening. On the one hand, they presume to tell others who is a proper lama and yet evidently some have turned out to be sex offenders but VBCM keeps quiet. VBCM is not qualified to manage Vajrayana Buddhism in any way. No one is qualified in Malaysia to do so and no center should do so, lest people start looking deeper into them. Even if VBCM is claiming to carry out the Dalai Lama’s wishes, they are not qualified to do so. The Dalai Lama’s advices, wishes and concerns do not need to be enforced by anyone. It is up to the individual to follow them or not. Buddhism is an open religion and not militaristic or controlling so don’t make it that way. Buddhism is not like the Vatican where the Pope controls everything. The Dalai Lama is not the Pope and he has no Vatican. We Malaysians have full religious freedom and the Vajrayana teachings we follow are up to us. Although I respect the Dalai Lama very much, I do not have to follow everything he says. I have my own discerning wisdom, intelligence and free will. By not following everything that the Dalai Lama says does not make me his enemy. So don’t make me his enemy. It just simply makes me a proud citizen of Malaysia who exercises my free choice.
The question everyone should ask over and over again is who authorized the VBCM to judge who is good and not good. Just because they claim they follow the Dalai Lama’s teachings does not give them the right or qualification to be a moral compass. If VBCM are such good followers of the Dalai Lama and REALLY PRACTICED WHAT HE TAUGHT, the committee of the VBCM would be highly attained already. They should be healing people, they should be advanced in their meditations and they should be teaching the Dharma to many people by now. None of that is happening. That means the people in the VBCM don’t practice well and they are just like the rest of us. NOT PERFECT. In that case, they should not pretend that they are better than the rest of us and tell us what gurus we should follow or not follow.
May 16, 2019
(Part 5)
Alison penned the comments below in response to Nicole Sia Mei Yee’s attempt to protect the VBCM’s refusal to speak up against Dagri Rinpoche although the Indian police arrested him for sexual assault. VBCM and their co-conspirator Losang Dragpa Center have traditionally been extremely discriminatory towards others but in this Dagri incident where he has been found to sexually assault women, they have been silent. They have not spoken up against Dagri Rinpoche or the FPMT who covered it up for 10 years.
The original comment exchange may be found on VBCM’s Facebook Fanpage but be warned, VBCM has a history of deleting or hiding posts because they do not believe in speaking the truth: https://www.facebook.com/ONEvbcm/posts/10156597455989335
[[Continuation of Alison Ong's reply]]
If the VBCM had any qualifications or if had any decency or sense of civic responsibility, it would not have promoted a dangerous sex offender like Dagri. What the VBCM did was just wrong. It was dangerous for the VBCM to do that. How can anyone trust the VBCM and what they say now? VBCM making that mistake shows they are not qualified to screen teachers coming into Malaysia. They are not qualified to be a council of any sort. They should keep quiet and practice Dharma deeply instead of trying to be a council and assume to tell the rest of us what to do. Dangerous. They told us to get teachings from Dagri and look how that worked out. It worked out badly. More and more witnesses are speaking out. Dagri is a molester and preys on innocent women while hiding behind maroon robes. Dangerous. Because the VBCM makes dangerous mistakes, I as a member of the public will speak up and report. In fact, everyone should be asking the VBCM why it promoted a sex predator and then when exposed, just turned away instead of acting responsibly? Why did FPMT’s Malaysian branch LDC promote this molester? They should apologize and be honest and not just change their advert regarding Dagri’s coming quietly and not say anything. Shame.
Instead of doing the proper thing, the VBCM deleted and hid posts by the public that warned others of Dagri. On the one hand the VBCM claims to be a council and to be a source of accurate information, but on the other hand they hide and delete important posts and comments. The VBCM should never delete posts unless they are vulgar. I have personally screenshot many posts they have deleted and hidden so there is a record of the VBCM’s cover-ups. They even block accounts so where is the transparency and honesty? Why not let the public exercise the right to say what they like especially when it is on important issues like this dangerous Dagri? VBCM’s Facebook page has so little interaction already so why block people, hide and delete comments? How come they can tell the public what they want but the public cannot respond and tell them what the public wants and feels? We can be telling the truth too even if we don’t ADVERTISE our photos taken with the Dalai Lama, you know?
You asked why I speak up and monitor the situation? It’s because the VBCM failed to perform its job and duty to inform the public. In fact VBCM is not qualified for any duties in regards to Vajrayana Buddhism. So we the public have to stand up and make a stand. I repeat, the VBCM failed. Remember, FPMT has suspended Dagri. Why suspend him if the allegations are not real? After all the public outcry, the FPMT became afraid. They have always known the allegations are real. Dagri was arrested in North India by the Indian police and that is real. It is real. He did molest the Spanish lady and that is real. He did grab the breast of the Korean lady and that is real. Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo said to speak up as she is aware of Dagri and what he did. The Dalai Lama said, “People who commit sexual abuse don’t care about the Buddha’s teaching. Make it public through media, though they may not pay heed to Buddhist teachings on ethical behaviour, they will likely take notice if their face appears in the media.” That is why we are speaking up. But why isn’t the VBCM speaking up? Why use the Dalai Lama as their claim to ‘authority’ but ignore the Dalai Lama when it is their own loss of face at stake? And how come you and VBCM do not even think about the damage done to Dagri’s victims? Where is your moral compass? What about the poor ladies who came to Dagri in full faith and trust and were horribly molested and it destroyed them? What about them? Do you have any sympathy for them? They have sworn statutory declarations and witnesses to this. They have gone to the police. They are open about it. They are not asking for compensation or money but just an admission, an apology so they can heal, so that potential victims will not become victims. FPMT, LDC and VBCM must think of the victims.
VBCM is covering for Dagri because the LDC is a part of VBCM. VBCM should disclose openly that the LDC invited a ‘teacher’ of doubtful character, exposing the public to danger. Why does VBCM protect the LDC instead of the Malaysian public? Very biased. Is it because you have members of LDC in the VBCM? Doesn’t this show that the VBCM only acts in its own self-interest? Why scold me when you should scold VBCM and LDC?
It is strange you and VBCM attack those who do the right thing and defend those at fault. Dagri has touched many women without their permission. That is wrong. For sure, we are not speaking up because we are disgruntled with our centers and teachers and giving up on the Dharma. We are very happy with our lives and our spiritual practice. We don’t have to be in any center to become spiritually evolved. We are speaking up because we haven’t given up on the Dharma. We are stopping monsters hiding behind religion to victimize women. Why don’t you think about the women, the victims? Why must the victims suffer more to protect VBCM and LDC’s face? Why? Think of the victims.
When you stop to think about it, the VBCM’s ONLY claim to fame is that some of them have taken photos with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. So have I and I have also donated many times to his causes and teachings and will continue to donate. But that does not mean the Dalai Lama is perfect. He is a good person, good monk and knowledgeable but he makes mistakes too. Just look at the people he has endorsed such as Shoko Asahara and Keith Raniere. If you have no idea who they are, just Google those names and the Dalai Lama and you will see that the Dalai Lama has also made mistakes. And the Dalai Lama himself said that if he has made a mistake, I do not need to follow along the mistake but take his other teachings and apply it. The Dalai Lama has said, “If the spiritual master is following a wrong path, which is contrary to mainline teachings, the student should be able to take a stand and not blindly follow that path.” It is not improper to tell your guru he is wrong when he is wrong. It does not affect guru devotion. So Lama Zopa has made mistakes but that doesn’t mean I no longer regard him as a good person. I don’t need to follow men in robes blindly. But I must be discerning and open my eyes and be alert always. High lamas can make mistakes and they will continue to. That is fine, but they must own up to it.
The bottom line is, LDC has promoted a sex offender and is still promoting him. I, as a good member of society who values the truth and who understands the importance of the situation, am simply bringing this to their attention and to the public’s attention. Why does it have to be this way? Because if you bring it to their attention in an open and direct way, they will brush you off to save their own skin and face and because they do not want to lose revenue and income from events such as the one they wanted to bring Dagri in for. Of course having Dagri at LDC will bring money, new members and more resources, or so they hoped. Too bad.
Palden Tsering
May 16, 2019
The Public React to Dagri Rinpoche Sexual Misconduct Allegation
Things look bleak for Dagri Rinpoche. After Ms. Shin Young Sun, Dagri Rinpoche’s third victim shared about how Dagri Rinpoche molested her ten years ago, his upcoming teaching sessions in London and Leeds are canceled.
In the meantime, Sera Jey Tsawa Khangtsen, where Dagri Rinpoche came from, tried to deflect from the issue by claiming that this is a Shugden issue. Another evidence that Sera Jey Tsawa Khangtsen does not have any intention to console and address the victims of that. Their main concern is looking good.
Tenzin Palden
May 16, 2019
Public Outcry Against FPMT’s Cover up of Dagri Rinpoche’s Sexual Misconduct
FPMT’s reputation as an organization that protects and promotes sexual predator is growing, and the members of the public are disturbed with what FPMT has done.
In the online petition titled “Call for investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct by Dagri Rinpoche”, more people are calling for FPMT to stop covering up Dagri Rinpoche’s sexual misconduct, protect the victims, and investigate Dagri Rinpoche’s misbehavior.
May 16, 2019
In 2011 + 2012, FPMT’s branch in Malaysia (LDC) invited Dagri ‘Rinpoche’ to give pujas, oral transmissions and initiations. Now how do they feel? So many people have gotten empty transmissions, teachings and rotten initiations from a sex offender teacher Dagri Rinpoche? What do they do now? Ask for a refund? How do FPMT make up for sending a dangerous sex monk to give teachings and initiations to the public when they knew about him and covered up. Lama Zopa knew about Dagri Rinpoche victims’ complaints. 👎
May 16, 2019
In 2011 + 2012, FPMT’s branch in Malaysia (LDC) invited Dagri ‘Rinpoche’ to give pujas, oral transmissions and initiations. Now how do they feel? So many people have gotten empty transmissions, teachings and rotten initiations from a sex offender teacher Dagri Rinpoche? What do they do now? Ask for a refund? How do FPMT make up for sending a dangerous sex monk to give teachings and initiations to the public when they knew about him and covered up. Lama Zopa knew about Dagri Rinpoche victims’ complaints. what should everyone do now? 👎
What will FPMT do?
May 16, 2019
A group of prominent Buddhist nuns has asked the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) to launch an independent, third-party investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct against Tibetan Buddhist teacher Dagri Rinpoche.
Signatories include well-known Western Buddhist nuns such as Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, Bhikshuni Karma Lekshe Tsomo, and Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron.
Dagri Rinpoche, a teacher in the Geulgpa tradition, based in Dharamsala, India, has played an important role in the FPMT. The FPMT has already suspended him from teaching following multiple allegations. The group of Western nuns has now asked for an “objective and impartial investigation of the charges.”
May 16, 2019
Karma is really catching up on Dagri Rinpoche after so many years of abusing women including nuns. He is a very bad example of a Dharma teacher and Rinpoche. People come to a lama for advises or to learn Dharma because people trust them. However, this Dagri Rinpoche’s behaviour is making people losing faith and confidence in Dharma.
If Dagri Rinpoche cannot resist women, why doesn’t he just disrobe and go get married? It is very bad of him to still wear the Sangha’s robe and molest women. These women trusted him and Dharma but what he has done has destroyed these women’s lives.
Dagri Rinpoche can deny all he wants but Ms. Jaki, the victim had not told lies. A few people have also stepped forward to become Ms. Jaki’s witnesse. I hope Dagri Rinpoche will be brought to justice and get what he deserves for molesting women. His behaviour is not acceptable at all and has to be stopped!
Tenzin K
May 16, 2019
Just because of Dagri Rinpoche had a dream and the lady has to be touched? I believe Buddhism is much more skillful than this. How would one accept this reason and allow to be touch? Buddha has 84k of teaching that can be applied to our needs but why it has to be this way and only this way?
It’s really a shock and if it’s the only way then Buddhism will really give a new and bad impression to the world. This is totally confusing and I’m not sure who will find peace and solace to go through such a method.
I totally dis agree with this statement.
Amber Sonam
May 16, 2019
In 2011 + 2012, FPMT’s branch in Malaysia (LDC) invited Dagri ‘Rinpoche’ to give pujas, oral transmissions and initiations. Now how do they feel? So many people have gotten empty transmissions, false teachings and rotten initiations from a sex offender teacher Dagri Rinpoche? What do they do now? Ask for a refund? How about when they lose faith in him? Do they go to vajra hell? It’s inevitable isn’t it due to FPMT’s negligence. How do FPMT make up for sending a dangerous sex monk to give teachings and initiations to the public when they knew about him and covered up all the victims complaints. Lama Zopa knew about Dagri Rinpoche victims’ complaints. Now it will get bigger and bigger. Karma is coming back to FPMT for all the lies and coverups. Shame. Shame. Shame.
Penjor T
May 16, 2019
A group of prominent Buddhist nuns has asked the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) to launch an independent, third-party investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct against Tibetan Buddhist teacher Dagri Rinpoche.
Signatories include well-known Western Buddhist nuns such as Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, Bhikshuni Karma Lekshe Tsomo, and Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron.
Dagri Rinpoche, a teacher in the Geulgpa tradition, based in Dharamsala, India, has played an important role in the FPMT. The FPMT has already suspended him from teaching following multiple allegations. The group of Western nuns has now asked for an “objective and impartial investigation of the charges.”
May 16, 2019
These harassments seem to never stop! What is going on?
How can you behave like that!?! And now everybody around the world knows about it. Good!! But what is next?!!
It is very correct that the molestations are known and everyone should be aware and keep their eyes open!!
Lhamo Gyed
May 17, 2019
Have you guys seen this?
I have been reading up with all that had happened with the latest Dagri Rinpoche molestation case. I cannot believe there is so much going on, especially with the way FPMT, their spiritual head, Lama Zopa Rinpoche and the monastery had responded. They are clearly downplaying the abuse, which is uncalled for in this day and age.
You guys should read what Jakaira, one of the victim’s responded to these parties. It is obvious that she is quite upset with the way they had dismissed her and the other abuse victims. This is quite shocking to read about and does not put FPMT, Lama Zopa or the monastery in good light. As Jakaira has said, they are all liable to the damages inflicted on the victims because they choose to side with the abuser, Dagri.
Very shocking and sad…
Do read her letter….
May 17, 2019
What is wrong with the people. How can they accuse these pity women who were abused by Dagri Rinpoche and suffered from mental consequences for so long to have an agenda in speaking up? What is wrong with them? How can they blame everything on Dorje Shugden when it is remotely related to it?
This is how the Tibetan government does things. They blame Dorje Shugden for whatever that went wrong and including their failure of bringing Tibetans in exile back to Tibet. It has been two decades since Dorje Shugden’s practice was banned with the reason of the deity being a spirit, and he caused the Tibetan cause to fail.
Now 20 years had passed since the ban was imposed and Tibetans in exile are still in Tibetan settlements in India. What will the Tibetan government use as their next excuse now since they can’t blame Dorje Shugden for it?
May 17, 2019
Wow Amazing! This is getting bigger and bigger.
Nuns Push for Investigation into Molestation Allegations against Teacher Dagri Rinpoche
The prominent Tibetan Buddhist monk has been suspended from teaching over abuse allegations, and now senior nuns are calling for an independent probe into his behaviour.
After becoming aware of allegations of sexual misconduct against the prominent Tibetan Buddhist teacher Dagri Rinpoche, the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) suspended him from their list of teachers, the international Buddhist group said in a statement on their website on Tuesday. The following day, ten senior Buddhist nuns—including Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, the founder of Dongyu Gatsal Ling Nunnery, and Thubten Chodron, the abbess of Sravasti Abbey in Washington—sent a letter to FPMT calling for a third-party investigation into the accusations.
Dagri Rinpoche—a tulku [reincarnated master] in the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism and a touring teacher who regular visits centers in the United States, such as Sravasti Abbey, where he had been listed as a spiritual advisor—was suspended after being accused in a formal complaint of molesting a woman onboard an Air India flight on May 3. Following media reports of the charge against him, a former nun, Jakaira Perez Valdivia, posted a video on YouTube entitled “Dagri Rinpoche is indeed a serial molester,” in which she claims that Dagri Rinpoche molested her ten years ago while she was living in Dharamsala, India. Soon after, another woman, Shin Young Sun, stepped forward, writing in a Facebook post on May 13 that Dagri Rinpoche groped her breast while she was a student at Sarah College in Dharamsala between 2005 and 2009.
Dagri Rinpoche has denied any wrongdoing.
In their letter to FPMT, the senior nuns said there are even more women who have remained anonymous, “Some of us personally know other Western nuns who have reported that they were molested by Dagri Rinpoche,” they wrote. The letter continues:
We urge the FPMT to commission an independent, third-party investigation into these allegations, and to make the conclusions of this investigation public. This investigation should be conducted in such a way that plaintiffs and/or witnesses feel safe to come forward and tell their stories confidentially—and anonymously, if they so wish . . . Holding an independent investigation sends a clear message that this behavior will not be tolerated and there will be repercussions for perpetrators. This is crucial in order to ensure an environment in which students’ trust can be rebuilt.
Along with the letter, a group of practitioners and nuns have also started an online petition to urge FPMT to “find the truth.”
In a statement released on May 13, Dagri Rinpoche reasserted his innocence. In the case of the Air India flight, he said he was only steadying himself on the armrest of his accuser, who was sleeping at the time. When she woke up, she “appeared angry” and said something to him in a language he did not understand, he wrote. He was later told that she had filed a complaint to the police.
In his interaction with Perez Valdivia—whom Dagri Rinpoche characterizes as “a nun who experienced some physical and mental problems”—he wrote that he only “performed Jabtru, a water purification ritual, and Kakgo, a ritual to remove obstacles” to help with her with those issues. He adds, “After about three years, she used these rituals as a reason to accuse me of inappropriately touching her.”
Related: Will Sanghas Learn from the Scandals in the Buddhist World?
Perez Valdivia responded in a statement sent to Tricycle on May 16, saying, “instead of apologising he’s blaming and discrediting the victims, the oldest method proved effective to get away with abuse.”
She added that he has spent his “entire life getting away with molesting students and devotees around the world due to the silence and complicity of some institutions and of the Tibetan system itself.”
In her social-media post, Shin Young Sun also described a culture of ignoring or silencing women whom teachers have allegedly abused, saying that those in positions of power have turned a blind eye, including the office of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. She explained that although she has personally forgiven Dagri Rinpoche, she chose to speak out in solidarity with Perez Valdivia. “I write this post for other victims. Because they . . . still experience the hardships,” she said.
Related: Sex in the Sangha . . . Again
FPMT head Lama Zopa Rinpoche, meanwhile, has received criticism for an open letter he sent to Dagri Rinpoche’s students. He wrote:
Dagri Rinpoche is a very positive, holy being—definitely not an ordinary person . . . Therefore, I want to tell the students who have received initiations and teachings from Dagri Rinpoche that you should definitely one hundred percent rejoice, no matter what the world says, no matter if some people criticize him. Even after Buddha became enlightened, he showed the aspect of having pain in his foot when a piece of wood went through it. Buddha said that the suffering was the result of sexual misconduct with a woman in one of his past lives, a long time ago.
In her statement, Perez Valdivia called the advice “embarrassing and outrageous” and said it “excuses the abuser from any ‘appearance’ of misconduct that he may manifest.”
May 17, 2019
There is a change.org petition asking FPMT to take responsibility and conduct an independent investigation of widespread sexual molestation by high-ranking teachers within their organisation. Will the Tibetan leaders finally act on the crimes committed rather than sweep them under the carpet?
May 17, 2019
Prominent Buddhist nuns issue statement calling FPMT to conduct an independent investigation after growing number of women have come out accusing FPMT teachers of sexual harassment and molestation.
According to reports from ex-FPMT members, sexual abuse is common in FPMT centres around the world.
The prominent nuns behind the statement are:
(1) Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, founder of Dongyu Gatsal Ling Nunnery, India
(2) Bhiksuni Jampa Tsedroen, PhD University of Hamburg, Germany
(3) Bhikshuni Karma Lekshe Tsomo, PhD
Professor at the University of San Diego, USA, and founder of Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women
(4) Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron, Abbess of Sravasti Abbey, USA
(5) Bhikshuni Sangye Khadro, FPMT teacher, USA
(6) Bhikshuni Tenzin Tsepal, FPMT teacher, USA
(7) Venerable Tenzin Chogkyi, FPMT teacher, USA
(8) Ghetzulma Carla Tzultrim Pemo Freccero, Italy
(9) Ghetzulma Lucia Tenzin Ciotzo Bani, Italy
(10) Venerable Tenzin Nordron, USA
May 22, 2019
Disgusting. This is the example and tone that FPMT have set for their people, which is to EXCUSE SEXUAL ABUSE. Embarrassing that this Western organization allows their people to use cultural differences as a justification for abuse or a lack of reaction. This reaction is so illogical because:
(1) FPMT are Western-based so they should know how to react and that is, to not sweep it under the rug
(2) The first victim is an Indian and Dagri spent most of his life in India so what cultural difference is there???
(3) Not to forget but it’s ILLEGAL to abuse women so the point on cultural differences is irrelevant. It’s ILLEGAL, plain and simple.
Really embarrassing that FPMT would go along with this. It’s not human, let alone Buddhist.
Tenzin K
May 23, 2019
The truth about Dagri Rinpoche has revealed, can anyone imagine how all the students who have received teachings and initiations from him are going to feel! They will be disgusted with Dagri Rinpoche, they will feel cheated by FPMT, and maybe they will even lose faith in Buddhism.
What is more, Dagri Rinpoche has also ordained hundreds of monks and nuns over the last decade. How valid are their vows now, and are they really monks and nuns given that they received their ordination from someone who has been breaking his monk vows all this while?
Overall, it is a very difficult situation exacerbated by FPMT’s irresponsibility in handling the whole matter.
Doreen Park
May 25, 2019
“What is more anti-Dalai Lama, practicing Dorje Shugden or giving the Dalai Lama a bad name by committing sexual assaults on women and then trying to protect yourself by showing how close you are to him”? That’s what people like Dagri Rinpoche are doing!
Now, what is more alarming is that being politically correct appears to be more important than practicing the Dharma correctly. So one can abandon the basic Buddhist tenet of non-harming, BUT not the Eight Worldly concerns, especially the concerns of fame and gain?
FPMT can make spurious unfounded accusations of Shugden practitioners as Chinese spies. Yet, when it comes to the case of Dagri Rinpoche, a member of the Dalai Lama office, they will just dismiss all accusations levelled at him as unjustified and cover up, despite his being caught red handed sexually assaulting not one woman and but several others.
The sad part is that the victims of these assaults are left feeling traumatized and unprotected and even made to feel that they are the guilty ones!
How grossly unjust and unfair
May 27, 2019
There is a new update from the FPMT and Lama Zopa just published (on 24 May) and it’s so sad that even now, neither FPMT and Lama Zopa are doing anything to take these allegations seriously. Quite the opposite, Lama Zopa is still protecting Dagri Rinpoche, still saying that he is “a holy being” and asking people to accept that him sexually molesting people is some form of divine act for the good of the victim.
May 27, 2019
Meanwhile, the FPMT is saying that Dagri Rinpoche is okay to be a teacher because the Office of the Dalai Lama said so.
Luckily, people today are not so easily fooled.
Tenzin K
May 27, 2019
People have also started questioning why the Dalai Lama endorses spiritual teachers who are sex abusers. Dagri Rinpoche now joins the ranks of Dalai Lama-endorsed sexual offenders such as Sogyal Rinpoche, Sakyong Mipham, Lama Yeshe Nyingpo, Gangten Tulku, Lama Norlha, Lama Choedak Rinpoche and Tenzin Dhonden. Doubt in the Dalai Lama’s ‘seal of approval’ is growing and the Dalai Lama really needs to take action and speak up strongly against these Buddhist teachers who are abusing their power and position, and tarnishing the Dharma with their actions. These teachers are bringing Buddhism down.
Ngawang Jigme
May 31, 2019
Unlike 5 years ago, Tibetan leader Lobsang Sangay is not invited to Prime Minister Modi’s swearing-in ceremony this time. It is clear that PM Modi of India snubs the Tibetan leadership once again in favour of deeper ties with China. The Tibetan leadership finds itself increasingly isolated as nobody wants to offend China by lending any support to the ungrateful Tibetans.
Dagri #MeToo
May 31, 2019
Finally, Dagri is being brought to the court. The first hearing was done on 23rd May while the next hearing is scheduled for 12th June. I wonder if the FPMT is paying for his court case and if they will deny the law further by saying he is an emanation of some high being and settle it outside of court. I wish victim number 4 step forward to bring this case to the next level too!
Click here for the court case details https://services.ecourts.gov.in/ecourtindia_v6/
CNR: HPKA120015502019
Gavin Kilty
June 2, 2019
Michael Richards has been caught saying Lama Zopa teaches “crap” !
See it at https://i.imgur.com/kpsvtFK.jpg
June 4, 2019
I bet Dagri Rinpoche’s news shocked the whole world. Many high lamas did similar nasty crimes, and they are being exposed one by one now. There is no hiding from their sins, and the karma is catching up now. He has a court case against him now, and he won’t be able to pull a Sogyal and escape from his crimes.
It is shocking to know that a high lama like him can commit crimes like this and still get away with it in the first place. Thanks to FPMT and corrupted Dalai Lama’s man that brushed those allegations against Dagri Rinpoche when they first appeared decades ago. Now they will not be able to brush it off since it is reported by an Indian woman to the police directly.
Dagri Rinpoche will have to pay for his dirty deeds and his uncontrollable lust. It is sad to see a high lama acting so perversely and have no shame. It stains the image of Tibetan Buddhism and will turn many away from Buddhism. He will have a lot of negative karma to deal with for severing the spiritual path of many onlookers.
June 9, 2019
This is what people say “what goes around comes around”. Dagri Rinpoche has been hurting innocent women including nuns for the past 10 years. But who knows, maybe he has been doing that for longer than that! He took advantage of his title ‘Rinpoche’ to cover up his evil intention. He told the victims that he was giving them special blessings to help them progress in their spiritual journey or heal their diseases. For a person who is supposedly learned, Dagri Rinpoche twisted Buddha’s teachings to fulfill his sickening desire.
Molesting women is one of his many crimes, he also sounds like he is an alcoholic and he uses alcohol to facilitate his ill intention. Tantric masters use alcohol for higher practice, but he consumes alcohol for his desires. He is the reason why much general public has doubt in Tibetan Buddhism and lamas.
We must thank the Indian woman who reported on Dagri Rinpoche. She is not a Buddhist, she has no reason to tell lies to accuse Dagri Rinpoche. For her to make a report to the police and the police accepted her case, she must have enough evidence to prove what she said. Dagri Rinpoche can say all he wants to, but no one will really believe him. It is time for him to get the results of the actions he has committed.
June 14, 2019
When Dagri Rinpoche was at the police station, he told them his address is in Dharamsala, kind of hinting the police he has a relationship with the Dalai Lama. He was hoping he could get away from it. Unfortunately, he failed. The Dalai Lama is not above all.
Similar to Sogyal Rinpoche’s sex scandal, the Dalai Lama is also keeping quiet. It has been a while, no announcement or any statement made for the CTA or the Dalai Lama’s office. It also took a long time for FPMT to make an announcement on Dagri Rinpoche even though the statement is very disappointing.
Why is the Tibetan authority so irresponsible? All they care about is their reputation and face. They never admit their wrongdoings and then look for a solution to solve the problem and move on. With an attitude and mentality like this, it is not surprising that Tibetan leadership is a failure.
June 15, 2019
I hope Dagri Rinpoche will not be able to get away from the crime he has committed. If he is really innocent, why did he want to postpone the court date? If he is really innocent, he will want to prove that immediately because it is tough to live with an accusation like that. Besides, with this accusation, he will not be able to continue to teach. If he is innocent and he is sincere, he should go to the court as soon as possible to clear his name.
It is impossible he is not good in English or Hindi, the reason he gives is not very convincing. It looks like he just wants to buy time so he does not have to face the public and the victims. I hope he will not tell the court that he was trying to purify the Indian woman’s negative karma when they were on the plane.
Lama Zopa should have read or heard about how other people said about the public statement he released via FPMT. Why is Lama Zopa so insistent on his statement? It was a very bad move for him. I am not sure about others but my respect for him has reduced after reading what he wrote. It was very disappointing.
June 15, 2019
The people around the Dalai Lama, like Dagri had been in power for so long until they have forgotten that the law is still applicable to them. Just because His Holiness is a powerful leader, that does not mean he can pardon anyone from their crimes.
The Tibetan leadership had been committing various unspeakable crimes that are hideous in nature. This is how they maintained their power in Tibet for all these years from the 5th Dalai Lama onwards. Many innocent lives are lost in the pursuit of power.
Even now with their current situation where they are refugees in India, they still have that kind of mentality as if they do whatever they want. However, little did they know that the world they are familiar with had gone and a new age has come. They are no longer the powerful warlords in Tibet that own slaves and they can do whatever they want.
Peter Kedge
June 16, 2019
The Tibet Star video report is really accurate, it’s so clear that Dagri Rinpoche is trying to stall the court case by lying!
No one who is innocent will behave like that, he is surely guilty! I hope the Indian courts will serve the women he molested justice and put him in prison!
June 18, 2019
Look at how Dagri Rinpoche was trying to associate himself with the Dalai Lama so he can get away with it. In my opinion, the Dalai Lama has to take some responsibility too. He probably has been covering people up over the years and these people think the Dalai Lama will continue to do that for them. If the Dalai Lama does something different, ie to openly condemn the behaviour of these criminals, no one will dare to use his name anymore.
The Dalai Lama is not above the law, he has to follow the rules as well. Just because he is a reincarnated lama, it does not mean he can do anything that he wants and everyone has to give way to him. It might be the case in the old Tibet but in the modern world, everyone has to abide by the law.
The reason the Tibetan leadership fails in so many things is that they still have the mentality of the older days, thinking they are above all. Even though they say they are democratic but they don’t really understand what it means. There is still favouritism and nepotism in the Tibetan leadership.
June 20, 2019
You are right that the Tibetan spiritual leader should be responsible for the spirituality of all Tibetan Buddhist practitioners. Why would he be protecting the wrongs of the Lamas using religion as a way for their sexual molestations? In this day and age with the ease of social media, how would he expect to keep the activities quiet and the victims suppressed? How does that benefit the sanctity of Buddha’s teachings? In fact, more would be drawn to the Buddhist religion if he had immediately taken action on these sexual predators and kept the religion clean in transparency. Instead of uniting his people, he had allowed segregation, persecution, discrimination, abuse and whatever negativity that should not be, in accordance to Buddha’s teachings. People like me looked up to him to guide as he is the emanation of Buddha Avalokiteshvara, Buddha of Compassion, the face of kindness and love, the Noble Peace Prize recipient and yet, he created such division with the ban on Dorje Shugden practice which is powerfully beneficial to practitioners and authentic since the times of 5th Dalai Lama’s endorsement. It was a total shock to watch the video of him speaking so harshly to throw the DS lamas out if they do not comply with the ban. These are lamas who had spent and gave their lives to the monasteries. Such severity for upholding their Guru samaya and personal choice. Yet, the sexual offenders who had actually harmed others are let off without even a slap on the wrist. Amazing!
CTA sucks
June 21, 2019
It does not make sense that CTA persecutes Dorje Shugden practitioners more than sexual abusers like Sogyal or Sikyong Mipham. Dorje Shugden practitioners are persecuted based on their belief system while they did nothing that violates the law.
Sogyal or Sikyong Mipham had abused their female students sexually and did a lot of nasty things that harmed their students. What they did are against the law and they created a lot of suffering on the victims. While CTA has a dedicated section on their website to talk against Dorje Shugden practice and the practitioners, they did nothing regarding the sexual abuse by high lamas in Tibetan Buddhism.
In fact, they did not prosecute the sexual offenders properly and let them go with a very light punishment. Meanwhile, Dorje Shugden practitioners are condemned to be worst than sexual offenders and they are to be segregated from the community at all cost. They are even being denied of basic human needs such as healthcare and education.
June 25, 2019
What you commented on is so “Dagri”!!! A hypocrite who practices differently from what he preaches. Most of those who persecute against Dorje Shugden practitioners broke their guru Samaya to look “correct”. So that they gain perks, recognization, and be on the “right” side. Stupid though cos, in the long run, they are the one losing out on the most effective protector of our time and also, losing the blessings of their Guru. That is just plain ignorance that they will regret sooner or later.
June 28, 2019
It is unbelievable for a well known Dharma centre like FPMT to cover up something as serious as this. They have failed to protect their own dharma sisters by letting someone like Dagri into their organisation. It is just a matter of time where Dagri will abuse the people at FPMT. Since FPMT know about some of the allegations that was directed towards Dagri, why did they let him teach at their centre?
Obviously, FPMT does not care about the females in their organisation because fame and benefits is much more important. Dagri is very close to CTA and His Holiness and having him on board can bring alot of advantages to their centres.
That is why they are willing to subject the females in their organisation to such danger and risk just for the sake of getting close to His Holiness and CTA. It is just like the Dorje Shugden all over again. They abandoned the sacred practice that was given by their founder Lama Yeshe just to get on the same side as His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Joo Won
July 6, 2019
It’s quite sad to know about this: a woman who stand against injustice, ALONE, and the consequence is being blacklisted, when she should be the one who should have protection from an institution like FPMT 😨😢 You have watch this latest video: https://youtu.be/14Bb4I2FHX4
Tenzin Peljor Tastes Own Medicine
July 8, 2019
This is karma in action.
Tenzin Peljor or Tenpel as he is known on the social media, made a name for himself by destroying lives. He runs a blog wherein he undermines, discredits and disparages innocent lamas and Buddhist practitioners, accusing many of charges he invents.
Peljor has made a lucrative career by defaming Dorje Shugden and Shugden lamas and it is well known that he is the CTA’s hired gun in this unholy endeavour. The bulk of his blog posts in recent years are disinformation campaigns designed to stoke hatred against innocent Dorje Shugden Buddhists.
However, as a ‘Buddhist monk’ Tenzin Peljor should have believed in karma. For all the harm he created, he recently got a taste of his own medicine when he was expelled from FPMT’s celebrations of the Dalai Lama’s 84th birthday at the Istituto Lama Tsongkhapa (ILTK).
Apparently Tenzin Peljor made enemies at the FPMT when he hosted a petition on his blog calling for Dagri Rinpoche to be investigated. Peljor could not have avoided this move without making himself look like a hypocrite. He has after all portrayed himself as somewhat of a Buddhist policeman and Dagri is so clearly guilty for sexually abusing countless women.
From a Facebook post (attached) we see Gavin Kilty, a FPMT translator and part of the FPMT establishment, confirming that Tenzin Peljor was kicked from the ILTK’s celebrations of the Dalai Lama’s 84th birthday.
Tenzin Peljor has been staying at the ILTK in Italy after he got into legal trouble with Lama Ole Nydahl in Germany. Lama Ole had sued Tenzin Peljor who decided to run away to Italy to avoid the legal suit. Now because of his role in outing Dagri, the FPMT has decided to kick him out. This would have damaged Tenzin Peljor’s reputation considerably as he prides himself as having a close connection with the Dalai Lama and the FPMT, one of the biggest Buddhist groups around. Without the FPMT and Peljor’s claim to know the Dalai Lama, he is nothing. Now its clear he has lost both.
Two points we should note:
(1) The FPMT does not hesitate to kick anyone out if they go against the FPMT’s diktats, not even when someone is trying to bring Dagri to justice. In this the FPMT behaves more like the mafia than a Buddhist organization. Clearly the FPMT does not tolerate any dissensions even if it is merely asking for the the law to be enforced.
(2) Tenzin Peljor has been hung out to dry and there is no reward even after Tenzin Peljor willingly became the main anti-DS attack dog. The FPMT together with the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) have been the main opponents to the Dorje Shugden practice, underwriting much of the campaigns to destroy the ancient practice. Tenzin Peljor has been the main character assassin of Shugden lamas.
After all these years of attacking innocent Dorje Shugden people, Tenzin Peljor finds himself out in the cold when he tries to expose a truly guilt lama, Dagri Rinpoche.
What is Tenzin Peljor going to do now? He has built a career on a foundation of lies and now he is ruined by the FPMT which is the foundation of an ever bigger set of lies.
Some will call this poetic justice. Although there is no joy seeing Tenzin Peljor being kicked out in such a way, we should all remember the thousands of faultless monks who have been expelled from their monasteries, the innocent monks forced to disrobe and/or to disown their teachers and dharma protector, families that have had to split and the countless lives that have been destroyed because of the vicious and unsavoury assaults against Dorje Shugden worshippers which Peljor championed.
To make matters worse for Tenzin Peljor, he was expelled from the celebrations when Lobsang Sangay was there. Sangay is of course the CTA President and the man who hired Peljor to attack DS lamas. So Tenzin Peljor is humiliated in the presence of his old boss, Lobsang Sangay.
What is Tenzin Peljor going to do now? What can he do except to face his own karma?