Author Topic: Apologize for my wrong view on dorje shugden in the past  (Read 7482 times)


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Apologize for my wrong view on dorje shugden in the past
« on: November 06, 2016, 01:29:41 AM »
Just to express my sincere apologize and regret of the wrong view I have on dorje shugden in the past.
Like many other buddhist who was told by high ranking people that shugden is a worldly spirit, I also believe it initially.
Sometimes when dispute happen, one really need to listen to both side. Like for my case, I come across some article about this which is when I begin to doubt what the mainstream people said. I even do MO, all the results told me that dorje shugden is perfectly upright being and most importantly an emanation of majushri. To my surprise, even my guru which suppose to officially against it also gives me greenlight to practice shugden.
Visualizing shugden in front and chanting his mantra also gives me a kind of good feeling :)

All shugden practitioner out there, please forgive those who is still having wrong view on shugden, if possible help them to purify their bad karma. They don't intentionally made mistake but rather out of ignorance.

By the way, I am living in Singapore, can I know does any rinpoche come to Singapore once a while to give shugden empowerment or teaching. I would like to start practicing it so hope I have the merit to meet one soon.


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Re: Apologize for my wrong view on dorje shugden in the past
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2016, 04:13:21 AM »
One of the aspects which I really like about Tibetan Buddhism is the use of debate & logic and does not encourage blind following.

In this Dorje Shguden controversial issue, many anti Dorje Shugden people don't actually reason with logic, and they just choose to blindly believe what HH Dalai Lama told them.

There are quite a lot of debate points, for example, can HHDL's teachings: HH Trijang Rinpoche and Ling Rinpoche be wrong  about Dorje Shugden practice? If they can be wrong about an important practice, can they be wrong about other practice which they have taught HHDL too? Tibetan just keep saying Trijang Rinpoche & Ling Rinpoche were wrong, but they really never think about the consequences of the statement, because it can mean all the teachings in Tibetan Buddhism could also be wrong. This is just one of the many things anti Dorje Shugden people who refuse to look into.

I pray people are more open mind when it comes to Dorje Shugden issue.


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Re: Apologize for my wrong view on dorje shugden in the past
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2016, 10:11:25 AM »
So any idea how soon any qualified rinpoche will give shugden empowerment in singapore or the region?

Tenzin Malgyur

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Re: Apologize for my wrong view on dorje shugden in the past
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2016, 02:05:30 PM »
Kris, agreed with you that people would have an open mind when discussion on the topic of Shugden practice arise. It is just too sad to know of so many people having a bad impression on Dorje Shugden and his practice based on little information they heard through the vine without finding out the truth and abruptly stop all conversation at the mere mention of Shugden.
Some of us were fortunate to have the guidance of a teacher who advised us to rely on and pray to Dorje Shugden and we have followed our teacher's advice. I would like to say that I am so happy for shu_2016_11_5 to realize the mistakes she/he did previously. And I would like to add that one does not need an empowerment to start practicing Shugden.


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Re: Apologize for my wrong view on dorje shugden in the past
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2016, 02:53:39 PM »
Agree with Tenzin Malgyur. One do not need empowerment to start Dorje Shugden practice. and it is not about getting all kinds of empowerment. It is starting the basic practice and keeping up the daily sadhana. it is about being consistent and having the right motivation.

The short sadhana is available for download on thei website. you can follow the link: -


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Re: Apologize for my wrong view on dorje shugden in the past
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2016, 07:46:37 PM »
Oh wow this is such a refreshing read and a good one. Thank you shu2016_11_5 for your openness and honesty and yes of course Shugden people we will always forgive and we always look forward to being friends and unite with people. We especially wish we can reunite again with all our Buddhist friends, dharma brothers and sisters and for some even families again. We wish that so very much, like how it was, we could sit and eat with each other no matter which sect you are from. Everyone was happy and kind with each other there was harmony.

The ban on Dorje Shugden really tore so many of us apart, emotionally and spiritually and physically too. It really put a hole in our spirit and divided our society. We are already such a minority, since occupied Tibet, so why does the Tibetan gov CTA split us further with this ridiculous ban. Tibetan leaders are a fake democratic administration. It is the only gov/administration that divides her own people and blames the lost of their country on a deity. How illogical is that?!


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Re: Apologize for my wrong view on dorje shugden in the past
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2016, 06:57:10 AM »
Dear shu2016_11_5,
Glad to know that you are able to see the truth by being open minded and listen to both sides of the stories. Rejoice to know that your Guru has also given you "green light" to practice Dorje Shugden.

As mentioned by grandmapele, you can start by doing the daily short the link without empowerment. When you do the sadhana consistently daily with Kawang & Serkym (Golden Tea Offerings), it will help to clear your obstacles in your spiritual path and let you close to Guru and Dharma.

May you always be closed with Dharma & Guru.
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha. 


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Re: Apologize for my wrong view on dorje shugden in the past
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2016, 01:56:11 PM »
Dear shu2016_11_5, good to know that you have done your research and not listen to only one side of the story. Personally, I have been practicing Dorje Shugden for years and I know for sure Dorje Shugden is always there with me protecting and caring like a parent for a child. I believe in life, whatever people say, doesnt mean that its true, we should always check and find out the facts and not follow blindly. Many DS practitioners around the world are suffering from discrimination, hatred and lies. I do hope that you can share your story with other people so that they too, can understand. I rejoice that your veil of ignorance was removed. May you always be blessed by the 3 Jewels.

For your question, perhaps you would like to check this out [url]]


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Re: Apologize for my wrong view on dorje shugden in the past
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2016, 04:21:35 PM »
Dear all

Thanks so much for the encouragement on me :)
I do feel sad to hear about the misery that happen on you due to DS issue.
But come to think of it, maybe you shouldn't let other people know that you practice shugden, if it really tore you apart emotionally and physically. If they are your closed ones, just pretend that you agree with them and unite together like before.
I myself decided to practice shugden secretly, I am sure there are many other vajrayana practitioner who do like this.
I saw some article saying Dalai Lama has allowed the practice of shugden, but no official evidence so far.
For the shugden empowerment, I think the blessing will be more, if one has received the empowerment, and allow to self visualize as shugden. If not, is there some verses that we can chant and request for initialization from Shugden and do other process that we have gone through in a typical empowerment.


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Re: Apologize for my wrong view on dorje shugden in the past
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2016, 03:56:20 PM »
Thank you shu2016_11_5 for your frank and refreshing post. I rejoice that you had found Dorje Shugden, investigated and started practicing with the blessings of your Guru. As kris said, many Anti-Shugdens do not understand the depth of the harm of saying the Tutors of the Dalai Lama as being wrong. They are the lineage Gurus that had passed down the holy practises which had been held purely all the way back to Buddha Shakyamuni. So if they are wrong then what is right in our practices? What is right in the Dalai Lama's practices and all the teachings, initiations and empowerments that he had given to the masses? It is scary to think that our practices no longer hold any blessings from the Gurus as they were wrong. So what are the Anti Shugdens practicing?

There is nothing wrong with practicing in secrecy if you so choose. It is just that those who stood up for their practice do so to help those being suppressed by tradition, like the Tibetans-In-Exile. Having come from a country where feudalism was practiced, many would not dare to voice out and as such suffered a lot of injustice due to their faithful practice of Dorje Shugden. In voicing out and defending this 400 year old practice of an enlightened Protector draws attention to their sufferings and our rights to religious freedom. Now the Dalai Lama had come out to declare that Dorje Shugden does not harm his life and never had been in fear for his life. Since the Dalai Lama stands at the forefront of freedom for Tibet, then not harming his life means not harming the Tibetan Freedom movement either. He even went on to acknowledge the monasteries where we can practice Dorje Shugden. May CTA take heed and respect his wishes to reunite all Tibetans by swiftly lifting the ban on Dorje Shugden. May the Dalai Lama's wish be granted and for China to start a dialogue for their return to Tibet under autonomous rule as the Dalai Lama proposed.


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Re: Apologize for my wrong view on dorje shugden in the past
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2016, 01:22:10 PM »
I am happy for you, shu2016_11_5, that you did your research and understand better instead of listening to one side of the story. I rejoice too that your Guru has given you his blessings to practice Dorje Shugden. Thank you for your openness and honesty.

The ban on Dorje Shugden has caused so much hardship for Shugden practitioners. Recently, the Dalai Lama says that Dorje Shugden cannot harm his life or the Tibetan cause and let’s hope that the CTA will heed the Dalai Lama advice and stop harassing Shugden practitioners.

I have been a Shugden practitioner for many years even though I did not receive the empowerment.  I came across this website and started learning and decided to do the short prayer and the mantra. (   Dorje Shugden has helped me cleared many obstacles in my life and I know that he is always watching over me and my family.

James Bond

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Re: Apologize for my wrong view on dorje shugden in the past
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2016, 06:42:00 AM »
This is the perfect example of someone who has been somewhat brainwashed into thinking that Dorje Shugden was a negative being but then has realised that actually Dorje Shugden is not bad at all. Its good that this person decided to hear from both sides regarding the matter instead of just hearing from one and believing in just one. In life we must all learn to listen to both sides of any argument if we want to see the clearer picture.


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Re: Apologize for my wrong view on dorje shugden in the past
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2016, 07:25:26 AM »
Sometimes, someone work hard at their practice and gain merits to come across teachings to clear their obscured and deluded view of a practice. This will open their mind and lead them to more practice to collect more merits for more and clearer teachings on the pure and stainless teachings.

With clarity, one can discern and understand the dharma better. I guess, this just shows us that we do have to continue to work hard to collect more merits.


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Re: Apologize for my wrong view on dorje shugden in the past
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2016, 10:07:25 AM »
Dear shu2016_11_5 I am so happy for you that you found the great protector Dorje Shugden. We are so lucky that there is no empowerment needed to practice Dorje Shugden, in fact you even don't have to be Buddhist but if you are sincere, Dorje Shugden will help you!

Unfortunately the ban has not yet been lifted so still many people don't dare to practice openly. Those in the Tibetan Communities get harsh punishments like bring cast out, cut off from friends and family, not able to go to the hospital or even buy things at the corner shop.

May the ban be lifted swiftly so that Dorje Shugden can arise as the World Peace Protector. We need Him so much!


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Re: Apologize for my wrong view on dorje shugden in the past
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2016, 03:41:52 AM »
Hi thanks all for your encouragement.
After practicing shugden for about 2 months I will say shugden practice really can quickly brings you result.
On top of that, the various obstacles that I used to have also slowly changing or diminishing.