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By: Solaray Kusco
In the latest shocking incident to take place in Dharamsala, the member of parliament (MP) Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar has been filmed violently attacking an American-Chinese tourist, a Ms. Wen Qi Zhu. MP Lhagyari ignored Ms. Zhu’s protestations that she is a student of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, continuing to attack her with her fists after a disagreement arose between the two women on the topic of Tibet’s history.
MP Lhagyari has been in the news quite a lot recently, and never for good reasons. She was seen in August 2017 attending an all-expenses paid rangzen conference in Paris, where she enjoyed nice hotels, cafes and sightseeing whilst gathering with other Tibetan rangzen activists to discuss strategies for a fully independent Tibet. Their meeting was in total opposition to the Dalai Lama’s umaylam approach (meaningful autonomy) which, as everyone knows, the Dalai Lama has strongly advocated for many years.

MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar seen here publicly accosting Ms. Zhu, who was protesting an exhibition about Tibetan history. Ms. Zhu is a student of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and had just come from an audience with His Holiness.
Clearly however, MP Lhagyari has no respect for the Dalai Lama, his advice and his decisions. Her attending the conference put her squarely in the company of the rangzen people whom ex-Prime Minister Samdhong Rinpoche has previously said are the most dangerous in Tibetan society.
So in these shocking images and video above, as first reported by Phayul, MP Lhagyari can be seen attacking a Chinese student of the Dalai Lama. The lady, a Chinese-born American citizen by the name of Wen Qi Zhu, had just had an audience with His Holiness when she was attacked. Ms. Zhu also happens to be a sponsor of the Tibetan leadership, having made financial contributions to the recent teachings given by His Holiness. Despite these facts being made evident to MP Lhagyari, she continued to attack Ms. Zhu. Surely anyone including Ms. Zhu, would have been shocked to attend Dalai Lama’s teachings on forgiveness, tolerance and love towards all beings including enemies and their Chinese brothers and sisters. Then when she walks out, she encounters displays by MP Lhagyari that she disagrees with and MP Lhagyari became violent. Does MP Lhagyari represent the Dalai Lama’s exiled government correctly? The Dalai Lama preaches tolerance but his MP Lhagyari enacts violence on the streets outside his temple where the teachings were just given. People who disagree with exiled government of Tibet hear one thing from the Dalai Lama and experience the opposite from his government members.

Ms. Zhu, circled in red, seen here at an audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama after receiving teachings from him. MP Lhagyari attacked a student and sponsor of the Dalai Lama.
Questions have been raised about MP Lhagyari’s conduct, as she appears to be against anything the Dalai Lama supports. Not only does she advocate rangzen and gather with people who are against the Dalai Lama’s meaningful autonomy, but now she has also been caught on film attacking supporters and students of the Dalai Lama. Her behavior has been widely condemned as embarrassing of the Tibetan leadership and there are now calls for her resignation.
These are the facts:
- Regardless of whatever Ms. Zhu said, and whether MP Lhagyari agreed with it, her behavior was most unbecoming as a member of parliament and representative of the Dalai Lama’s government. Is this the version of democracy that the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA; Tibetan leadership) espouses, one characterized by intolerance and violence?
- Whatever the disagreement between the two ladies, Ms. Zhu was in India which is a democratic nation. Hence she was well within her rights to protest the exhibition. Likewise, if MP Lhagyari was going to establish an exhibition like that, she should have been prepared for opposition and learned how to deal with it properly. Even if Ms. Zhu did not agree with her, MP Lhagyari as a government official should have remained courteous and polite to someone who is a tourist and guest of India.
- The Tibetan leadership are therefore immature, ill-informed and ill-equipped to deal with dissenting views. If anyone does not agree with the beliefs, their method of dealing with them is arrogant violence.

The brawl was witnessed by many people, who filmed the incident. Rather than helping, they gawked at the sight of their member of parliament attacking a tourist. The news is circulating on Tibetan social media now, with people making fun of MP Lhagyari’s questionable and embarrassing behavior.
- For the Tibetan leaders, democratic principles are only applicable when it suits them. When they want to promote their own ideas, or when it will impress potential sponsors to give them money, then they will roll out the red carpet to show how democratic they are. But when other people have their own, different beliefs, they are not allowed to have them and in that case, there is no democracy. This has been experienced by many in the Tibetan settlements who have seen their freedom of speech stifled and freedom of movement restricted over the years.
- MP Lhagyari’s inability to control her emotions, and to get proper authorities like the police to deal with incidents like these, makes her a poor candidate for any leadership position.
- If this is the type of person who occupies a seat in parliament, as someone with so much latent violence in their character, it is therefore extremely conceivable that the CTA is very capable of organizing the same type of violence against anyone else who does not agree with their views. An example of this are Dorje Shugden practitioners who have been rioted against, stabbed, murdered and segregated against.
- The CTA have so many policies that divide and segregate their own people on the basis of religion. Now they are getting some of their own karma back, why are they upset?
It remains to be seen how China will react to this latest incident but China may just bring up this incident as yet another reason to deny dialogue with the Tibetan leadership. After all, why open dialogue with a group of people who so violently and physically attack Chinese-born individuals?

A composite image featuring the details page of Ms. Zhu’s passport, indicating she is an American citizen born in China.
As for MP Lhagyari herself, she is now in a no-win situation. She is a very bad representative of the Tibetan government-in-exile. As a member of parliament of the Tibetan government-in-exile in Dharamsala, she should understand and know how to deal politely with people against her views and not retaliate in violence with any member of the public. She can easily ask for the police which are nearby to intervene. The police stations are very nearby. MP Lhagyari and some Tibetans expressed shock that even in the Dalai Lama’s headquarters of Dharamsala, someone ‘dare’ opposes their view of Tibetan history. This shows pure arrogance and ignorance which is reflective of the Tibetan leaders in Dharamsala located in Himachel Pradesh state of North India. The American-Chinese national was not happy that Tibetans paint all Chinese in the wrong light and indeed not all Chinese agreed with the policy and events in Tibet. MP Lhagyari would not hear of this. No one is allowed to question, doubt or be in opposition of MP Lhagyari’s views which represents her exiled government’s views. If they do, violence breaks out as you see here. This is the Tibetan government-in-exile’s version of democracy. It is no wonder after 60 years of being ‘refugees’ they still cannot make any headway with China regarding Tibet. Who stays refugees for 60 years anyway unless staying a ‘refugee’ brings in free sympathy money from ignorant foreigners?
Thanks to MP Lhagyari’s actions, the CTA or exiled Tibetan government is now a laughing stock of the world. The Tibetan leadership has to learn to accept that the world is not going to agree with them on everything anymore. After 60 years of playing the refugee card to gain sympathy, while living the high life in India and immigrating all over the world, there is very little sympathy left for them. MP Lhagyari should resign and or apologize if she wishes to be dignified and represent the Tibetan government-in-exile as civilized and educated.
October 4, 2017
You’ve done a masterful job of twisting this story around.
MP Lhagyari prevented that Chinese woman from destroying an exhibition of Tibetan history and Chinese brutality, and then was physically attacked by that woman. She showed a lot of restraint under physical duress.
The bigger point here that you completely missed is that Dharamsala is not only a spiritual place where one can attend teachings by the Dalai Lama and live blissfully unaware of the context in which those teaching come from. It is also a place where Tibetans can display their history, advocate for Tibet politically and socially, and express themselves freely. That Chinese woman was not ready to hear their truths.
She, and you as the author of this distorted fantasy, should be ashamed.

October 4, 2017
Time to unite Tibetan people with no bias against protector deity or religious inclinations. The Tibetan unity is very crucial now before everything falls apart. If the Tibetan leaders really want to benefit the people, it should start to be more secular and minimize and eventually work towards abolishing religious ruling like that Shugden ban. After all, this is the way of the future and it is what every democratic country in the world today practices.

Geraldine Sarie
October 4, 2017
What a shameful act. MP is representative/image of CTA and her act of violence totally points drop to minus and below. Such poor and ill attitude shouldn’t exist in an organization. Her actions embarrassed not only to herself, but to HHDL and as well as CTA and TIBET!! I think Ms. MP should contemplate and examine herself.
October 4, 2017
It’s obvious that these politicians are there so that they can impose their views on others. They are so used to bullying behavior that they just act on their emotions and god help those who disagree with them.
If as a member of the ruling party and a leader of the Tibetans in exile, MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar can behave so poorly, I dread to think how the ordinary uneducated Tibetans will act.
What a horrible representation!!
October 5, 2017
It really looks like MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar is becoming more and more emboldened in her defiance of the Dalai Lama’s wishes, from her involvement in the Rangzen conference to now violently attacking Dalai Lama’s student and sponsor.
If she truly was serving the interests of the Tibetans and the Dalai Lama, she would behave like how any self-respecting MP in a democratic establishment would i.e. decently respecting other dissenting views whilst making her position clear instead of resorting to violence and tyranny against those who disagree with her.
Then again, we are talking about CTA and so she is just applying CTA’s typical and ultimate manner of dealing with those with dissenting views – intimidation and violence to stamp out differing views and forcefully shove CTA’s position across. It is the same tactic used by CTA against Dorje Shugden practitioners.
With MPs like these, it is no wonder that, to date, there has been no significant progress with the Tibetan cause or the welfare of Tibetans.
October 5, 2017
Reading all these articles here makes me really think what is the CTA up to! Wouldn’t it be logical to unite the Tibetans and give them a home! Whatever happened, happened! There is no going back especially against a giant such as China. And China is doing a good job in Tibet – only the CTA creates trouble! Why are they not cooperating? It seems that it only comes back to money! How can they do this after so much support from all over the world!

October 5, 2017
Both should really have conducted themselves better. It is one thing to stand for your beliefs/views but quite the other to react negatively when other people don’t subscribe to your view.
That being said, it is undeniable that MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar is more culpable as she was reacting in her capacity as MP and such violent and disrespectful behaviour is not only unacceptable in a democratic setting but further reflects very badly on Tibetans and the Dalai Lama.
Swiss Tibetan Rangzen
October 5, 2017
Tibetan govt in exile is corrupt, useless and keeps their people as refugees so they can milk more aid money to put in their pockets
Dharamsala Son
October 6, 2017
These guys had an all expense luxury trip to Paris to attend a Rangzen (Tibetan Independence) meeting. This rangzen movement is directly against the Dalai Lama’s mdidle way autonomy. These guys are against our Dalai Lama.
Dharamsala Son
October 6, 2017
These guys had an all expense luxury trip to Paris to attend a Rangzen (Tibetan Independence) meeting. This rangzen movement is directly against the Dalai Lama’s mdidle way autonomy. These guys are against our Dalai Lama.
They are 100% against the Dalai Lama. We cannot support their views at all
Dharamsala Son
October 6, 2017
Lobsang Sangay and Sharling Dhardon was seen in Delhi together at a five star restaurant having a cozy dinner. These two are very close. Lobsang Sangay and Sharling Dhardon are very wealthy while their fellow Tibetans are selling sweaters on the dusty Indian streets.
October 6, 2017
For any leader, it is important to respond than to react based out of emotions that were fuelled at the moment. If they react in such a manner like how MP Lhagyari Dolkar did, how can they then be trusted with other much more important decisions that concern the entire Tibetan population? Who can have trust and faith in the CTA?
MP Lhagyari is not right to have done this to a tourist, let alone Chinese tourist, who opposed of the MP’s views. She should be accepting of the views of others. If the MP, representing CTA, does not want to listen to opposing views, then she should not have had her exibition at all. She shouldn’t even be an MP. I wonder how many more in the Central Tibetan Administration is like MP Lhagyari? They do not represent Tibetan people well, and the rich culture of Tibet. I am ashamed to have MP Lhagyari represent us in the CTA.😰😰
October 6, 2017
She never deserve to be MP how can a high ranking figure be so inhumane? Throw her out..
Lang Dharma
October 6, 2017
But the chinese woman entered Dalai Lama’s cosy little Elaka, or turf.
poor dalai lama.
October 7, 2017
Somehow the behaviour of MP Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar doesn’t really surprise me. Not when the big boss Sikyong, Lobsand Sangay, is even worse. Anything goes as long as their pockets are well lined to face the eventuality when sponsorships dry up (which I think probably will be soon given that most world leaders are getting smarter and aligning themselves with China for better financial returns).
However what grabbed me was that she is a student of the Dalai Lama, had audience with him as evince by the group photo and sponsored Dalai Lama’s teachings. Since she is Chinese and sponsoring, then what does it mean for the Dalai Lama? Hmmm! After all CTA calls Dorje Shugden practitioners Chinese spy and accuses them of being paid by the Chinese. Here officially it is said Ms. Zhu is a sponsor of the Dalai Lama. I think CTA needs to rethink again. CTA is accusing the Dalai Lama of being a Chinese Spy….maybe that is why CTA is going to Rangzen and not Autonomy. Hmmm….
October 7, 2017
yes it is truly shameful for a member of parliament to behave as such, this shows you the quality of the whole CTA. where is the compassion, where is the patience towards your “enemy”? the chinese woman just came out of Dalai Lama’s teaching, she is Dalai Lama’s guest, she is Dharamsala’s guest, whatever she did, as a member of parliament of the exiled Tibetans, Lhagyari should show a good face even when confronted, the only she will represent the Dalai Lama well, instead, she catfight with the chinese woman publicly on the street. Lhagyari, and the whole CTA, should be dissolved and shut down. Such “government” only brings bad name to Dalai Lama. i am sure the chinese woman has lost faith in the “holy” dharamsala after this.
October 8, 2017
Hi Dharamsala son, what u posted above are what i was told by my friends in Dharamsala!!! they match what i was told! I was shocked when i first heard about how sikyong and his fellow MP are so rich and living so lavishly, yet their fellow tibetans are suffering tremendously, living with no identity, poor, lack of resources and education and so on. Poor tibetans in-exile, i really pity them having to put under such corrupted leadership. Wake up Tibetans! Be united and realise your leadership is just using your “patriotic” mind set to make money for himself!!!!
Bryan Frisk
October 8, 2017
Oh my goodness. This is representative of the Tibetan leadership? with no offence, no wonder they still cannot get back their country. The top behave as such, how would u expect the bottom to behave? Self-immolation, protests, fight against each other, discrimination among own people, ban this and ban that, so much segregation. Tibetans are really ruining their own nation, dramatic, greedy, narrow-minded, uneducated, unethical. (Of course there are good people in the community) Ms. Lhagyari, a sane person would have give up their seat in the parliament when such scandal is published, you are not fit to represent the tibetans.
October 8, 2017
“Chief Guest Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar said that one must always remember that the heart of our struggle is fighting for independence.” taken from :
Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar supports Tibetan independence? isn’t this opposing Dalai Lama’s view on middle way? What His Holiness wishing is to gain Tibet autonomous right within China and not to be independent. If one doesn’t listen or cooperate with the direction of the leader, isn’t she a traitor? what’s her intention of having a seat in CTA? is there ulterior motive? hhhm…Maybe next time when Nechung take trance, sikyong can consult nechung the spirit? hhm…but…but i heard Nechung always give wrong information. Probably not so reliable. Well, there’s always bad apple in a basket, let’s see how SIKYONG manage this.
Jonathan K
October 8, 2017
MP Lhagyari should never have reacted so violently just because of opposing views from visitors. Regardless of how the American Chinese lady behaved, an MP should always represent the govt. Looks like this is acceptable behavior in the Central Tibetan Admin because none of her colleagues came to stop her bad behavior.
Very disappointing to see this coming from a Senior official. Looks like the Tibetan govt in exile is AGAINST the Dalai Lama’s teachings on compassion, peace and harmony.😱
October 8, 2017
This MP is so embarrassing. She should not be representing Tibetans in any way especially not in the CTA!
Tenzin Palljor
October 9, 2017
This is a servant of the people, a member of the parliament of Tibet? This is shameful. With parliamentarians like this, Tibet will never get it’s country back. 😖
Bylakuppe C
October 11, 2017
You can see in the comment of this youtube video how ungrateful, greedy and nasty Tibetans are. The Indians are angry and have a right to be angry after hosting the Tibetans for 60 years. Yet instead of being grateful, they lash back. Even calling the Indian students “COMMUNIST CHINA PAID DOGS” and other vulgarities. Very racist. Anything Tibetans don’t like, they call you a China spy or China money eating agent. Even the Indian nationals now are berated as China dogs.
No wonder Indians are protesting for Tibetans to go back! This is happening while the Dalai Lama is alive for after he passes, it will completely degenerate and the Indians will take action and expel the ungrateful refugees.
Bylakuppe C
October 11, 2017
We know that the Dalai Lama does not want independence for Tibet. All Rangzen fighting Tibetans are going against the Dalai Lama. They are hardcore separatists and most likely taking Chinese money to create schism. The attached Times of India article is very clear what the Dalai Lama wants. Rangzen Tibetans and activists are 100% against Dalai Lama and Tibetan nation.
Tashi Delhi
October 11, 2017
Dalai Lama does not want independence for Tibet but autonomy. It is clear that Rangzen-fighting Tibetans are going against the Dalai Lama. They are hardcore separatists and most likely taking Chinese money to create schism. The attached Times of India article is very clear what the Dalai Lama wants. Rangzen Tibetans and activists are 100% against Dalai Lama and Tibetan nation.
Tenzin Palljor
October 11, 2017
Tibetans use India. They don’t respect India and actually very racist. Indians are tired of this now and want them out. Now big protests in the hundreds are happening in Arunachel Pradesh state of India demanding Tibetans go back to Tibet. The people there are tired of the Tibetans and do not welcome them anymore. After 60 years, why are the Tibetans still refugees? If they can go western country, they will go because India is NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE USERS. They put India down. They only stay in India if they cannot go to another country. They never get Indian citizenship because they want foreign citizenship. Shame. In India, they never pay taxes. They never join army to defend India. They never build hospitals, half way houses, orphanages or get money from foreign aid to help India. They never build anything for Indians and we have so many poor Indians in India. Look at the foreigner Mother Teresa how much she did for India and she did so much for Indians in Calcutta but Tibetans do nothing. Not a charitable race. Their Dalai Lama never set up orphanages, schools, soup kitchens for the poor or set up scholarship for Indians. He lived in India for 60 years and give nothing back but take and use Indian land. The Tibetans lived in India for 60 years but they contribute nothing to India. Only complain and Indians are now going to speak up. The SUMAA students said the protests against Tibetans are only beginning and there will be more.
After 60 years how can they still be refugees. They are not genuine refugees. They call themselves refugees and not get Indian passport so their Tibetan ‘government’ in Dharamsala can continue to market them to western countries and Japan to give them money. To get free money. Tibetan leaders love free money. Tibetans have big houses, nice cars and can travel to other countries. The Dalai Lama temples in Dharamsala have gold idols and gold paintings and live in very high luxury. Tibetan leaders already get money in the US billions in aid and yet they never improve. The Tibetans always say they have no opportunities in India. Why they say that? Because they are saying they are too good for India.
They say they want autonomy with China but they fly the Tibetan flag on Indian soil. If they want autonomy, they should fly the Chinese flag and show China government they are serious to sit and talk. They are always lying. They protest against China on Indian soil making problems between India and China. India is not responsible for Tibetans. Tibetans should not make China India’s enemy. Don’t be selfish. China is not India’s problem. Tibetans should solve the problems themselves.
Tibetan leaders only want money, money and more free things. They always make segregation among their people due to regional differences and religion. Look how they supress the Dorje Shugden religion and their own Dorje Shugden Tibetans cannot join in their schools or Dalai Lama’s talks and ceremonies. They treat the Dorje Shugden people like the low castes in India. Their Tibetan people cannot stand up on their own become something because their leaders want everything for free. When they go to western countries, they lose their culture, religion and language and pay a heavy price. Their children become more like the adopted country’s culture and people. Their ‘government’ in Dharamsala block them from getting Indian citizenship so they can continue using their fake refugee status to get money from the west. When India is so generous to give them citizenship, their own Tibetan minister in Dharamsala block this.
Now Indians had enough and want Tibetans to get out and go home!
SUMAA students heavily protest
Indians and Indian tribal people want Tibetans to go back to Tibet:
Hundreds want Tibetans out of India. Protests are vowed to continue:
Heavy protest in the hundreds by Indians for Tibetans to get out of India
Tenzin Peljor
October 12, 2017
Tibetans use India. They don’t respect India and actually very racist. Indians are tired of this now and want them out. Now big protests in the hundreds are happening in Arunachel Pradesh state of India demanding Tibetans go back to Tibet. The people there are tired of the Tibetans and do not welcome them anymore. After 60 years, why are the Tibetans still refugees? If they can go western country, they will go because India is NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE USERS. They put India down. They only stay in India if they cannot go to another country. They never get Indian citizenship because they want foreign citizenship. Shame. In India, they never pay taxes. They never join army to defend India. They never build hospitals, half way houses, orphanages or get money from foreign aid to help India. They never build anything for Indians and we have so many poor Indians in India. Look at the foreigner Mother Teresa how much she did for India and she did so much for Indians in Calcutta but Tibetans do nothing. Not a charitable race. Their Dalai Lama never set up orphanages, schools, soup kitchens for the poor or set up scholarship for Indians. He lived in India for 60 years and give nothing back but take and use Indian land. The Tibetans lived in India for 60 years but they contribute nothing to India. Only complain and Indians are now going to speak up. The SUMAA students said the protests against Tibetans are only beginning and there will be more.
After 60 years how can they still be refugees. They are not genuine refugees. They call themselves refugees and not get Indian passport so their Tibetan ‘government’ in Dharamsala can continue to market them to western countries and Japan to give them money. To get free money. Tibetan leaders love free money. Tibetans have big houses, nice cars and can travel to other countries. The Dalai Lama temples in Dharamsala have gold idols and gold paintings and live in very high luxury. Tibetan leaders already get money in the US billions in aid and yet they never improve. The Tibetans always say they have no opportunities in India. Why they say that? Because they are saying they are too good for India.
They say they want autonomy with China but they fly the Tibetan flag on Indian soil. If they want autonomy, they should fly the Chinese flag and show China government they are serious to sit and talk. They are always lying. They protest against China on Indian soil making problems between India and China. India is not responsible for Tibetans. Tibetans should not make China India’s enemy. Don’t be selfish. China is not India’s problem. Tibetans should solve the problems themselves.
Tibetan leaders only want money, money and more free things. They always make segregation among their people due to regional differences and religion. Look how they supress the Dorje Shugden religion and their own Dorje Shugden Tibetans cannot join in their schools or Dalai Lama’s talks and ceremonies. They treat the Dorje Shugden people like the low castes in India. Their Tibetan people cannot stand up on their own become something because their leaders want everything for free. When they go to western countries, they lose their culture, religion and language and pay a heavy price. Their children become more like the adopted country’s culture and people. Their ‘government’ in Dharamsala block them from getting Indian citizenship so they can continue using their fake refugee status to get money from the west. When India is so generous to give them citizenship, their own Tibetan minister in Dharamsala block this.
Now Indians had enough and want Tibetans to get out and go home!
SUMAA students heavily protest Part 1
SUMAA students heavily protest Part 2
Indians and Indian tribal people want Tibetans to go back to Tibet:
Hundreds of Indians want Tibetans out of India. Protests are vowed to continue:
Indian SUMAA leaders demanding state government to revoke refugee privileges for Tibetans
And alternative videos:
SUMAA students heavily protest
Indians and Indian tribal people want Tibetans to go back to Tibet:
Hundreds want Tibetans out of India. Protests are vowed to continue:
Heavy protest in the hundreds by Indians for Tibetans to get out of India
christine victor
October 12, 2017
MP Lhagyari could be purposely upset Ms. Zhu so that more peoples, sponsors lost confident towards H.H Dalai Lama and not to support H.H again. Through violently hit Ms Zhu, people whow view this incident could be shock and begin to doubt on H.H Dalai Lama.
CTA have been a habit to settle matters that goes against them by violently strike back. Thus, it is not surprise to see MP Lhagyari behave such barbarian.
October 13, 2017
October 14, 2017
Within the Tibetan communities in India, there is no free speech and how Tibetans insult each other and would even insult foreigners by calling them Chinese agents just because you speak up and this is suppose to silence you. All of this began with the Tibetan CTA. Nonetheless, there are a handful of Tibetans who had enough and they dare to speak the truth and in this case, Tenpa Yarphel speaks against Nechung and veiled statements about the Shugden ban –
And then there are people who would oppose his view by shaving his head. Very silly.
Marco Z
October 15, 2017
Lhagyari Namgyal’s action brings shame to Tibetans and the Dalai Lama, especially as a Member of Parliament (MP). Instead of creating awareness about Tibetan cause and welfare, she is attacking a visitor, who is a student of the Dalai Lama. It is obvious that Lhagyari Namgyal is against the Dalai Lama by attending Rangzen conference in France, and then instead of explaining so that a visitor (Chinese or not) knows more and sympathize with the Tibetan cause and welfare, she pisses a tourist off, especially one that is a student of the Dalai Lama. I think her luxury trip to France to support Tibetan independence is a clear sign that she is disloyal, and is betraying the Dalai Lama’s policy. Read here for more details:
I believe this innocent Chinese woman just wants Tibetans to have peace and unity with the Chinese, because she is Chinese and she is a student of the Dalai Lama. Lhagyari Namgyal should resign and quit the Tibetan government. This act itself would infuriate the Chinese government and create more problems for autonomy (Middle Way policy) that the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan administration have worked very hard to get every Tibetan in exile to support.
Tenzin Choegyal
October 15, 2017
Whether inside the Tibetan territory or abroad, in Amdo, Lhasa Europe or the USA, Tibetan lamas have Chinese disciples. These lamas almost never tell or discuss with their Chinese students about the situation in Tibet. What’s the point to talk about what had happened in Tibet in the past?
The lamas outside of Tibet have many issues to take care of in order to continue the propogation of Tibetan Buddhism, such as their visa, livelihood, maintaining foreign students and sponsors. The lamas in Tibet have to be politically sensitive, especially when it comes to religion and issues related to Tibetans in exile or in Dharamsala to not provoke trouble. These lamas, whether inside or outside of Tibet suffered tremendously, having to rebuild their institutions, monasteries, travelling or living abroad for many years in order to get donation to support their new monasteries in India or rebuilding their monasteries in Tibet.
With all these problems, MP like Lhagyari Namgyal Drolkar didn’t think about how His Holiness the Dalai Lama worked so hard to preserve and promote the most important assets of Tibet – Tibetan Buddhism, travelling non-stop even after His Holiness has retired from his political position, her wish to fight for independence of Tibet, which is against His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s and the Central Tibetan Administration’s policies shows tthat she is not aligned with the Tibetan cause and definitely not worthy to be an MP.
Andrea Keating
October 16, 2017
Watched the video. I must say it takes two to create a fight. It was obvious that the Chinese lady was unhappy about what were displayed. But MP Lhagyari Namgyal Drolkar actually agitated the lady to react. The worst was nothing was being done to calm the situation. It did not reflect well on the Dalai Lama at all… not to mention she is a representative of the governing leaders. What a shame!
Michaela Smith
October 16, 2017
Real refugees vs. Tibetan ‘refugees’. Should India and other countries continue to help Tibetans, the most prosperous ‘refugees’ on earth?
TseLha in Perpignan
October 17, 2017
Wow wow wow Dolkar Lak your holiday is superbe hahaha next time you are come to Paris for meeting against Dalai Lama pls call to me I want to stay nice in the hotel also . I will show to you some nice place in Paris n I also support to rangzen 👍👍👍 Jurchen Kunchok Lak n Chituue Monlam Tharchen Lak n Tethong Wangpo Lak thank you . Bhod Rangzen !! Dalai Lama umaylam is not work .
October 17, 2017
@TseLha – I support to you what you say . Dalai Lama umaylam is not work la . China CCP dog are see to umaylam n think Tibet is weak hahaha weak , have they met to our Khampa !! Xi n Chinese dog meeting in Beijing in 2 day n Tibet is not hope for freedrom yet so why Dalai Lama say umaylam . Dalai Lama wrong to say to this , umaylam is say we are give up for Free Tibet . We must push for to the Rangzen eaven more n fight to China . Lhagyari I support to you to fight to Chinese dog . You r our chittue so must fight to China all the time , sometimes use hands. Gunda is fight to people n they are win 😜 Peaceful Dalai Lama way is not work n now we must take ACTION .BHOE RANGZEN. BHOE GYALO.
Tenzin Yonden
October 17, 2017
@TseLha-la and @Rinzin-la,
From one bhodpa to another, can the two of you stop making us sound like uneducated imbeciles please? There is nothing to be proud of when one of our government representatives engages in fisticuffs. The British Parliament, as well as the Congress in America where so many of our Tibetan brothers and sisters have taken refuge, never degenerate to this level in order to get their point across. Do we want to be like them, or like street dogs brawling? Get into the 21st Century man. Even in the Chinese Congress, the delegates never behave like this when there is a disagreement. Yes, even our enemies have better behavior than us.
And to Chithue Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar-la,
Please control yourself. You are a bhod kyi bhumo and is this how your amala raised you to behave? This is not how our precious Kundun teaches us to deal with difficult matters. If you are not fit for office, please say so and bow out gracefully. Just don’t go on various media and justify your behavior. You do that because you know you did wrong. If your behavior and action was correct, you would not need to explain yourself to anybody. The Chinese lady may not have been right to behave in that way about the exhibition, but she’s just a lay person.
Don’t you think it would have looked worse on HER if you had just let her tear down the exhibit? But you didn’t think that way; you acted from ego, to make yourself look good by defending the exhibit. If you had thought long-term, you would have let her tear down the display and then used that to show how Chinese people don’t support freedom of expression.
You need to think big and stop acting like some kind of drokpa. You represent the Tibetan people and through you, the world sees all of us.
Thank you all for your time and attention in reading this. Tashi delek and peace to you all 🙏
October 17, 2017
October 17, 2017
Everyone knows that Lhagyari Namgyal went to the rangzen meeting in Paris last month. And what is rangzen meeting about?
Opposite of what the Dalai Lama is asking for, autonomy not free Tibet so, what Ms Lhagyari Namgyal did is by attending such a meeting is to PURPOSELY go against the Dalai Lama’s policy of Middle Way/autonomy. This is very OBVIOUS.😱
On top of that she travelled 1st class (all expense paid) flight and hotel to Paris! Wow… where she get all that monet from? Didn’t know “refugess” are so rich and glamorous. I am sure she had good food and went sight seeing as well while purposely attending a meeting with her other PM friends who are also AGAINST THE DALAI LAMA.
It is no secret and it was all published in the fabulous Tibetan media called! See…
See photos of her friends like MP Monlam Tharchin, MP Juchen Konchok and Former MP Tethong Wangpo. They were there enjoying Paris too and having their anti-Dalai Lama rangzen “free Tibet” meeting! Shameful… I guess they are indirectly telling Dalai Lama he can go fly a kite … they don’t really care what he says hu? Samdhong is right… rangzen people are MOST DANGEROUS!
October 17, 2017
Everyone knows that Lhagyari Namgyal went to the rangzen meeting in Paris last month. And what is rangzen meeting about?
Opposite of what the Dalai Lama is asking for, autonomy not free Tibet so, what Ms Lhagyari Namgyal did is by attending such a meeting is to PURPOSELY go against the Dalai Lama’s policy of Middle Way/autonomy. This is very OBVIOUS.😱
On top of that she travelled 1st class (all expense paid) flight and hotel to Paris! Wow… where she get all that monet from? Didn’t know “refugess” are so rich and glamorous. I am sure she had good food and went sight seeing as well while purposely attending a meeting with her other PM friends who are also AGAINST THE DALAI LAMA. 👎👎👎
It is no secret and it was all published in the fabulous Tibetan media called! See the screen capture here…
See photos of her friends like MP Monlam Tharchin, MP Juchen Konchok and Former MP Tethong Wangpo. They were there enjoying Paris too and having their anti-Dalai Lama rangzen “free Tibet” meeting! Shameful… I guess they are indirectly telling Dalai Lama he can go fly a kite … they don’t really care what he says hu? Samdhong is right… rangzen people are MOST DANGEROUS!
October 17, 2017
The truth is there is NO REAL FREEDOM of SPEECH for us Tibetans living under the ruling of the CTA and Dalai Lama. The Tibetan communities in India all sufer this fate and we live in lies and deception of a FAKE DEMOCRACY.
Just watch how Tibetans insult and backstab each other and would even dare insult people they do not know, calling them Chinese dogs/Chinese spies is the only thing they can say and the label they give you the moment you dare to speak up. This is done to shut you up and to indicate to other Tibetans to attack you. In this way they make you the traitor. This is how the Tibetan CTA deals with people they feel are a threat to them.
However, there are a few brave Tibetans who basically had enough of their deception and begin to speak up, to tell the truth. A good example is Tenpa Yarphel who bravely stood up and talked about Nechung and the inconsistency and FAILED prophesies… also the ridiculous heavy reliance on him for everything. Where on earth do you ever see any government relying on “mystical Gods” to help them make state decisions? Even if they did, they would not dare tell anyone because this is 2017 not the medieval times. Just watch –
Then you have the small-minded, sheep like followers, doing very silly things like shaving their hair – like WOW big deal, to protest on Tenpa Yarphel. Lololol. Ridiculous!
October 17, 2017
Chokyong Nechung is wrong! Nechung in this video said that Dalai Lama is going back to China and that was five years ago? What happened? Why are we even listening to him ever again. He always make mistakes. 😱
October 17, 2017
Question to Tibetan exile government, Central Tibetan Administration – CTA: Hey this Geshe Dorje interprets Nechung’s prophecy saying the Dalai Lama will go back to Tibet five years ago, but look, Dalai Lama still cannot go back. Watch…
Not only that, there is still NO sign of even creating a good relationship for a chance to go back! So we are all stuck and still nowhere near going back to Tibet. So why on earth are we still listening to this spirit Nechung who always makes mistakes and give wrong prophecies? Nechung even killed the 13th Dalai Lama by giving him the wrong medicine. So WHY are we still listening to him for? Why are we Buddhist following what a spirit says? If we can follow Nechung spirit so why condemn Dogyal? This is weird and wrong!
Celia Celia
October 18, 2017
Tibetan refugees are the most prosperous refugees on earth due to the kindness of the Dalai Lama. Ministers of the CTA have taken advantage of this kindness for their own benefit and not for the welfare of their own community. What a shame!
Pema Schneider
October 19, 2017
Lobsang Sangay at Golden Jubilee Celebration of Tibetan Settlement Office, Dharamsala:
Losang Sangay said recently (October, 2017) in Dharamsala that Tibetans have two enemies: the outer and inner enemy. The outer enemy is the Chinese government and Dorje Shugden people. The inner enemy is the people who speak against about our Tibetan affairs like regional differences and religious differences. (He didn’t say this directly but he means people like Tenpa Yarphel who spoke up in the Parliament) He said out of the two enemies, the worse one is inner enemies.
Now the Tibetans have started a new Facebook page specifically against Tenpa Yarphel. Tibetans are protesting against him:
And there is a video of Tibetans with Tenpa Yarphel’s name on the paper against him and asking him to resign:
October 19, 2017
His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a a dedicated advocate for the principles of democracy. In September 2017 , Tibetans in India celebrates 57 years since the establishment of the democratic path in the running of the Tibetan people’s political system. Sadly, it’s all lip service.
Look at the recent incident of MP Tenpa Yarphel speaking up. Tenpa Yarphel has the right to speak and express his opinion, especially because he is a representative of the people, a Member of Parliament. Instead, he was criticized for issuing irresponsible statements, watch this video here:
What is absurd is that there are even people protesting against his opinion, and shaving their hair in protest:
It’s funny that he was accused of being sectarian, but the truth of the matter is, because of Nechung, Dorje Shugden practitioners were segregated, discriminated and ostracized from the Tibetan community in general all around the world. I guess this MP is sick of seeing the separation and had to speak up for the unity of the Tibetan people in exile. What do you think?
October 19, 2017
This is ridiculous beyond measure ! Why does this Tibetan parliamentarian keep coming up in the news and for negative reasons as well. As a member of parliament, she sure does not know how to represent her office well especially in the face of opposition. I am sorry but it shows very badly on the quality of the Tibetan leadership. Furthermore, she advocates rangzen when the majority speaks of Umaylam as in accordance with the Dalai Lama’s wishes.
Here, she acts just like an ordinary street ruffian who just resort to violence when she fails to convince her detractor. To the Chinese, it shows clearly that the Tibetans are unable to govern themselves and when such examples are presented in the news, how can any Tibetan wonder why dialogue with China has failed to reach a conclusion. Its a pity because very few Tibetans would see the situation on this level because very few are exposed to the world to get what I am saying here. Serious reforms are much needed.

October 19, 2017
Here is Parliamentarian Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar at it again. Didn’t she just traveled to Paris last month for a rangzen meeting to challenge the Dalai Lama’s policy of Middle Way or self-autonomy.
I am very sure she was on an all expense paid, first class flight to Paris, France while enjoying luxurious hotel accommodations, good restaurants, prime tourist destinations and the main purpose is to participate in a rangzen meeting with her other MP friends. The funny thing was that it was all published in the Tibetan media –
There were photos of parliamentarian Monlam Tharchin and Juchen Konchok as well as Former parliamentarian Tethong Wangpo and they all went on a luxury trip to France for their anti-Dalai Lama Rangzen independence meeting. That not good at all…

October 19, 2017
Here is Parliamentarian Ms. Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar at it again. Didn’t she just traveled to Paris last month for a rangzen meeting to challenge the Dalai Lama’s policy of Middle Way or self-autonomy.
I am very sure she was on an all expense paid, first class flight to Paris, France while enjoying luxurious hotel accommodations, good restaurants, prime tourist destinations and the main purpose is to participate in a rangzen meeting with her other MP friends. The funny thing was that it was all published in the Tibetan media –
There were photos of parliamentarian Monlam Tharchin and Juchen Konchok as well as Former parliamentarian Tethong Wangpo and they all went on a luxury trip to France for their anti-Dalai Lama Rangzen independence meeting. That not good at all…

Lukar Jam supporter
October 19, 2017
Nechung oracle is not reliable. His predictions not come true.
He didn’t help when british in tibet in 1904. he gave wrong medicine to 13th dalai lama which caused His holiness’s death. he said in the past Tibetans going back to Tibet. In 2009, this Geshe Dorje read out what Nechung oracle said. How many years passed, negotiation talk never resume after Lobsang Sangay become Sikyong. Why we still believe Nechung?