Dorje Shugden – An Illustrated Story

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Now, everyone can travel back in time to learn how an Incomparable Lama arose to become an Uncommon Protector.

Dedicated, talented artists and producers have invested many days and nights to bring this creation to life.

Whether you are a senior practitioner or new, an adult or a child, you will discover the true beauty of this epic tale, narrated for everyone’s listening pleasure.

Turn up the volume and listen closely.

Here begins your illustrated experience with Dorje Shugden.

* Best viewed in fullscreen

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  1. This is indeed the definitive account of Dorje Shugden. Everything we need to know about Dorje Shugden, from his lineage to the practice of this uncommon Protector, is in this video. A lot of hard work has gone into the production of this video and I would like to express my gratitude to all those involved. The illustrator is very good and is able to portray clearly the essential elements that are crucial to the understanding of how Dorje Shugden came into being. As the French say “chapeau!”(hats off to him!).

  2. Wow! I love several scenes in the video like the scene of Lama Tsongkhapa giving teachings to an assembly of monks in a giant prayer hall. It kinda evoked a very warm feeling and wondered how Lama Tsongkhapa looked like in real life. I wondered where have all the monks during Lama Tsongkhapa have incarnated to. I am pretty sure that many of these monks are highly attained and have control over their rebirth. I heard from some monks heard that high Lamas would joke that taking rebirth in Tushita would not be easy getaway from Samsara as Lama Tsongkhapa would urge his followers to take rebirth in order to benefit others.

  3. How wonderful, the first ever illustrated story of Dorje Shugden in the World!!! Kudos to the people working on this site and the people who are involved in the project. This is due to the pure dedication and sheer determination to promote Dorje Shugden to the young and old. Thanks a million. The story of Dorje Shugden is easily understandable and accessible to many more. What a clever and skillful way to spread Dorje Shugden. May you who are involved in this have long and healthy lives to benefit numberless beings.

    I am so touched by your efforts and kindness …..

  4. This video is amazing!

    I showed it to one of my friends today whom I was trying to explain who Dorje Shugden is, his lineage etc and this video helped me SO MUCH.

    It was easy to explain things after watching the video. Sometimes when we speak it could be a little messy and rather patchy. She came round and after watching the video she came up with lots of question to then I helped filled in the gaps.



  5. How many ways can there be to promote Dorje Shugden? Well, DS.COM has certainly been churning out educational and promotional materials in such innovative and creative ways, professional looking, non-biased messages on a regular basis…with the most comprehensive, easy to understand Starter Kit for beginners, brochures, now an incredible illustrated cartoon and wall papers!

    And everything is made available to us freely. How we can repay the kindness of the people behind this website as well as our Protector is to use these materials and made it known to our friends and via other related websites.

    Let’s get busy!




  7. never stop to amaze me. Apart from providing the platform of interesting updates (not forgetting the big news of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen’s reincarnation, Gaden Trisur switch camp joining Shar Gaden etc), brochures download, and now the illustrated comic!

    Thank you team. You guys are really doing a lot to ensure the spread & awareness of King protector Dorje Shugden!

  8. I am truly amazed of what the TEAM can do in such a short period of time…….for giving us this 1st ever audio visual creation of the story on Dorje Shugden
    I rejoice to you guys working behind the scenes, so devoted and sincere and springing surprises like this. I really love the illustrated story with the narration and have listened to it many times. The narrator has a great voice. This illustration concept is easy to understand and remember and even young children can also benefit from it.
    I thank you guys for all the hard work you have put in to promote Dorje Shugden.

  9. Admin has added downloadable wallpapers to the front page! Take a look here

    I am using the 1st one with the illustrated image of Dorje Shugden on my laptop and the other with the Potala on my office PC. Just today, the office administrator asked me about the image and that enabled me to show her this website and introduce her to the Dorje Shugden. Although she is an atheist, the illustrated story sparked her interest to do a spot of research herself.

    Thank you admin!

  10. Dear,

    I am continuously amazed at the amount of effort, expenses, time and devotion you put towards the education of Dorje Shugden’ practice. How can I ever thank you enough and show my deepest appreciations?

    I have never come across such a wonderful illustrated story of Dorje Shugden and with a great voiceover. I am amazed at the work. I just saw it on the homepage and feel so excited. Very inspiring. Not too long and perfect.

    So many people will benefit from this. It will even benefit children also. Watching this holy story on full screen on my computer brings tears to my eyes. Thank you.


    Everyone should watch it here:

  11. This is the best dorje shugden site in the world. The most definitive and contains information from all aspects and even provides links to other related sites. Very fair and very open to pro and against Shugden opinions. It’s mission statement is not for bashing the Dalai Lama which is wonderful.

    This site is really dedicated to spreading dorje shugden to as many people as possible through evidence, proof, logic, debate, forum discussion and education. I rejoice.


  12. It is the purpose of this website to:

    1. Bring attention to the ban by showing views from both sides pro-against Dorje Shugden. Let the readers make up their mind.
    2. To promote the practice of Dorje Shugden and to highlight his practice to the world. As there are many other cyberspaces that highlight Shakyamuni/Tsongkapa’s holy teachings, but not many to bring Dorje Shugden to others.
    3. By bringing the authenticity of Dorje Shugden/practice/lineage to the world, it automatically highlights the great lineage lamas under attack at this time. When people gain faith/confidence in the lineage lamas, naturally as a by-product, they will embrace the sacred teachings of Shakyamuni/Tsongkapa. Hence this sacred website automatically leads the practitioners to the authentic teachings of Shakyamuni/Tsongkapa.

    It is not the purpose of this website to:

    1. Be platform for hate messages against the Dalai Lama or any other lama. You may express your views in a polite manner. Whether you like the Dalai Lama or subscribe to some of our views toward his actions is of no consequence to us.
    2. It is not a platform for the views of any centres.
    3. It is not a platform for centers to use it as a platform for their political activities against the Dalai Lama/his actions or any lama/tradition/centres. We respect all forms of Buddhism and all religions.

    This website is PRIVATE CYBER DOMAIN. It is up to the webmaster and our team to follow the views we adhere to from day one of this website’s inception. If you find it ‘extreme’ or not to your liking, then it is up to you not to participate. But we do not need your constant criticism of our views. I repeat, this is a private space and you are a guest.

    We will post any information as and when we like and we do not need anyone’s approval nor disapproval. If you do not like some of the information, then you need not comment and proceed to what you like.

    We are gracious enough to offer a platform for your views although we may not always agree/subscribe to it, but keep your views polite and moderate your speech. Since we are able to offer you a space to share your views, you should appreciate this space where we share our views.

    We have been a platform for anyone who wishes to know more of Dorje Shugden which will enhance their practices of Buddha’s teachings. We have worked hard and long hours. We have spent much resources. We are committed. So I think you should look for the many good points in our efforts and works manifested in this website instead of faults.


  13. It is our true hope by understanding Dorje Shugden better, it removes the ‘faults’ of the lineage lamas. By the lineage lamas having no faults as wrongly described by the TGIE, people will gain faith in them and congregate to them for teachings. This is our hope. What prevents people from going to these lineage lamas is that they practice/teach Dorje Shugden. So if Dorje Shugden’s practice is made clear, it will exonerate the holy lineage lamas. Then people will not criticize the lineage lamas. The lineage lamas alive today will not be seen as deviant, hence many will flock to recieve teachings from them. Far from being deviant, the lineage lamas are perfect vessels of BuddhaDharma. This website definitely promotes BuddhaDharma via Dorje Shugden.

    We are very happy you can make Dorje Shugden well known in the world as it will definitely help the Lineage of Tsongkapa expand in this degenerate age.


  14. Why must Nechung come as a White Dove to Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen to appeal to him to manifest as a Dharma Protector to guard Je Tsongkapa’s teachings so that his deciples and descending students can use it again to spread the teachings to the world. It is because Nechung is a worldly being and cannot manifest in the form of an enlightened Protector. As a Dharma Protector they must have wrathful energy to protect. So Duldzin has to be strangled with Boddhicitta motivation to show his wrath and became Dorje Shugden.

  15. Who is this Dorje shugden?????

  16. To the creators of the website,
    I wanted to say thank you very much for making such a beautiful video. I was having a lot of difficulty introducing the stories of the dharma to my children and especially the concept and practice of the Dharmapala, but this has been a tremendous help and they have loved it! Jason, who is 8, has watched it several times and is even starting to memorise dialogue from the video. My daughter who is younger, at 5, used to be very frightened of the images of Dharma protectors, but this has helped her understand it much more. It has helped them to relate very well to the practice and they have a lot less fear around my statues and images now. Thank you for making it accessible and I applaud what you are doing for the dharma. Please continue what you are doing and I hope there will be more from you.

    Best regards,
    Margaret from Manchester


    Thanks to teams for making it happened!

    To present the first illustrated story of Dorje Shugden. With this video, it’s very much easy to understand and know who is Dorje Shugden and His lineage.
    I pray….with this video, it may continue to benefit people from all over the world.

    May DS bless all of us….so that we may continue to spread the doctrine of Lama Tsongkapa.

  18. congradulation

  19. Congratulation

  20. I want to say something to the Dalai Lama.. If u r really fighting for the liberation of of the people of Tibet, why you only incite those innocent people in such a way that they are even ready for self immolation? why?? why are you living in abroad rather than living in Tibet??? Pls leave the cultivation of dollar and if you bold, courageous and patriotic leader and doing something for the liberation of the innocent people then go back to Tibet, eat same thing what the poor eat and stay in the same hut where the poor live..if not pls leave orchestrating drama and stop people from killing themselves…. I dont really like the politics just for the sake of politics…

  21. proud to be tibetan

  22. proud to b tebitan

  23. i want to learn more about the dharma

  24. tooooooooooooo nice jok yar……..

  25. EX

  26. KB

  27. CH

  28. FO

  29. EE

  30. ZK

  31. QP

  32. TO

  33. DH

  34. KR

  35. GN

  36. Thank you team for all efforts in making this wonderful video. By watching the video, one will be able to have a better understanding of who Dorje Shugden was. Further , it also clearly explained Dorje Shugden’s role as and enlightened Dharma Protector in Dharma practice. May continued to produce more videos relating to Dorje Shugden to enable this beneficial practice to flourish for the benefits of all in this degenerating era.

  37. A dharma friend of mine gave me a book on Dharma protector practice. I read it many times but I could not grasp the idea on relying on one. As I was watching this short video, my seven years old nephew immediately took interest in the story and asking a lot of questions.Thank you so much for the team who produce this short awesome video in explaining the origin of this enlightened dharma protector and it’s practice. It was so well presented that even a seven years old kid of no dharma background could immediately arouse his interest. Kudos ! Keep up with the good work!

  38. XF

  39. What do you people know.

    You woudnt reconize him if he stood before you.

    You would probably as most people do jail him and kill him.

    You woudnt reconize anyone from any real fakes everywhere fakes even in tibet.
    They call themselfs awarre.
    Anyone can be trained to leed chi chi dont make you wise.
    But understandng who has it in this lost world where their imaginations are all fake.

    Westerners are hopless case.
    Buddhists are hopeless.
    Asians are hopless.
    You humans are all hopeless.

  40. There exist no such thing as swift rebirth.
    I know liers by their words that carry earth.
    There is no such thing as mind direction in death or state in bardo.
    I Can tell miles away who made it trough reincarnation.
    Dalai lama is a lier.
    Not only is he a lier he does not protect dharma.
    There is many reason to fail reincarnation i will not in on all of them now.
    Look at the world man kills man, man kills animal man kill child, nation kill nation, brother kill brother.
    I Have seen the end of earth.
    If you dont fight for earth you dont stand for anything.
    I Have seen trough many lifetimes how humans kill eachother for false ideals.
    Today they are destroying earth becouse of false knowledge and poisening it and turning it to a prison and hell that will be worse than hell and you will be reborn into it over and over again.
    Earth is not meant to be a prison it is classroom for your soul and spirit to grow.
    For what Ignorance chasing fire chasing illusion.
    You masters know forgivness if in you must be in earth aswell.
    Or you have never connected to dharma or seen the nature of the trees and all alive with the spirits forgivness. And i dont bealive you becouse it is impossible you have never had light in bau hui to see the light.
    Or stupidity has no limit.
    There is spirritual forces that will destroy this earth if you do not repent and stop killing eachother over your false ideals your false borders your false economic scams .
    For thousend of years i have seen you people kill eachother.
    And still today you have learned nothing.
    I Was given the karma of a dragon to spitt on fire on you all and protect dharma.
    You cannot come and say later i did not warn you when you will stand in your trouble of your own making and cannto turn back.
    Dont make yourself a victim of a weak mind and others crime.
    Stop crime before it makes you a victim of ignroance.
    The world today is wery passive to protect the true values of the golden path and the white path and the red path.
    Passivity is a crime and bealive me you humans do not want to pay the price.
    And please i dont have hat but a simple simple cloth the westerners call bandana.
    My tounge is harsh like a whip but my heart is soft.
    Becouse i care for you DONT YOU PEOPLE UNDERSTAND .
    Everything has its time.
    I Use to be a daoist immortal in china also.
    I Was told in heaven to briong sword to earth as i kneel infront of the high spirit .,
    I Was shown my karma in hell.
    People will not reconize me no matter where i go.
    Today everybody is ignorant and there lives no wisdome in their hearts anymore.
    Iam wery sad angry is not the right word.
    Blessed be the teachers the gurus the healers the truth seekers.
    Listen to your heart but dont let wickedness and strive dwell in it.
    Give up for heaven give up for earth give up for dharma.
    Take refuge in all compassionate and pure.
    This hungry ghists have damadged the body and prosecute me since early age.
    I Have no forgivness for them anymore becouse everything has its time .
    Everything has its nature.
    Everything has its logic.
    Everything has its price.
    Everything but that wich is most pure and true.
    Iam sad and lonely even though people want to fallow me i dont want fallowers.
    But listen to my words and change.
    While you have time.
    Blessed be all sentinent beeings

  41. A very interesting and easy to understand read about the World Peace protector, Dorje Shugden. The art works are intriguing and bring out the essence of the story sufficiently. I like the part where attendants of HHDL the 5th plotted against Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen and the numerous attempt tom assassinate Him. It is very vivid.

  42. This is a really beneficial video with very good information and beautifully presented. is such a good learning platform and we can learn effortlessly with such a complete presentation!

    May the ban on Dorje Shugden be removed swiflty!

  43. H.h.14th dalai lama knows shugden’s reincarnation is here amongst us as a human n hs admittd personally 2 dorji shugden via his dream last year in 3rd week of feb dt dorji shugden is evil no more, n shugden wants 2 oblige he has heard his holiness. The name of shugden’s reincarnation is d same as dt of d great 5th dalai lama’s during d assasination of shugden’s previous life drakpa gyaltsen call it coincidence or rinpoche prophecised dt a dalai lama in d 20th century will liv fr 113 yrs n as destiny wld act as a reminder,drakpa’s incarnation living today hd been born in d tibetan gyalrab era 2113 i.e.1987 bc so his holiness tenzing gyatso is destined 2 liv 113 yrs n i pray 2 him long life n may he get his throne in lhasa b4 he passes away in ds lyf………buh 4 dt 2 hpn his holiness has 2 publicly announce wt he hd conveyed 2 shugden last february n den der will b no shugden rituals or prayers dt wld harm him n his health ……untill n unless dorji shugden dont 4giv truly tibet will remain cursed so his holiness i want 2 convey dis msg dt der is sm

  44. Informative. Fun. Simple. Good way to reach a lot of people across the board. is achieving what they have set out to do i.e. dispense information for knowledge and wisdom. May all obstacles be removed for to continue their work.

    May the ban be lifted and harmony and peace prevail for all.

  45. केहि जनकारी दोर्जे स्युगदेन बारेमा।
    16औ शताब्दी तिर को कथा हो, जुन बेला दालाई लामा ज्यू 5औ औतर थियो त्यो बेलाको ईतिहस नै विवादित छ। र अहिले सन्दर्भ दोर्जे स्युगदेन कहिले उत्पन्न भयो भन्दा त्यहि 16औ शताब्दीमा पाचौ दालाई लामा को बेला देखि उत्पन्न भएको हो। ईतिहसको भनाइ मा त्यो बेला डक्पा ग्याल्छेन भन्ने गेलुक सम्प्रदाय को विद्धन भिक्षु थियो, त्योत्यो भिक्षु र दालाई लामा बिच सम्बन्ध ठीक नरहेको एक इतिहासको भनाई छ। ठीक बेठिक ईतिहस नै विवादित देखिन्छ। तर त्यो भिक्षु केहि कराण मर्‍यो र मरे पछि भूत भयो भनेर दालाई लामा ले अनेक किसिमको पुजा ध्यान गरे पनि केहि हुन सकेन तसर्थ गेलुगपाको सुङमा बन्ने जागृत भईसकेको अवस्था थियो तर गेलुग कुनै पनि रिन्पोछे हरुले वास्ता नगरे पछि सक्याको गुम्बा मा पुगि सक्या कुङगा ग्याल्छेन समु प्रस्थान गरि धेरै जााचबुझ गरि कुङ्गा ग्याल्छेन ले एउटा शक्ति शाली दोर्जे उठाउन लगायो त्यो दोर्जेलाई एक हातले उचाले पछि उसको नाम नै दोर्जे स्युगदेन अर्थात दोर्जे बलवान नामकरण गरेर विधिअनुसार सुङमा बनाएको हो। त्यसैले ईतिहासमा दोर्जे स्युगदेन र सक्यापाको सम्बन्ध रहेको पुष्टि छ।
    तसर्थ पाचौ दालाई लामा ले विबिध पुजा गरे पनि केहि गर्न नसके पछि दोर्जे स्युगदेनको चरित्र हत्या गराउने उद्देश्यले:
    स्रेष्ठ होईन स्रेष्ठ झै डाक्पा ग्याल्छेन भन्ने।
    मिथ्या प्रार्थी भूतप्रेत रुपिले। धर्म र प्राणी सबैलाई अपघात हिंसा गरिन्छ।
    शरणमा जाने नगर धुलो झै हराउने गर।
    भन्ने चरित्र हत्या गर्ने प्रवचन दिनु भएको थियो, तर चरित्र हत्या होईन अर्ति-उपदेश भन्ने.गरिन्छ तर आज यहि कुरा ले दोर्जे स्युगदेन को हेतु मिथ्या प्रार्थना, भुतप्रेतको स्वभाव , सर्व प्राणीलाई हिंसा गरिने क्रिया भनेर प्रचार प्रसार गरिरहेको छ।
    तर दोर्जे स्युगदेन यस्तो केहि होईन दोर्जे स्युगदेन गेलुक्पाको सुङमा हो। कुल देवता हो। दालाई लामा ज्यू ले पाचौ औतरमा जे भने त्यो पाचौ औतर कै अन्त तिर दोर्जे स्युगदेन सुङमा हो रहेछ मैले गल्ती गरेछन्, प्रायश्चित स्वरुप उहाले दोर्जे स्युगदेन लाई सोलदेव हरु रचना गरिएको प्रमाण अहिले पनि छ। र विशेष गरि स्वयम्भु भगवान पाँउ छेउमा फेल्गेलिङ गुम्बा भित्र पाचौ दालाई लामा आफ्नै हस्ताक्षर भएको दोर्जे स्युगदेनको मुर्ति अझैं हाम्रो आखाले देख्न सकिने प्रमाण पनि छ।
    दालाई लामाको 14औ औतर 1933 मा जन्म भएको हो र उहाँले पनि सानै देखि 1978 सम्म दोर्जे स्युगदेन मान्दै आएको हो तर 1978 पछि राजनीतिक लेनदेनजस्ता गतिविधि हो या अन्य कारण हो।
    यो औतर मै लखभख 50 वर्ष जति मान्दै आएको दोर्जे स्युगदेन लाई परित्याग मात्रै होईन प्रतिबन्ध गरिने कदम चलाउनु भयो। धेरै कडा कदम चालायो तर बिडम्बना सफल भएन र यो विषयले राजनितिक करण हुन पुगेको छ त्यसैले विदेशमा नारा बाजी हुदै छ भईरहेको छ। अब दोर्जे स्युगदेन दालाई लामाले भने जस्तो भुतप्रेत केहि होईन , दालाई लामा को मह गुरु क्याव्जे ठिज्याङ रिन्पोछे ले धेरै प्रवचन र कृति हरु रचना गरेको छ।
    दालाई लामा को गुरु ले ।
    यसको पुरा कहानी साथ व्याख्यामा
    चोङखापाको शिष्या दुलजिन डक्पा ग्यल्छेन नै दोर्जे स्युगदेन बनेर सुङमा भएको हो भनेर भन्नु भएको छ।
    हुन त यो दोर्जे स्युगदेन 16 औ शताब्दीमा उत्पन्न भएको हो र विवादित ईतिहास भएको हुदा आज २१औ शताब्दी सम्म पनि विवाद नै देखियो, र धेरै सम्प्रदाय को गुरुहरूले दालाई लामा को आज्ञकारी स्वरुप प्रतिबन्ध र निषेध गरिएको हो। तर ईतिहासमा सक्यापा र गेलु्कपाको सद् गुरु हरुले मानेका इतिहाँस साझी छ र अहिले कसैले प्रतिबन्ध गरिरहेका छन् भने अझै धेरै गेलुक्पाको सद् गुरुहरुले मानीरहेको छ। मान्ने गुम्बा भारत, नेपाल विशेष गरि तिब्बतमा धेरै संख्यामा रहेको छ। अब ईतिहस के कस्तो भन्ने तर्क गर्नु र स्युगदेन यो त्यो भन्नु सबै आ-आफ्नो गुरुलाई विश्वास मा लिएको वास्तविक भएको कारण यसलाई तर्क वितर्क गरि विवाद बढाउने र प्रतिबन्ध र निषेधित कदम चाल्नु यसको परिणाम ले कसैको हित हुने छैन। त्यसैले दुईहात जोडी विनम्र साथ यो विवादित विषय चर्काउनु भन्दा मौन राखी स्वतन्त्रता साथ शान्ति सद्भाव तिर विचार गर्नु नै हामी सबैको हितमा हुने छ। यहि अपिल प्रकट गर्दा छु।
    हेर्नुस् कति सद्भाव छ, कति शान्ति छ। तपाई नमाने नमान्नु तर हामी मान्नेलाई त मान्न दिनु पर्यो नि, किन हामीलाई स्वतन्त्रता छैन? ? हाम्रो स्वतन्त्रता लाई निषेध गरिने? ? कस्तो बिडम्बना ।

  46. Fantastic video. Just watched this again for the umpteenth time and it hasnt lost its appeal. Clear, concise and very easy to follow for those of us too lazy to read the FREE comic book haha

    Thanks again Ive been coming to this website for many years and it never ceases to amaze me how much information youve provided free of charge to those of us lost and without a guide. This website has done so much to educate people all around the world about Dorje Shugden and in times of doubt, your website always puts our minds at ease.

  47. This is great for people who do not like to read. The essence of the story is there and the narrator made it more interesting. Love the simple artwork. It did not distract from the storyline. Great job to all for this video.

    This is actually full of information of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s compassion for telling the murderers how he could be killed and his agreeing to be a Dharma Protector.

  48. It is good to have bilingual transcription so that there are more people understand the whole story especially from China, Taiwan and etc.

    Thank you for sharing hhis is nice and interesting video about Dorje Shugden.

  49. 👍Beautifully told

    👏 Artistically illustrated

    🙏 A video that all can relate to.

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.…Instead of turning away people who practise Dorje Shugden, we should be kind to them. Give them logic and wisdom without fear, then in time they give up the ‘wrong’ practice. Actually Shugden practitioners are not doing anything wrong. But hypothetically, if they are, wouldn’t it be more Buddhistic to be accepting? So those who have views against Dorje Shugden should contemplate this. Those practicing Dorje Shugden should forbear with extreme patience, fortitude and keep your commitments. The time will come as predicted that Dorje Shugden’s practice and it’s terrific quick benefits will be embraced by the world and it will be a practice of many beings.

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